Legendary Hero

Chapter 556 Abyss Lord (2) (2/3)

There is a specially-made city wall around the red eagle sentry post. It is not made of real objects, but is composed of magic barriers.

When the commander issued the defense order, the magicians stationed in the sentry immediately activated the city wall.

"Buzzing buzzing" sounded repeatedly, and a light wall with a height of 20 meters and a width of 10 meters floated on the ground around the sentry post.

The function of this wall is almost similar to that of a solid city wall. Soldiers can climb up to fight, and can use it to resist the attacks of demons, because it is composed of condensed magic power, and because it is composed of magic crystals, its magic power level is as high as 46, which has almost reached the outside world. the limit of things. And this thing is still of the light attribute, which has a strong lethality against dark creatures.

Since the establishment of this magical city wall, it has never been broken through by the dark army.

After the magic wall was activated, the soldiers climbed up immediately, and the shield warriors, musketeers, and magicians all took their positions.

Scarface and Kritov also found their own positions. Kritov belonged to Scarface's team, and the two defended in the same position.

"Remember not to be brave for a while!" Scarface whispered, he felt very good about this young man, but he didn't want him to die so soon.

"I remember." Kritov nodded almost subconsciously, his attention was completely attracted by the dark army under the mountain where the sentry post was located, his eyes unconsciously revealed the color of fear, because he found He has already rushed out of the five-headed war demon, which is the first time in his opinion.

Apparently, this was the first time for Scarface. His eyes were fixed on the mountain, his teeth were clenched, and his voice squeezed out through the gaps between his teeth: "Damn, why are there so many War Demons? Could it be that a legion has come?"

Other fighters were also talking about it, and the high-level demon arms that appeared one after another from the forest made everyone feel uneasy and nervous.

Although I don't know the devil's intentions, but this time the opposite feels very different, just like. . . . . . It's like preparing to destroy the sentry post in one go.

"Is the devil crazy?"

"Do they want to fight us decisively?"

"Does Mozaren know about our news? Will we have support?"

All kinds of speculations aggravated the tension of the soldiers. Every soldier's eyes were fixed on the demons that kept appearing, for fear that the opponent would suddenly launch an attack that they would not be able to resist.

Seeing that something was wrong, the commander of the sentry immediately yelled: "Brothers, there is nothing to be afraid of. We have obtained powerful magic equipment, which is just right to deal with these demons!"

These words reassured the soldiers a little. Every soldier held his weapon tightly, and the same was true for Scarface. He held a shield with an intermediate strength technique and an intermediate shield technique. Hide behind a shield.

At this time, this magic shield is his most solid support and his most reliable comrade-in-arms.

At this moment, the heavy footsteps of "boom boom boom" suddenly came from the forest, the ground began to tremble slightly, and there were continuous "click click" sounds of trees breaking, and the sound was getting closer and closer, about ten or so In a matter of seconds, a waist-thick tree suddenly flew out from the ground for more than 30 meters with its roots and mud, and behind the tree, a huge and hideous creature was standing there quietly.

The body of this creature is a bit like a dragon, and its figure is also similar. Standing there, its head is at least 20 meters high, like a hill. It has two demon-like curled horns on its head, and its upper body is less than that of a dragon. A pair of wings, but a pair of arms that are so strong that it is suffocating, holding a large exaggerated long-handled war blade on the arm.

If his dragon-like body can be barely accepted, then the steaming dark aura extending from his head to the long tail is terrifying.

The aura was so strong that when this terrifying demon appeared, the entire sky became dark, and the sun in the sky disappeared, turning into an endless and desperate black curtain.

"It's the power of the field that only legendary powerhouses have!" The commander was taken aback. He is a sword master. Of course, the power was achieved by alchemy medicine, but this did not prevent him from perceiving the strength of his opponent.

The intensity of the opponent's strength is very high, much higher than his. As soon as he appeared, even he felt an abyssal power like the abyss like the sea, not only concentrated, but also endless.

'What kind of demon is this? ’ The commander was taken aback. He has been fighting for many years. He is familiar with all the demon races of the Dark Legion, but he has never seen such a terrifying guy.

Facing such a strong man, he had a faint premonition that if he confronted this guy head-on, he probably wouldn't be able to beat his opponent's move.

Indeed, there is no essential difference in their magic levels, but the opponent's strength and the scale of the magic in his body can crush him, and he has no chance of victory.

At this time, a large group of demons had gathered outside the forest, at least 30% were high-level demons, there were twenty war demons, dwarves, flo demons, succubi, etc., and there were countless more. , the number of demons in front of Red Eagle sentry is at least 800 or more.

