Legendary Hero

560 Bad News (1/4)

In the early morning, the terrace of the Vianna Master Tower.

The terrace is not wide, only twenty square meters. At this time, the sun was rising, and the fiery red sunlight spread over every corner of the terrace.

Right here, facing the warm golden sunlight, Luo Lin held the cloud-patterned sword that had been continuously transformed and became almost translucent, practicing the most basic sword skills one move at a time.

It will take some time for the Dragon Kings to arrive. During this time, there is nothing left or right, so Luo Lin took the opportunity to practice sword moves, reminiscing about the artistic conception of walking the world with a sword in the past.

These sword moves couldn't be simpler. Any accomplished warrior on the mainland can demonstrate them freely. Bajiuhui thought this was a beginner in swordsmanship.

But is it so?

There is an old saying on the earth, saying that the road is the simplest. These words can just describe Luo Lin's current state. Although he has practiced the most basic swordsmanship now, his state of mind is completely different when practicing.

When he practiced back then, until he was finally promoted to the Sword Master, he always had the desire to achieve success and victory in his heart. He only wanted sharp and perfect sword moves, and only wanted the simplicity and neatness of one move to win.

It can be said that at that time he was extremely murderous and extremely victorious, and his sword was just a tool, so he was not really extremely capable of swords.

But at this time, he came to practice only to seek the Tao, the ultimate way of the sword.

Every move is so simple that it couldn't be more simple, but if you taste it carefully, it has endless charm. The cloud pattern sword passes through the air without sound, and the light and shadow blend together. His person is integrated with the environment, without distinction between each other.

At this moment, the terrace under the sunshine actually showed a tender scene.

At this time, man is the sword, and the sword is the world. Because it was practice, all murderous intentions were hidden, like thunder hidden in thick clouds, and Luo Lin enjoyed the joyful feeling of controlling infinite power.

Just as he was fascinated, he suddenly heard footsteps in his ears.

The footsteps were light, hasty, and a little messy, and Luo Lin's heart, which was as still as still water, moved slightly: 'It's Vianna who came, what happened, and she was so flustered? What is the big deal? Could it be that something happened to the child? '

As soon as this idea emerged from his mind, Luo Lin's mood immediately rippled. Even though he had gone through countless life-and-death battles, Vianna and his children were still an absolute forbidden zone, like the reverse scale of a dragon, which must be touched angry.

The anger in his heart moved slightly, and murderous intent appeared on the sword immediately. The sword move that was originally just a simple practice suddenly showed a trace of fierceness. The force followed, and the ground of the terrace was immediately pierced by this force, and a transparent crack that was one meter long and as wide as a hair appeared.

That's not all, the opposite side of the terrace is the outer wall of the mage's tower, followed by a soft 'chuckle' sound on the outer wall, a smooth mirror-like plane was cut out by the leaked power, and then the condensed power continued to move forward , It has been rushing for nearly a hundred meters before it no longer condenses, and hits the air, making a muffled thunderous sound of 'Boom Boom Boom'.

The sound woke Luo Lin up and made him recover from the mood of the cloud pattern sword. When he turned his head, Vianna just walked to the edge of the terrace. Tears were in her moon-like eyes. When she saw Luo Lin, she burst into tears. Puchipuchi' flowed out, took a few steps and threw himself into Luo Lin's arms, crying: "My father has an accident."

Hearing this, Luo Lin's heart suddenly loosened. It's not his child, it's fine, but then he tightened again. He knew that Vianna's father was the king of green dragons, and the dragon king was a member of this assassination operation. At this moment, why did something happen to him?

Luo Lin didn't feel sad about the Dragon King's accident. He had never met the Dragon King, let alone had no friendship. It's human nature to be indifferent to his life and death. Rollin felt a little ominous.

"What happened?" Luo Lin patted Vianna's back lightly, soothing her emotions.

"The news... the news came from the elves. They said that there were two big demons raging in the Moonlight Continent, and no one could stop them. Many elf towns were destroyed. My father was attacked by them, The result is... woo woo woo." Vianna cried bitterly.

