Legendary Hero

Chapter 563 Demons and Elves, Dragons and Swordsmen (3) (4/4)

In the sky thousands of meters high, more than a dozen Hippogryph knights roared past at high speed.

The one who walked in the front was Ma Linda. She was a powerful elf arrow god, she could shoot every arrow within 500 meters, and she was a master of continuous arrows.

Her bow is also not simple, it is called "Blessing of Flowers and Green Leaves".

The bow body is made from a branch of a natural mother tree that has grown for more than 800 years. It contains extremely concentrated natural magic power. The magic power level is as high as 49. This magic power forms an extremely terrible poison. Except for the Dragon King of the Emerald Green Dragon and a few strong men, no one can resist the attack of this magic power.

It was because of this bow that Malinda was able to fight against the two demons who had defeated the Green Dragon Dragon King.

"Ms. Malinda, there is Spring Song Lake in front of you... Oh my god, look at the middle of the lake!" A hippogryph knight pointed at the lake center island in the middle of Spring Song Lake and exclaimed.

Quange Lake is very large, with an area of ​​more than 5,000 square kilometers. There is an island in the center of the lake with a radius of two or three miles. There is a very old elf town on the island. The town has a beautiful name that has been around for a long time. It's called 'Song of the Phoenix'.

It is said that in ancient times, when the elves entered the world of Troll from their hometown Nordrassil, they settled on this island in the middle of the lake. Although this small town has undergone countless changes, in a sense, it can be regarded as the home of the elves. The town of beginnings.

But now, two huge demons are wreaking havoc on the island. The exquisite wooden houses are trampled to pieces by the demons. There was a desperate cry.

Some elf sentries tried to stop the demon, but their arrows were too weak, and they couldn't penetrate the scales on the demon's body at all. As long as the elves attacked actively, they would immediately face the demon's counterattack.

Every elf sentinel could escape the demon's attack, and in the short time when Malinda controlled the hippogryph to reach the sky above Phoenix Song Town, all the elf sentinels in the town died.

No one resisted anymore, only the helpless elf was left crying.

"Brothers and sisters, attack!" Ma Linda yelled angrily, and she herself put an arrow on the bow at the same time. It turned green in an instant.

"Die, demon!" Ma Linda yelled, and the arrow turned into a silent green light, shooting at one of the demon's eyes at lightning speed.

She is the god of arrows and has master-level archery skills. At this time, she was angry and shot a demon in the eye with one arrow.

"Roar!" The abyss lord who was shot blinked his eyes at the last moment. The cuticle on his eyelids buffered part of the impact of the arrow for him, but the arrow is too strong, and the remaining force is still enough for it to penetrate. Deep in the eyes, the abyss lord immediately felt great pain.

At first, the pain was caused by the damage of the eyes alone, but soon, the natural magic power on the arrow began to work, and the poison spread rapidly. One staggered, he didn't have one eye to see things, and there was a double image. One of his front legs failed to stand firmly, and he knelt down on the ground.

He was startled, and then he understood, and roared angrily: "Despicable elf, do you think this poison can deal with me? Roar!"

With a roar, a cloud of dark electric mist appeared on the abyss lord, covering his whole body, and then the lord raised his claws, and directly pulled out his injured eyeball.

While he was doing this, another abyss lord from Phoenix Song Town had already risen into the air, and the roar was like thunder: "Ant, you dare to hurt my younger brother, you are really seeking your own death!"

The purple-black electric mist was also wrapped around his body. This mist covered the details of his body and blocked his vitals, greatly reducing the probability of Malinda's vitals.

In fact, Malinda found that she barely had time to attack because the demon was so fast, so much faster than her hippogryph, she couldn't even run.

The other hippogryph knights started to attack one after another. Their archery and bow skills were also very good. Every attack could break through the scales of the abyss lord and hurt his body.

Judging from the muffled sound of the abyss lord, he was not able to carry the hippogryph knight's attack easily, but no matter what, this did not stop the abyss lord from chasing Malinda.

Ma Linda quickly judged that she was definitely not the opponent of the abyss lord in the air. She decisively controlled the hippogryph to descend, and was going to use the terrain of the town to delay the opponent's attack, and at the same time gain an attack opportunity for herself.

Just when she landed below the height of the trees in Phoenix Song Township, the demon on the ground let out a roar, and then he stood up straight again, and started to charge towards Malinda.

"Your poison is good, it made me dizzy a bit, but that's all. There's so little natural mana on your weapon, I spit out more mana than that, hehe!"

The speed of the abyss lord's charge was getting faster and faster. In the end, he was almost on a rampage, and there was no sign of injury at all.

There was also a whistling sound behind him. It was another abyss lord, who was also rapidly approaching.

