Legendary Hero

Chapter 564 Demons and Elves, Dragons and Swordsmen (4) (1/3)

A huge flaming dragon appeared in the sky, and of course such a big movement cannot be hidden from anyone.

"Haha, it's really lively today. Elf warriors are here, and a dragon is here. Brother, he's just one person, and we just happened to kill him!" The abyss lord who was holding Malinda shouted, and he had already turned around. , staring straight at the giant dragon high in the sky.

Because of the distance and angle, he only saw the dragon and the two hippogryph knights behind it, but he didn't see the person sitting on the dragon's back.

Another abyss lord shook his head, but his tone was a little rejoicing: "Fortunately, we defeated the elves, if it was later, it would not be fun. Alright, brother, eat the toy in your hand, and then we will go back to you." Slay a dragon!"

They had once killed the Green Dragon King, and now a giant flame dragon with incomparable strength came. Although they lost the advantage of sneak attack, they cooperated two-on-one and suffered minor injuries.

Ma Linda, who was caught, suddenly felt the giant claws holding her start to tighten. She knew very well that as long as she could escape now, then she might be saved. If she couldn't, she would become the opponent's food.

She struggled with all her strength, the natural magic power in her body flowed like crazy, and then exploded outside her body with a 'boom', this sudden attack startled the abyss lord, his claws were slightly twitched by the natural magic power Loosen, the prey in his hand took the opportunity to escape his grasp.

The abyss lord was a little annoyed and wanted to catch his prey back, but he was dispelled as soon as he raised the idea, because the giant flame dragon in the sky had already started to swoop towards him. If the falling charge caught him straight, he would definitely be seriously injured.

The opponent's speed was so fast that he didn't dare to take off from the ground to dodge without authorization, so he could only keep rushing forward while shouting: "Brother, help me block him!"

"It's up to you!" Another abyss lord has already taken off from the ground. He flapped his wings desperately and rushed towards the dragon. He only needs to buy some time for his brother who is still on the ground. Can easily deal with opponents.

On the other side, as soon as Ma Linda fell to the ground, she ran desperately towards the Blossom Bow that she had dropped on the ground, regardless of the pain in her body.

Now there is a strong support, but the strong support is not strong enough. With one-on-two, one of them will be killed by this demon, and she must support him.

While running, she yelled at the hippogryph knight who was still alive in the sky with all her strength: "Brothers and sisters, it's time to fight back! Attack!"

Every Hippogryph knight knew that now was the critical moment, and attacked the abyss lord who was flying in the sky like crazy, trying to interfere with the dragon's attack, trying to hold him back.

These hippogryph knights included the newly arrived Warren and Oshin, but unlike the other knights, these two elves were still as calm as before, and they were always looking at the human warrior on the dragon's back from the corner of their eyes.

The warrior had been sitting all the way, but now, he had stood up, and the sword on his back was in his hand.

He seems to be ready to attack, but this appearance still looks ordinary, without monstrous aura, without amazing evil spirit, the weapon in his hand has not even been unsheathed, everything looks very ordinary, even if they don't know the dragon With this person on his back, if he hadn't had doubts in his heart beforehand, he wouldn't have paid attention to his existence at all right now.

"What a strange warrior." Osin thought for a while, the thought quickly passed through his mind, and soon disappeared, and he began to attack the great demon in the sky with all his strength.

But it was a pity that the hippogryph knight's attack still seemed weak. Although it could cause some damage to the abyss knight, it couldn't stop his action, not even slow it down.

This scene is exactly a repeat of what happened just now.

On the ground, Malinda had already grasped her own bow. Her arm was still a little sore, but it was much better than before. She could barely pull her Blossom Bow.

Looking up at the situation in the sky, she was also anxious, and with a yell of anger, she pulled the bow of flowers and aimed at the abyss lord in the sky.

But an accident happened. The abyss lord in the sky seemed to be watching her all the time. As soon as she was about to attack, the lord immediately roared, and the dark magic power began to explode again. A dark circle of light exploded from his huge body, exactly the same as before.

At this moment, the hippogryph knights are trying their best to attack the abyss lord, and they are all within 200 meters of the lord. The aperture explodes. These knights are the first to bear the brunt of the attack. Almost all of them fell from the sky, one by one. In severe cases, bones and tendons are broken, and in mild cases, they are dizzy and temporarily lose their attack power.

The only one who escaped was Osin who was beside the dragon. He had rich combat experience. When he saw that something was wrong, he immediately controlled the Hippogryph to leave and hid on the other side of the dragon. With the power of the dragon, he blocked the terrifying Dark Shock.

The dark circle of light continued to explode and soon extended to Ma Linda. Although the power of the light circle decreased at this distance, it was enough to force Ma Linda to dodge.

"Damn it!" Ma Linda had to give up the attack and hide behind a stone tablet.

