Legendary Hero

Chapter 559 Barclay's Counterattack

Like the Green Dragon King, the Earth Dragon and the Storm Dragon are the leaders of their respective dragon species, and so is Monros. He holds the power of flames and is the leader of the Fire Dragon.

But except for Monros, who lives in the mage city of Mosaren, the other three powerful, almost demigod dragon kings have their own residences.

When the high command formulated the assassination plan, the Earth Dragon, the Storm Dragon, and the Green Dragon King only communicated with the fortress through the magic circle. The distance between their real bodies and the fortress was actually tens of thousands of miles away.

For example, the Green Dragon King, he is not in the Starlight Continent, but in the Green Dragon Holy Land in the Moonlight Continent.

After the assassination plan was decided, the Green Dragon King immediately prepared to leave. He moved his huge body and began to make final arrangements for the Holy Land.

The Holy Land of the Green Dragon is a huge hidden basin, with an area of ​​one million square kilometers, surrounded by steep mountains, difficult for birds to cross, the basin has good weather, fertile land, criss-cross river network, and green trees, it is a paradise for peace and harmony. general presence.

For tens of thousands of years, the emerald dragon family has multiplied and thrived here, living a life almost isolated from the world.

They seldom communicate with outsiders. This time the dark army invaded, the green dragon dispatched most of the people to join the allied army, which was the biggest movement of the green dragon clan in ten thousand years.

Undoubtedly, this assassination operation is very dangerous, even the powerful Green Dragon King cannot guarantee that he can return to the Holy Land alive.

Therefore, his arrangements for the tribe can almost be said to be arranging for the funeral.

Apart from some trifles, he even appointed the next Green Dragon King. In case he encounters misfortune in the Starlight Continent, the emerald green dragon clan, which can be said to be the oldest branch of the dragon clan, will not fall into chaos and division.

After everything was arranged, the Dragon King spread his wings, rushed into the sky, and flew towards the Starlight Continent in the west at a speed unimaginable by all things.

Everything should have been smooth during the journey, because no mortal creature dared to attack the dragon king, and the green dragon king himself thought so too. For so many years, every time he traveled, he would not care about the thoughts of those weak creatures , because any of their actions meant nothing to him.

So he flew very relaxed and leisurely, as if he was enjoying a rare trip.

To be honest, he hadn't left the Holy Land for thousands of years, and when he came out at this time, the mortal scenes that he had been bored with for a long time gave him a sense of freshness again.

But this time, the situation is a bit unusual.

When the Dragon King left the sky above the Holy Land, flew hundreds of kilometers, entered the sky above the wilderness of the Moonlight Continent, and was flying above a group of white clouds, two huge black shadows suddenly rushed out from the thick cloud group.

This black shadow was under his body, it was huge, not much inferior to him, and it was rushing towards him at an unimaginable speed.

The speed of the black shadows is so fast, and their ability to restrain their magic power is perfect. When the Dragon King found them, they were less than 500 meters away from the Dragon King.

Whether it's for the dragon or the black shadow, with their length of more than fifty meters and their speed as if traveling through lightning, five hundred meters is no different from being right in front of them.

For a human race less than two meters tall, this distance is only equivalent to 20 meters. For a human master, 20 meters is enough to form a lore.

The same is true for masters at the level of giant dragons!

The Dragon King was shocked. He felt Ling Lie's murderous intent. At the same time, he felt the strong dark magic power released by the other party after the burst of power. The level of this magic power was not much inferior to his own.

‘It’s the Great Demon Assassins, they are one step ahead of us! ’ This thought flashed in the Dragon King’s mind, and he began to flap his wings desperately to increase his altitude.

But it was already too late. The opponent rushed out of the cloud at full speed, and the Dragon King's speed just now was not considered fast. He only started to accelerate after discovering the danger. There was a gap in absolute speed between the two sides, and the distance of 500 meters Not enough to make up the speed gap.

Three seconds later, a black shadow rushed under the Dragon King's body. This black shadow was covered in a dense black fog. There were countless lightning flashes in the dense fog, like a dark storm, and his true face could not be seen clearly.

The Dragon King didn't know the opponent's strength, so he chose to dodge, and his body rolled, turning away from the shadow's charging route, trying to avoid the opponent's attack.

If he had only one opponent, he could still continue to deal with it, test it, and possibly win in the end, but there were two opponents, and both had power comparable to his.

The masters of the same level, who can win one-on-one, are warriors. With one-on-two, the difficulty increases geometrically. If you can still win, you can be called a battle master.

Obviously, the Dragon King is not a battle master. In fact, his opponent is the Abyss Lord, who has more skilled fighting skills than him.