Without that big man, this number of demons would not be enough to capture the Red Eagle sentry post, because no demon can break through the magic power, but now that there is one more terrifying demon of unknown origin, it is hard to say.

The commander had already prepared for the worst. He called a scout leader not far away. This is a male elf with very good skills, and he is best at hiding his figure.

He whispered: "Orlando, take a few powerful guys and leave now. Report the situation here to White Rock Fortress in detail."

"Yes, Commander!" The elf gave a military salute, turned and left resolutely. Today's situation is very bad, he knows what it means, and also knows what may happen here after he leaves, but he knows even more, to pass the news back here, so that the rear sentries and fortresses can be warned, so as to prepare for the battle in advance Preparation is also very important.

Seeing that the leader of the scouts had left, the commander let go of the burden in his heart. He turned around and raised the sword in his hand and shouted: "Brothers, let these demons taste our strength!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" the soldiers shouted in response, cheering themselves up.

Morale improved slightly.

At this time, the great demon under the sentry took a step forward. He waved the long-handled war blade in his hand a few times at will. Laughter, shouted in the lingua franca of the Allies: "Ants and scum, taste the power of my Blogman!"

Following his words, this guy rushed forward, spanning a distance of 100 meters in an instant. Then, he pointed the long-handled warblade in his hand at the magic wall on the high ground, and saw a purple-black light flashing on the top of the warblade. The brilliance, the brilliance is mixed with the dazzling lightning, and amidst the sound of "blah blah", the brilliance stretched out from the war blade, spanned a distance of seventy or eighty meters, and slammed into the ground at the feet of the soldiers. High magic wall.

"Boom!" The high level 46 magic wall couldn't stop the attack, and a huge hole was blown open. If it weren't for the high strength being composed of independent small pieces, the entire high wall could be collapsed in one fell swoop .

After blasting a hole in the solid high wall, the great demon roared: "My warriors, destroy these ants!"

The demons immediately began to charge and attack, especially the war demons, who charged and roared, even if they were injured, they did not slow down, and their momentum was extremely wild.

The soldiers on the high wall were a little flustered, and the commander had to roar loudly to suppress the commotion: "Hold on! Hold on! Magician, restore the high wall immediately! Brothers, attack, stop these scum!"

Seeing a war demon rushing to the front, he was about to reach a gap in the high wall, so he even jumped down from the high wall and went to snipe himself, while the guards behind hurriedly followed.

"It's just a strong ant!" The war blade in the big devil's hand pointed again, and the target was the commander.

"Huh!" The purple-black lightning came in an instant, and the commander immediately dodged to dodge, but after an instant, he discovered that the attack was locked on his figure, and no matter how fast a person is, it is impossible to be faster than the lightning, so He can't hide, he can only bear it!

He thought so, and did so, but he could control his body, but he couldn't control his own destiny.

"Boom!" With a bang, the commander's body was blown out. The solid magic armor on his body did not save his life. In fact, the armor had been torn apart by the terrifying energy and became tattered. sucks.

The people inside the armor were even more tragic, almost completely scorched, and could not be seen at all. The commander flew more than 30 meters away, fell to the ground like a piece of wood, and rolled over a dozen meters before stopping. down.

Shockingly, the commander who looked so miserable did not die. He struggled to stand up from the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and roared hoarsely: "Brothers, the glory will last forever! Never say never!"

The voice was shrill, and after the yelling, the commander stood motionless on the ground, like a piece of wood, he died, he died standing up.

On the high wall, Scarface roared suddenly: "Kill!"

This man raised his shield and was the first to rush to the break in the high wall. His eyes were bloodshot and he was desperate like a crazy beast.

Kritov behind him was taken aback, remembering that Scarface had always told him not to be a hero, but what is this? But his hesitation lasted only for a moment. The heroic death of the sentry commander also aroused his anger. With a roar, he followed Scarface and rushed towards the fracture.

Right at the crack in the magic wall, the Allied soldiers and the dark soldiers collided together. The confrontation between the light and dark forces reached its peak at this point. The roar, blood, flying stumps, and ramming were like the magic power of a storm. The turbulence erupted in an instant.

Life is being annihilated, and epic glory is forged in this furnace.

Five minutes later, the abyss lord Blogman, who was watching the battle at the back, let out a surprised 'huh'. He found that the weak opponent in his eyes actually blocked his demon army. What's even more strange is that the casualties of both sides were evenly matched. .

"It seems that I underestimated this group of ants. But it doesn't matter, I will deal with you personally!" The abyss lord strode forward.

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