Legendary Hero

Chapter 558: Assassination Plan

To the north, Mozaren Fortress.

The news that the southern guard post was attacked by the abyss lord quickly spread back to the northern fortress. The news of the emergence of more than 30 new demons whose strength is close to demigods and who cannot confront them head-on cast a shadow over the hearts of everyone in the high command. .

The Marshal and the Grand Commanders are not too afraid of the current thirty or so big demons, because they have been proven back that they can be repelled. What is worrying is that since the great demon king Barclay can summon so many great demons, he is likely to summon more. Could it be that he opened the space portal?

This association caused everyone in the high command to be devastated, and a large number of elite scouts and spies were continuously sent to the south, trying to figure out the truth of the matter.

Not to mention the anxiety of the high command, Luo Lin has been living a very leisurely life recently.

Although the War of Light and Darkness was extremely fierce, he has experienced countless battles, including several race wars, such as Troll in the ancient century, the expansion of the Holy Land in the Land of White Mist, and the battle of elves in Nordrassil. It's not much smaller than the current battle of light and darkness. Luo Lin is used to this kind of war, so used to it that he can ignore the pressure of the war.

These days, apart from improving the cloud pattern sword occasionally, he has been with his son and daughter all the time. Of course, the name has already been chosen. The boy is called Nino, which means Son of God, and it also means the son of radiance and blessing. The girl is called Essina, which is the pearl on the moon.

After getting along for a few months, the two little guys have become completely familiar with Luo Lin. Luo Lin is very patient and loves the two little ones to the extreme, so the two little ones like to play around Luo Lin whenever they have nothing to do.

After experiencing all kinds of wars, Luo Lin also enjoyed returning to this peaceful life.

However, he is not an ordinary person. After all, he cannot live the life of an ordinary person for a long time. He has great power. In , he is still the leader of the past.

Early this morning, Luo Lin was walking in the garden of Mage City. Two little guys sat on his broad shoulders, one on the left and one on the right. Because of the novel height change, they danced and giggled happily.

"Father, look there is a golden butterfly." Essina found something interesting on the flower.

With a slight movement of Luo Lin's thoughts, the magic power gushed out, and the butterfly was entangled by a gentle force, and flew to the side of the little mother, flying up and down, making the little thing giggle.

As a boy, Nino should be more silent. When he is having fun, he always likes to put on a little figure of thinking. The serious look on his innocent little face always makes people laugh.

For example, right now, while playing around, Nino's thinking had a 'result', and he said solemnly: "Father, I decided to make a musket out of yellow mud today."

Luo Lin couldn't help laughing, then lightly touched the little thing's soft brown hair, and encouraged him: "Good job, do you need my help?"

"No, father, I want a musket that really belongs to me." Nino said seriously.

"Okay. Let's start now." Rollin reached out and grabbed Nino's back, and lifted him off his shoulders with a smile.

As soon as the little thing landed, he ran towards the place where he usually hid the mud. He had mud of three colors, yellow, cyan, and a red, all of which were his treasures.

"Mud is the dirtiest." Essina pouted, but she didn't want to get off her father's shoulders, so Luo Lin took her for a slow walk in the garden.

Usually, Luo Lin would spend an hour in the garden, and then he would go back to the Mage Tower, give the two little things to the maid, and then start doing some serious work by himself, such as helping Vianna improve her magic knowledge, or making a meteor sword or something .

But today something happened.

The Allied Marshal Horn, who was dressed in normal clothes, and the dragon mage Monros, who was always in a dark red robe, walked over together. The two had serious faces, and they knew that they must have brought some bad news.

Luo Lin was slightly taken aback, the smile on his face remained undiminished, and he waved lightly to the maid who was following him, motioning for her to come over, while he said to his daughter: "Someone is here to find father, I'm afraid it will be very busy, Xiaona Play with your sister by yourself, okay?"

"Yeah." The little girl nodded. She remembered those two people. Every time they went to find their mother, the mother would say that she had something to do, and then she would be very busy, usually staying in the alchemy room of the mage tower all day and all night. Li, now that they came to find their father, it should be the same.

The maid took the little girl away, and another maid looked after Nino from a distance. Luo Lin pointed to a small pavilion in the garden, signaling the three of them to talk there.

Horn and Monrose turned to the pavilion.

After the three sat down, Luo Lin said, "Tell me, what happened?"