The other black shadow seemed to have expected the Dragon King's evasion route long ago. Less than a second after the Dragon King rolled out, he felt his back was hit hard by a huge force, followed by a burst of uncontrollable pain.

He has lived for thousands of years, and he has been in a comfortable state for thousands of years. From birth to now, he has never experienced such intense physical pain. twitch.

Soi Ying succeeded, the opponent temporarily lost the ability to resist, and the two guys immediately started chasing wildly, leaving no respite for the Dragon King at all.

These two guys are lords from the abyss, their lives are full of war and blood, and they have extremely rich combat experience.

The Dragon King desperately struggled and counterattacked in the sky, but every counterattack was easily dodged by the two guys. While dodging, they did not forget to aim for the gap to attack.

What's even more frightening is that the two monsters cooperated with each other very tacitly. One was responsible for seducing the Dragon King's attention, while the other took advantage of the Dragon King's unpreparedness and launched a terrifying attack as quickly as lightning.

Their roles can also be interchanged, and the reality and reality alternate, and the Dragon King has no room to fight back.

With each blow, they can tear off a piece of flesh and blood from the Dragon King's body, and with each blow, they are consuming the Dragon King's power.

This scene doesn't look like an evenly matched opponent fighting for their lives, but rather like a hunter hunting for prey.

The Dragon King rolled and struggled all the way in the sky, and sprinkled blood rain all the way. When his body was less than a kilometer from the ground, he knew in his heart that today was the day when his life would end.

It is true that the Green Dragon King's combat experience is not rich, but the long time has refined his mind. Even in the face of death, after the initial panic, he quickly regained his composure.

After living for thousands of years, he has already seen through life and death.

At the last moment of his life, his whole life flashed in his mind, and various images flashed by, parents, wife, children one by one, and finally fixed on the face of his youngest daughter, Vianna, who had been lost since childhood.

In his whole life, he owed his little daughter the most and wanted to make up for it, but when he found her, she had grown up and lacked everything, so he had already missed the opportunity to make up.

I heard that Vianna has a pair of cute little guys; I heard that the human warrior Luo Lin who deceived her daughter has returned, and brought back a powerful copy magic; god.

On this trip, after joining the assassination operation, he originally wanted to see his little grandson. He originally wanted to meet his daughter's husband, and planned to warn him as a father never to let his daughter down. of.

But now, all of this has become a helpless regret!

'Boom' was another extremely violent impact, almost numb pain came from the dragon's wings, his wing fracture was broken, and he lost the power to fly, and the Dragon King's body fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string go.

At the last moment of his life, the Dragon King uttered a mournful and long dragon chant, which could be heard far away and could be heard for hundreds of miles, startling countless birds in the wilderness woods.

A few seconds later, there was a loud bang, and the Dragon King's body hit the ground like a meteor, and the blood containing strong natural magic splashed all over the ground. In the place where the blood flowed, a tree sprouted in an instant. It grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, but within a minute, it grew into a huge tree.

The two abyss lords also fell to the ground, and the dark electric mist on their bodies slowly disappeared, revealing their true colors.

These two guys look exactly the same, no distinction between each other, they look a bit like the enlarged version of the Griffin, but there is no eagle beak, but ferocious fangs, and a long single horn growing on the head, which is the sky. A sharp weapon for collision.

The two guys looked at the growing tree next to the Dragon King's body, glanced at each other, and laughed strangely.

"This is the so-called dragon king of the emerald green dragon? But that's it, Bai has grown into a good body. I bet, although our journey is the longest, we must be the fastest to complete the task." The lord on the left said.

"Hey hey, we still took advantage. If the opponent also has companions, it's really hard to deal with." The lord on the right should be more modest, they really took advantage of the more fights, but having said that, the fighting power of the Dragon King Not really.

"Over there is the Holy Land of the Green Dragon. Maybe we should go for a walk and let these guys know the power of our Dark Twins. What do you think?"

"No, no, there are too many dragons in the holy land, and we will suffer. Let's go to the elf town and make a good time here. The elves from another continent will definitely come back crying when they know that their homeland has been destroyed. Hehe." The lord on the right was relatively more cautious.

The lord on the left seemed to be used to listening to the other party's advice, shaking his head to express his dissatisfaction, but he still followed the other party's plan: "You are always so cautious, but well, I will listen to you, who told you to come before me?" Ten minutes after birth."

"Let's go then."


The two abyss lords were shrouded in dark electric mist again, and they soared into the air, shooting straight towards the nearest nearby elf town like lightning.

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