Legendary Hero

566 Sha'er's Revenge (3/3)

Apart from the sarcophagus, there is almost nothing else in the underground hall. Judging from the decaying moisture, this place should be a tomb, and the obelisk outside is a tombstone.

But why engrave the communication rune on the tombstone? And who carved it?

Luo Lin couldn't figure it out, he walked up to the sarcophagus, the empty sarcophagus was nothing to see, he walked to the intact one.

When he got close, with the faint light of the natural luminescent spar on the sarcophagus, Luo Lin saw a pattern painted on the coffin lid. This is a tall man, who looks almost like him.

Luo Lin had a clear realization that this was probably the incarnation he left in ancient times, that is to say, he was the owner of the sarcophagus.

The retraction of the stele, the appearance of the entrance to the tomb, and the signal from the endless void all made Luo Lin curious. He felt that someone was guiding him back here.

After spending so much effort to get him here, it is impossible for him to see a coffin. Luo Lin thought for a while, took out the cloud pattern sword, and slashed at the four sides of the sarcophagus several times, and then stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the coffin. .

Here is a sarcophagus, if there is a clue, it can only be in this sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus was opened, but there was no trace of bones inside.

There is completely carbonized cloth inside, and it turns into powder when touched by hand. There is a sword. It can be seen that it was an absolutely good sword back then. It has not rusted and deformed at this time, but it has lost its sharpness. Finally, there is a stone slab like jade.

The slate was covered with a thin layer of dust, and there seemed to be writing on it.

Luo Lin lightly brushed off the dust, and it appeared that it was written in ancient times. Luckily, Luo Lin could understand it. After just one glance, Luo Lin felt a burst of shock.

Because this is a letter, a letter that Sha'er left him after 120,000 years.

"Rolin, I know everything. Your incarnation of divine power told me everything. I have lived with him for three thousand years. I am old, so I built this tomb. But I am not reconciled. I hope that in hundreds of thousands of years I will see the real and complete you in the future. But I am old after all, I can’t resist the power of time, I am weak and can only lie in the sarcophagus and wait to die. For a long time, I thought I was really dead, but One day, I woke up with new power, and my heart was filled with the anger of being underestimated by you. So, I left here, waiting for a certain day in the future, when you come back. On this day, I will Let you pay the price bit by bit, just wait patiently."

Strangely, when Luo Lin finished reading it, the stone slab shattered automatically, turned into powder and disappeared in Luo Lin's hands. At the same time, Luo Lin felt a cold aura spreading in the hall.

This breath made one's heart palpitate, especially after Luo Lin read such an ancient letter full of resentment, he felt his heart was icy cold, as if a chill poured from his head to the bottom.

Shar was still alive, and she hated him and was trying to get back at him, which was not a pleasant thing.

Luo Lin turned and left the underground hall, thinking about how to deal with it as he walked: 'First of all, we must know which god Shaer has become. This requires clues, and there must be no clues here, but someone knows, yes, Eru in the bottom of the sea must know. I will ask him. '

Elu knows the secrets of many worlds, and his memory is a precious treasure.

Soon, he returned to the ground. Everyone on the ground was relieved to see him come back safe and sound. Monrose stepped forward and asked, "Count, what's down here?"

"It's nothing, it's just a tomb. Except for two empty sarcophagi, there's nothing there." Luo Lin shook his head, trying not to show his worry.

"Oh." Monrose had no doubts, and he immediately asked, "Where are we going next?"

"Of course, go back to the Starlight Continent to continue the assassination." Luo Lin smiled, and then he said to the elf Osin: "During the war, time is running out, so we will leave now."

"Wait." A voice came, it was Ma Linda, who was seriously injured, limped over and asked, "You can't just leave like this, because if there is such a powerful big devil coming over again , unless the elves withdraw, we still can't handle it. Our population is small and we can't afford such a loss."

This is indeed a problem. The elves' rear is not stable, and it is impossible to expect them to work hard on the front line.

Luo Lin couldn't think of a way for a while, looked left and right, and suddenly saw the flame giant Monros, his heart lit up, and said: "Why don't you let Monros stay here, he should be able to deal with such a big demon by cooperating with you .how about this?"

The latter sentence was for Monrose.

Monrose frowned. Of course he can stay here. Facing such a big demon, only a strong dragon king can deal with it. Ordinary dragons will die if they come. But in this way, Luo Lin has only one person, and he is going to assassinate the great demons all over the Starlight Continent. Although he has this ability, will it be too dangerous?

"It's okay, I can move flexibly alone, so it may not be unsafe." Luo Lin smiled. After he killed his opponent, he hid in a corner at will. Who can find him?

Elf Melinda agreed with this plan, she nodded and said: "This is feasible."