Malinda knew very well that she and her hippogryph could not withstand any blow from the opponent and could only run away. She lowered her body to minimize the wind resistance, touched the hippogryph's neck with her hand, and commanded the hippogryph to move in front of the phoenix. Shuttle at high speed between the giant trees and some ancient stone ruins in Song Town.

There was a loud 'boom boom boom' sound from behind, it was the sound of the chasing abyss lord crashing into the buildings of the town. For the huge abyss lord, everything in the town is as fragile as building blocks, even those huge stone pillars everywhere are vulnerable, they do not dodge at all, just to catch this one The elves who are the greatest threat to them.

The loud noise was getting closer and closer, and Ma Linda became more and more nervous. Her heart was beating wildly. Because of the high-speed flight, her ears were buzzing by the wind, and her eyes could hardly be opened. The windproof mask has long since fallen out of nowhere, and her face hurts from the wind.

She didn't dare to look back, for fear that what she was facing was the giant hand of the abyss lord.

After flying for another five seconds, a stone obelisk suddenly appeared in front of it. This is an ancient relic. The obelisk is very tall. The side of the square base below is 30 meters long and more than 80 meters high. It's like a tower.

Malinda rushed over desperately, and walked around the obelisk, hoping that the stele could slightly block the way of the demon.

Less than three seconds after flying past, she heard a 'boom' sound behind her. The sound was muffled, a little different from before.

In her busy schedule, she turned her head to look, but saw that the obelisk was still standing, nothing had changed except for some dust falling off, but the situation of the big devil was not very good, he seemed to have hit his head and fainted as if he had hit a mountain , watching the footsteps shake.

‘This stele is solid. ’ Malinda sighed, seized this opportunity, turned around, raised her hand and shot an arrow at the demon closest to her.

The 'poof' arrow hit the opponent's body, but because of the cover of the purple-black mist, apart from a muffled roar, Ma Linda didn't know where the opponent was injured.

She wanted to keep attacking, but it was too late, because another demon was already charging at her.

The abyss lord let out a thunderous roar, and then rushed towards Ma Linda with an arrow. In the middle, he let out another thunderous roar. This time the roar was different from the last one. During the roar, the purple-black magic power followed The explosion spread in all directions, and some of the force hit Ma Linda.

In the nick of time, Malinda's Hippogryph turned over and completely withstood the wave of darkness with its own body.

With a shrill scream, the Hippogryph is a mount similar to a griffin, but it is just an ordinary beast. After being hit so hard, how could it hold on? It fell from the sky in a whirl.

Melinda also fell from the sky. In fact, she was not the only one who fell from the sky, other hippogryph riders who were close also suffered the same fate as Malinda.

There was a big tree on the ground, Ma Linda didn't care about being sad, she desperately freed herself from the hippogryph's saddle rope, then jumped and grabbed a branch. She fell too fast, lost her grip, and continued to fall, but Malinda continued to grab another branch, and after repeating this several times, she finally landed safely on the ground.

But the problem is that after this, her arm is sore, as if it was broken, and she has almost lost all strength, as if it was broken.

In this state, it is impossible to shoot arrows in a short period of time.

The abyss lord walked up slowly. He was keenly aware of the situation. He strode up and said with a smile, "Why, are you injured?"

The voice of this demon is relatively high-pitched, and it is the one whose eyes were shot blind by her.

Malinda didn't speak, she tried her best to pour the magic power of her body into her arms, and only hoped that her strength would recover quickly.

She will never admit defeat until the last moment.

However, the distance between her and the abyss lord was less than 200 meters, and with the opponent's huge size, she could cross it in a few steps, leaving no time for her to recover her strength at all.

Two seconds later, the abyss lord stood in front of Ma Linda. He stretched out his claws and easily pinched Ma Linda's body in his hands.

"Hey hey, it's another beautiful elf, not only beautiful, but also possesses good strength, her whole body is wild and unruly. Brother, I think she will be very delicious, the meat on her body must be fragrant and strong .” The abyss lord was very satisfied with the prey this time.

At this point, even though Ma Linda was extremely determined, she finally felt hopeless.

She couldn't think of any way to escape the bad luck.

Hippogryph knights couldn't find a way to help. Some knights attacked the terrifying demon like crazy, trying to rescue their chief, but all were in vain. Instead, they took their own lives.

However, despite her despair, Ma Linda never gave up struggling, as long as she is not dead, she will not give up resisting.

"Brother, look, this little thing is really fun to earn, it's stronger than the elves I met before, I can hardly catch her." The abyss lord felt very interesting, which made him reluctant to kill her immediately. this new toy.

But for some unknown reason, Malinda suddenly stopped moving, not because she lacked strength, but because her attention was attracted by a rapidly approaching light spot in the sky.

This spot of light is fiery red with a fast speed, and there is a long tail of light trailing behind it, like a bolide. As this spot of light approaches, the sky that was originally dark because of the appearance of two terrifying demons begins to brighten , showing a fiery red hue, just like the beautiful morning glow.

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