Horn sighed and handed a document to Rollins. The document has naturally been unsealed, and there is a crossbow pattern with a dagger as an arrow on the cover. Rowling knows that this is the symbol of the Shadow Blade of the Allied Scout Legion, and this should be the confidential information brought back by the scouts.

He took the document and looked at it. The content of the document was very brief. It was about the situation of the dark fortress in the south. An elf sentry sneaked outside the city of Vendome, and saw a huge magic circle appearing in the city of Vendome through the binoculars. While he was observing, the magic circle opened a dark hole, and then a huge demon walked out of the hole. The sentinel thinks the daemon has found a new way to open the portal.

Luo Lin frowned slightly, this is really bad news.

"In addition, the scouts sent back information. So far, the scouts have discovered 48 big demons of various shapes, and the number is still increasing. These big demons are so powerful that almost no one can confront them. Deal with them , can only use magic guns and artillery for long-range suppression, but even so, it is only suppression, it is difficult to defeat them, let alone kill them." Horn said.

Monrose added: "I saw the corpse of a great demon brought back from the south. After testing, I found that the magic level in this big demon is close to level 49, and its strength, defense, and magic power scale are comparable to those of a mature dragon. .If it's close combat, I have to admit that I'm no match for such a great demon."

Monros is a flame dragon in his prime. His strength is one of the best among all the dragons participating in the battle, and his attack power is even stronger. If he makes such a judgment, then this big demon can be called terrifying.

And there are 48 such terrible big demons, and the number is still increasing, which is really chilling.

Luo Lin fell into deep thought, the big devil, after reading this description, he immediately thought of the abyss lord he met in the abyss, those terrifying giant beasts possessed the top power in the mortal world, and Monrose's judgment was correct , these arch-demons are formidable foes even for the mightiest of dragons.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he asked, "Has the number of ordinary demons increased?"

Horn shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be. After years of fighting, the number of demons has actually been decreasing. The result of the scouts' investigation is that there are still more than 40,000 demons in the entire south, and there is no increase. Their portal this time seems to be only Can teleport powerful demons."

After getting this news, Luo Lin figured it out. He shook his head and said, "It's not that it can, but the transmission efficiency is very low. Teleporting such a big devil is the most effective and the most efficient."

"You mean, the devil has no way to open the stable portal?" Monrose said.

"The fact should be like this. But more and more big demons are indeed very troublesome. The most frightening thing is that once the number of big demons exceeds a limit, when they attack collectively, the huge pressure caused can make any Allied fortress Instant collapse." Luo Lin said.

Horn and Monrose looked at each other and nodded. Monrose said: "This is exactly what we are most worried about. I estimate that as long as the number of such great demons exceeds one hundred, even if all the dragons join the battle, it will be difficult to change the situation of the battle. You know, our adult dragons In fact, there are not many, only thirty, and the young dragon is far from being the opponent of the great demon. In order to prevent such a terrible thing from happening, we thought of a plan."

"Tell me." Luo Lin already had a premonition in his heart.

Horn swallowed his saliva, and said with some difficulty: "We found that these big demons don't like to stay together in groups. They have a strong sense of territory. Although there was no conflict under Barclay's suppression, they are far apart from each other. .So, the high command came up with a... an assassination plan."

To assassinate such a terrifying big demon, and because of going deep into the dark land of the south, the number of people is naturally as small as possible, so it naturally requires extremely strong masters. In terms of masters, the strongest of the allied forces is probably the reclusive former marshal in front of him.

Afraid that Luo Lin would refuse, Monrose hurriedly added: "I will not let you take risks alone. Besides you, I, Howardson the Earth Dragon, the Green Dragon King, and the Storm Dragon King are also members of the Assassins. The five of us cooperate , should be able to kill the big demon in an instant, and at the same time, Horn will let the army go south to press down on the border, attracting part of the attention of the dark army. I think the success rate of the plan is very high."

Luo Lin nodded: "Indeed. So, I agree."

The Dark Legion must be defeated, this is the consensus of the Allies. The dark army must be expelled, otherwise the Lord of Darkness will come. As his enemy hundreds of thousands of years ago, Luo Lin may be in great trouble, so this is what Luo Lin must do.

Now, there are countless soldiers throwing their heads and blood on the front line of the war. Even an eleven-year-old girl, Jasmine, has made a huge sacrifice for the victory of the war. He has tremendous power. Why is there any reason to hide in this mage tower? ?

Now that the Allied Forces need his strength, he will naturally not refuse. For the souls of the mainland, for his own family, and for himself.

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