This time, if there is a strong person who can help her block the opponent's attack, with her prosperous bow and archery skills, she will definitely not be so embarrassed. Even if she can't kill the opponent, she can teach the opponent a big lesson.

Luo Lin was eager to find Eru on the way back, and he didn't delay for a moment: "Then I'll go back to the Starlight Continent now. After I kill most of the big demons, I will send a message and come back, and then I will be safe."

Monrose nodded: "Count, shall I take you there?"

"No. My speed may not be slower than yours." Luo Lin smiled, and then activated his power. Everyone felt a gust of wind, and couldn't help blinking. When the wind subsided, Luo Lin was gone. Feeling the breath, he was already gone. It's five or six miles away.

Montrose couldn't help sighing: "The power of God is really powerful."

This speed was faster than his full speed.

The elf Malinda couldn't help asking: "Who the hell is he? When did there become such a peerless powerhouse in the allied army?"

"Him?" Monrose chuckled, "Do you still remember Earl Maple Leaf?"

Count Maple Leaf, this title is enough, all the elves suddenly realized that it was him, no wonder he was able to kill the big demon with a single sword.


On the other side, Luo Lin launched the Wind Control Skill and flew all the way. This combat skill consumes a little more power, but his current magic power can completely withstand this consumption. Even if he flies across the sea and returns to the Starlight Continent, he is only a little tired and needs to rest for a while. will be able to recover.

In about half a day, he returned to the sea area where Eru was, and without any hesitation, he rushed directly into the sea.

After a while, the huge luminous crystal where Eru lived appeared in front of his eyes. The place was much more peaceful than before. The pure water water monsters were playing leisurely nearby. They were all surprised when they saw Luo Lin, but soon Some water demons recognized him and swam up one after another. One of the water demons came up, and it was the one who took Luo Lin to meet Elu.

With a smile on his face: "The sage asked me to welcome you."

Well, this Eru really has some prophecy skills, and he was expected to come.

Following the water demon, along the familiar road, Rowling once again saw Eru who turned into a crystal skull.

Elu's skeleton let out a 'Ka Ka Ka' laughter: "Rolin, I knew you would come again."

"I have encountered new troubles." Luo Lin said bluntly.

"I know, it's about my little aunt, Sha'er, right?" Eru told the truth straight away.

Luo Lin sighed. He was not surprised. This Eru has lived for so many years. If he has no special skills, no one will believe it.

"I saw the slate left by Shaer. She wants me to pay the price and asks me to wait patiently. This matter is a bit troublesome. Now I want to know which god she has been promoted to, so I have a precaution. "

Elu shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Can't or don't want to?"

"No." Elu said: "You have already ignited the divine fire now, you see, my power is only so little. Think about it, if a god living outside this plane world deliberately hides her whereabouts from me , may I know?"

It is indeed impossible to know, but Luo Lin still did not give up: "Maybe you can tell me some clues about her resurrection. To be honest, I suspect that the reason why she can be resurrected is because she was controlled by the Lord of Darkness. The Lord of Darkness Trying to use her against me."

"Very likely." Elu nodded: "The only thing I know is that the town called Phoenix Song used to be very prosperous, but one day, a hundred years after my little aunt announced her death, the whole There was a terrible plague in the town, and the town withered immediately, and was even abandoned for a while. I sent water demons to sneak into Spring Song Lake through the underground waterway to observe, and they came back with the conclusion that Phoenix Song Town There is a lot of dark aura."

"Then, Shaer is very likely to become a puppet of the Lord of Darkness, a demon god?" This inference made Luo Lin feel very worried. His feelings for Shaer are not very deep, but it does not mean that he hopes She fell into darkness.

Elu nodded: "It is indeed not a pleasant thing. But I say, it's okay. The long time can dilute all feelings. For example, she is my little aunt, but if she sees me now, she will definitely not Will remember this, will definitely kill me directly, and I will accept it frankly."

Since there is no news here, Luo Lin has a mission, so he is ready to leave.

But Elu suddenly remembered something: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot one thing, it's been too long, I almost forgot, damn it. Here you are, this is what your avatar left me .”

As he spoke, Eru took out a fully sealed notebook from his storage space and handed it to Luo Lin: "He gave it to me before he died, and asked me to give it to you someday in the future. He said, He already felt that Shaer was a little abnormal, so he recorded the changes in Shaer when he and Shaer lived together. I hope it can be helpful to you.”

Surprised, Luo Lin took the note. The handwriting on the note was very familiar. It was written by him at first glance. This thing is very useful.

"I will study it carefully. Thank you very much." Luo Lin thanked Elu, feeling very grateful in his heart.

"No, no, no." Elu smiled, and said with emotion: "The imagination of time is unlimited, it has transformed you and me into a wonderful magic, maybe there will be new magic in the future, and it may make you and me Surprised again."

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