At this time, the distance between the giant dragon and the abyss lord on the ground was less than two hundred meters, but the distance between the abyss lord in the sky and him was only more than a hundred meters. Although the dark circle of light had no effect on the dragon, at the speed of the abyss lord , half a second later, he will bump into the dragon.

At this time, the giant dragon must give up the great opportunity to attack, otherwise it will definitely be seriously injured by the opponent from the side.

"Hey~" Ma Linda hammered the ground with her hands, feeling very regretful, but soon, she found that the dragon did not dodge or avoid, and he still rushed towards the abyss lord on the ground, looking like he would never die.

"Hurry up and hide!" Malinda turned pale with fright. In her opinion, there was no possibility of success at all, and it was simply sending her to death.

In the sky, Hippogryph knight Osin's gaze was fixed on the human warrior on the dragon's back.

The abyss lord was already close at hand, the warrior still didn't move much, but changed the direction to face the abyss lord, and then clenched the hilt of his sword.

"Die!" The abyss lord lowered his head and aimed the horn on his head at the dragon's belly, but the opponent didn't hide.

Just when the abyss lord's attack was about to reach the dragon's body, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

A bright light appeared in the sky.

This light appeared from the dragon's back, fan-shaped, and seemed to be translucent, just like condensed water, very glaring, what glared was not the light, but the condensed killing intent within it. Anyone who sees this light will feel flustered and dare not look at it.

On the fan-shaped smooth surface, there are countless fine vortices raging and roaring, like sharp blades of gears spinning crazily.

A moment later, the light hit the abyss lord.

The purple-black electric mist around the abyss lord dissipated in an instant, revealing the abyss lord's body. There were many arrows stuck in his body, but they only hurt the surface. Then Guangmian continued to charge forward, sinking into the head and body of the abyss lord, and finally rushed out from his back.

From the hippogryph knight's point of view, this light completely cut the abyss knight's body in half.

Time seems to stand still at this moment, everything stands still.

The elves who saw this light, whether they were hippogryph knights or elf civilians fleeing for their lives on the ground, all stopped moving, some because of shock, some because of fear.

The body of the abyss lord also stopped moving forward, and only this ray of light continued to move and rush forward in the air in the sky and earth. After rushing nearly two hundred meters, it slowly dissipated and turned into bursts of thunder-like noises.

Then, the body of the abyss lord in the sky retreated suddenly, no, it should be flying backwards, the speed was almost as fast as when he charged before.

It can be known from his slightly distorted body shape that he was knocked into the air by a huge force. But the body of the abyss lord is so huge, how much power is needed to knock it into the air?

"Oh, Goddess of Life!" was the only thing Malinda could say.

He just kept flying like this, showing a parabolic trajectory. Three seconds later, with a 'boom', the huge body fell to the ground, rolled over a dozen times, and then lay motionless on the ground.

If you look carefully, you can find a line of red marks on the surface of the abyss lord's body. The skin does not seem to be damaged, but it keeps swelling and becomes more and more obvious.

The giant dragon Monros was also startled by the power erupting from his back, but he was prepared in advance and was not affected by it, and he still swooped down. A second later, he hit the back of the abyss lord on the ground, and under the huge dive force, The abyss lord fell to his knees under his pressure, and Monrose took the opportunity to bite his back neck, and then began to breathe fire and dragon breath.

The high-heat flames erupted directly on the back of the abyss lord's head, his back was under control, and the hit abyss lord could only rely on instinct to struggle wildly.

Three seconds later, in order to prevent being hit by the opponent's desperate counterattack, Monrose let go of the opponent and spread his wings to fly.

He didn't need to continue to attack anymore, because the opponent was seriously injured just now, and he sprayed a lot of dragon's breath into the wound. All the opponent can do now is to fight for his life.

On the ground, the abyss lord gasped for breath. The purple-black electric mist on his body had dissipated. Looking at the giant dragon hovering in the sky with a pair of lifeless eyes, he said bitterly, "You are not alone!"

"Neither are you." Monrose sneered.

"Tell me who is the god on your back?" The abyss lord asked unwillingly. He knew that it was impossible for a mortal to launch such an attack. The only one who could end his brother's life in one fell swoop was a god.

"You don't have to know." Monrose shook his head: "Now, taste the flames!"

He continues to breathe fire dragon breath at opponents on the ground.

Under the high-temperature flames, the abyss lord screamed, struggled, rolled over on the ground, and lasted for more than a minute before completely stopping. At this time, his body was almost a ball of coke.

At this time, there was a sudden 'crash' sound from the other side, and everyone turned their heads to look, and saw that the scars on the body of the abyss lord who had been killed by Luo Lin's sword before were completely ruptured, and his body was directly split into two halves .

"Marshal, I now have confidence in the assassination." Monrose whispered, he was shocked by the power displayed by Rowling, the power of God was indeed terrifying.

Luo Lin responded, but seemed a little absent-minded. He looked at the tall obelisk on the ground, his eyes full of doubts.

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