Legendary Hero

565 The Ancient Phoenix (2/3)

No amount of glory can withstand the passage of time, no immortal hero can stop the wind and sand of time, in this world, the only thing that can slightly resist time is the eternal divine fire.

Right here, in an elf town full of historic sites in the Moonlight Continent, Luo Lin felt a breath of divine power.

"What is this place?" Rollin jumped off Monrose's back, ignoring the surprised or admiring eyes of the elves, and walked towards the obelisk under the guidance of a mysterious force.

Hippogryph knight Ausin hurriedly followed: "This is Phoenix Song Town on Spring Song Lake."

"Song of the Phoenix? Phoenix?" Luo Lin couldn't believe it, it reminded him of the woman named Sha'er in the ancient century. But, after such a long time, does she still exist?

The familiar breath of divine power in the obelisk told him that maybe she was really still there.

Walking to the tall stone tablet, Luo Lin observed it carefully. The stone tablet was divided into two layers. The outer layer was very rough, less than half a meter thick, like a shell made of wind and sand. Now there are many cracks on the shell .

Luo Lin picked up the sword and carefully peeled off the stone shell, revealing the smooth and delicate inner layer. The color of the inner stele is blue-gray, and it feels slightly warm to the touch. There are many textured lines on the surface. Looking at the direction of the lines, it seems to be a stele painting.

With a thought in his heart, Luo Lin picked up the sword and continued to cut off the outer stone shell. For a while, there were many stone chips, and the gravel kept rolling down.

Monrose was very surprised by Rowling's behavior, and asked inexplicably, "Count (public name), where are you?"

Luo Lin couldn't explain the story clearly for a while, and said simply: "This stone tablet is strange, and there is a breath of divine power inside."

Hearing that it was divine power, the elf Aosin patted his head and said an allusion: "That must be Phoenix Shaer!"

His attitude towards Rowling is already one of reverence.

Luo Lin was shocked and asked, "How do you say?"

Ausin came over with a stone shovel and helped Luo Lin pry off the shell on the stone tablet: "In the ancient legends of our family, Phoenix Sha'er was a very powerful demigod. In the earliest days of the elves, Phoenix helped the ancestors build cities and defeat invaders. She didn’t leave until our family established a firm foothold on the Moonlight Continent.”

"Leave? Where are you going?" Luo Lin asked.

Ao Xin spread his hands: "No one knows, this is just a legend. In fact, I think this matter is at most a little bit true."

The giant flame dragon Monros didn't think so. He knew that Luo Lin was already a god. Since he felt the breath of divine power, it was not an easy matter.

So he also came forward to help remove the rough sand shell wrapped around the stone tablet.

The giant dragon is powerful and big, so his efficiency is much higher. With his help, the sand and stones on the shell of this huge obelisk were quickly peeled off, and it took about a cup of tea. The wrapped obelisk reveals its original appearance.

It is blue-gray all over, with smooth materials and exquisite carvings, without any muddy feeling. There are strange patterns on each side of the stele, and there are many runes, some of which Rowling does not know, and some of which he knows, and each rune is connected with some kind of mysterious power.

On the front of the stele is a beautiful pattern, on which is a lifelike phoenix. The phoenix spread its wings and was about to fly. The long gorgeous tail feathers, the long feathers on the back of the head, and the slightly sharp eyes were exactly Shaer's incarnation of the original force.

Seeing this picture, Luo Lin's eyes unconsciously fixed on it, and everything he experienced with Sha'er in the ancient century emerged in his mind.

The assassination in the middle of the night, the escape together, the erroneous lingering, etc., seemed to happen yesterday.

It's a pity that this actually happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. Luo Lin woke up and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. His eyes began to look at the talisman on the stone tablet.

Although he didn't know some of the talismans, but there was power flowing on the talismans, and the brain began to analyze its functions, and soon, the brain got the functions of these talismans.

"Host, the stele is a communication device." Zhinao said.

"Yes, input divine power into this talisman, and this stele can send a signal to a specific existence in the endless void."

"A specific existence? Is it Sha'er?" Luo Lin asked.

"It can't be determined. The age of the stele is too old, and there is no record of what happened halfway, so it is impossible to make any accurate inferences."

Luo Lin has divine power now, he thought about it, and decided to give it a try.

Anyway, this is just a connection. If Sha'er can be contacted, and Sha'er has become a powerful god now, the allied forces may have one more ally. If the opposite party is not Sha'er, the most important thing is to cut off the contact, and there is no big loss. Under the shield of the original force of the plane world, the other party cannot be found.

Luo Lin found the activation talisman, jumped up with force, and then pressed his palm on the talisman, and the tentacles of the divine power protruded out and entered the talisman.