She didn't spend much time with this father. She met him when she returned to the Moonlight Continent and went to the Green Dragon Sacred Land. In my impression, she was a kind and serene old man. When she saw her, there was deep apology in her eyes. From the other's every move, she could feel the heavy father's love.

But now, he left so suddenly, Vianna didn't have the slightest mental preparation, she just felt that something was missing in her heart, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

Luo Lin fell into deep thought: "I'm afraid Barclay took a step ahead this time. If there are big demons raging in the Moonlight Continent, then the elves in the Starlight Continent will definitely lose their morale and even cause turmoil. The Green Dragon Dragon King was killed. The Green Dragon Legion will also experience turmoil. Both the elves and the Green Dragon Legion are an indispensable force for the Allies. Barclay's move is powerful!"

After trying to understand the situation, Luo Lin also became worried about the Dragon of Storm and the Dragon of Earth. Since Barclay arranged to rob and kill midway, it makes no sense to only target the Green Dragon King, and the other two Dragon Kings may also be in a bad situation.

Just as he was thinking this way, he saw an archmage wearing a dark red robe hurrying over from the balcony. It was Monrose, the leader of the flame dragon. Seeing his anxious face and hurried footsteps, he must have gone out. Urgent.

No, Monrose has a very high status in the flame dragon clan, and his personality has always been stable, but now he looks so urgent, something must have happened. This inference made Luo Lin's heart sink.

At this time, Monrose also saw Rollin. He couldn't wait to walk up from the mage tower, and directly cast a flying spell on himself, hovered to the terrace, and said anxiously: "Something happened. The storm dragon, the green dragon The Dragon King died in battle, and the Earth Dragon was seriously injured, and has returned to the underground dragon cave to recuperate."

Sure enough, Luo Lin's face darkened, and he asked, "Monrose, how is the flame dragon family?"

Monrose was both fortunate and worried: "My family didn't have any accidents, but the three dragon kings had an accident. I'm afraid our assassination..."

"Don't we still have us?" Luo Lin asked.

"Two of us?"

"Yes." Luo Lin nodded, and said, "Moonlight Continent's problem is the most serious, and demons are still raging there. After the news spreads, the morale of the elves and the Green Dragon Army will be greatly affected. This assassination plan starts from these two A demon begins!"

Rollin's will was extremely resolute, Monrose could easily feel this, and he couldn't refute Rollin's words, because the elves and the Green Dragon Army really couldn't afford to lose.

The elves are the best scouts, and the green dragon army is the best healers. With them, the loss of the allies will be at least doubled!

If the Green Dragon Legion withdraws to protect the Holy Land, then the combat power of the Allies will be reduced by at least 30%!

Seeing that Monrose had acquiesced, Luo Lin lowered his head and whispered in Vianna's ear: "Don't worry, the old man will not die in vain. I will make these two demons pay a huge price."

Vianna nodded silently and said, "I'll go with you."

"No, Vianna." Luo Lin held Vianna's delicate face in both hands, staring into her starry eyes: "You have to trust me. You have to stay here, the children cannot live without their mothers."

This time, the opponent was unprecedentedly strong, comparable to the King of Dragons. He would never let Vianna participate, because if she joined the operation, she would be the weakest link and would be attacked by the opponent, which was very, very dangerous.

"But..." Vianna didn't finish her sentence, and was blocked by Luo Lin's kiss. After a long kiss, Luo Lin said seriously: "Wait for me to come back."

Vianna sighed and nodded lightly. She knew Luo Lin's strength and his worries. At this moment, she only hated herself for not being strong enough.

Rollin then turned to look at Monrose: "Let's go."

Monrose nodded, and jumped out of the terrace. When he was in the air, he showed the huge shape of a flame dragon with a wingspan of more than 60 meters. His whole body glowed with a hazy red light, like a burning flame.

When Luo Lin jumped onto the dragon's back, Montross flapped his wings fiercely. Amid the whistling sound of the air, the flame giant dragon shot across the sky of Mosaren Fortress like a fireball, and rushed straight to the Moonlight Continent in the east.

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