The moment the divine power entered it, the entire obelisk shook violently, and there was a palpitating majesty spreading in all directions.

The majesty was so great that Luo Lin felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't stand firmly on the obelisk and had to jump off the stone tablet.

The other people around were even more unbearable. The elves and commoners knelt on the ground in fright. Although the Hippogryph knights could still stand, their faces turned pale. Even Monrose, the king of dragons, changed his expression, his eyes were wide open, full of fear.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge movement on the obelisk, and the divine power that Luo Lin input into it swam quickly on the surface of the stone tablet. You could see a streamer of light traveling quickly through the runes, and soon lit up all the runes .

The palpitating majesty in the air became heavier, and even Luo Lin felt a heavy weight in his heart. The Hippogryph knights had already knelt down on the ground, and the giant dragon Monrose was standing with both legs, and some couldn't hold on.

Luo Lin felt a little strange: 'It's just an obelisk that sends a signal, and I don't have much divine power input, so how could there be such a big movement? '

Soon, there was a new movement on the obelisk. It seemed that the obelisk contained power itself, and the surrounding runes were just the keys to unlock this power. With the activation of the runes, all these powers were pulled out.

"Om~~" There was a soft sound from inside the obelisk, followed by a stream of silver-white light rushing out from the top of the tower, like a laser, without diverging all the way, straight to the sky.

The pure aura of divine power exuded from this radiance, which was actually composed of pure divine power, and its scale was at least ten times that of the divine power in Luo Lin's body, which shocked Luo Lin endlessly.

The continuous beam of light lasted for about twenty seconds, and then slowly dimmed, and the infinite majesty emanating from the obelisk also began to fade away.

After a while, the vision basically disappeared, and everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

"This stele is really scary!" Montrose heaved a sigh of relief: "Count, what is this for?"

"It should be something that sends a signal to a great existence in the endless void." Rowling described it this way.

"Great existence? Are you talking about the phoenix?" Osin also calmed down. Under the previous coercion, he felt like the world was about to fall, and he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely.

"I'm not sure." Rollin shook his head.

After sending the divine power signal, everything returned to calm, and the obelisk was completely silent, and there was no response, as if nothing had happened before.

'how so? Could it be that Shaer has fallen? ’ Luo Lin was worried, the time of hundreds of thousands of years would be difficult even for a god, and the possibility of falling would be extremely high.

The biggest possibility of no response is that the builder of this stele is no longer around.

But at this moment, there was a new movement in the sky above the stele. A ray of light appeared, which was fiery red. This light fell from the sky and landed on the obelisk. It lasted for about three seconds, and then all the light disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was a cracking sound from the stele, and everyone saw that the blue-gray stone on the front of the stele, that is, the side where the phoenix regiment was, began to crack little by little.

But that's not all.

'Crack, click, click', this movement quickly spread throughout the entire obelisk, the entire stele was moving, shrinking, shrinking, its height kept decreasing, and its volume kept shrinking, until finally, the entire obelisk The obelisks disappeared, and a dark hole two meters wide appeared on the ground.

‘Woo~’ There was a wind full of decaying moisture blowing out from the entrance of the cave. Luo Lin walked forward and looked, and saw a long step under the entrance of the cave, extending all the way down.

Just now, a fiery red light fell from the sky, indicating that there must be an existence in the endless void that responded to the signal from the obelisk, and then the stele disappeared, revealing the entrance of the cave, which should be meant for people to go in and check.

After pondering for a moment, Luo Lin walked towards the entrance of the cave. Monrose wanted to follow, but was stopped by Luo Lin: "There is still a breath of divine power inside, and the situation is unknown. You wait for me outside."

This is the domain of the gods, and the consequences of mortal participation are very likely to be tragic, even if he is the legendary dragon at the pinnacle. Monrose knew this, and he stopped.

Luo Lin walked forward, vaguely, he felt a presence in the cave calling him. He didn't know what was in the hole, and he couldn't tell from the faint breath of divine power.

He was very curious and somewhat vigilant, so he walked along the steps step by step into the darkness of the ground with all his attention on his guard.

'Huh~huh~' There was a sound of wind in my ears, the wind was very cold, and it carried an inexplicable smell, Luo Lin had never smelled this kind of smell.

He kept going down for about three minutes. After three hundred steps, a faint light appeared in front of him.

So he followed the light, and when he turned a corner, a hall appeared, and some luminous natural crystals were arranged on the top of the hall, which illuminated the hall.

In the center of the hall, Rowling saw two rectangular sarcophagi side by side, one of which had its lid open and was empty.

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