Legendary Hero

Chapter 571 Cooperation

For ten days, Luo Lin has been lurking around Vendome, looking for an opportunity to kill four more abyss lords, which caused the number of abyss lords in Vendome to change from 43 to 35, four of which were killed by him, and the remaining four were less. A lord was scared back and ran back to the abyss desperately.

It's not that Barclay didn't find a way to find Rollin, but after the last encirclement failed, Rollin became extremely vigilant, and would run away if something went wrong.

Originally, with an expert of the same level as Barclay in charge, it was impossible for Rollin to escape every time, but Rollin had Shaer reminding him that once Barclay approached, Shaer would give an early warning and help him get through every time. Danger.

As a result, Barclay launched the abyss lord to search around Vendome five times, but found nothing every time.

There is such a terrible assassin hidden in the darkness, which is really frightening. The demons of the Dark Legion are jittery, they are all nervous, and their morale is getting lower day by day.

This is exactly what Rowling wanted.

At this time, when the demons were desperately guarding against Luo Lin's sneak attack, Luo Lin was hiding in the thick canopy of a big tree with several people hugging him outside the city of Vendome. Although ten minutes ago, a team of demon lords had just searched Here, but they never found Luo Lin who restrained his breath and became no different from a piece of wood.

Ten days had passed, and despite Rowling's harassment, the Dark Legion's supplies were almost ready. Naturally, it was impossible for Barclay to keep dealing with Rowling in Vendome. He was currently organizing a legion near Vendome and was preparing to go north.

Luo Lin watched this scene quietly, half of his energy was concerned with the situation in Vendome, and the other half of his energy was dealing with Shaer who was in contact with him through the soul contract.

Since the establishment of the contract, apart from reminding him where the opponent is, Shaer rarely speaks, and never asks him, and Luo Lin has never been able to figure out why she did this. But now, she took the initiative to speak, and she was not reminding him of the enemy as usual.

"How does it feel to contain an army by one person?" There was a smile in her voice.

"not bad."

This is similar to the snipers on the earth. After ten days, the morale of the demons in the dark army has plummeted. Every demon knows that there is a terrible assassin hidden in the darkness, but they just can't find it. The abyss lord was even more depressed, and he couldn't even rest.

If he harassed Davik Fortress all the way, or even went under White Rock Fortress, it is estimated that the combat power of the Dark Legion would be reduced by at least half.

This was a huge achievement, but to be honest, he couldn't have done it without Sha'er's help, Barclay is also a demigod powerhouse. If he was alone, one Barclay would be enough for him.

"I did you a great favor, didn't I?" Shar asked.

"Of course." There is no free lunch in the world, and Luo Lin felt that Shaer was about to tell her purpose, so he waited intently.

"To be honest, although I have been a god for hundreds of thousands of years, my favorite plane world is Troll. Anyway, it is my hometown. But you see, it won't let me go back now, although I I really want to go back and take a look." Shaer sounded aggrieved, but of course Luo Lin didn't take it seriously.

This is the sensational version. Translating these words into the regular version, it is obvious that Shaer is interested in the world of Troll. Thinking about it further, Rowling was startled. It is very possible that Shaer was helping him deal with the Lord of Darkness just to clear away a competitor of her own who entered the world of Troll.

Today's Shaer is no longer the mortal of the past. Judging from her behavior, she is a powerful god, and she is also a dark god. If such a god wants to return to the world of Troll, the disaster she caused may not be worse than the Lord of Darkness. Come small.

"You..." Luo Lin wasn't sure if he should say it directly, but he had a feeling of driving away the tiger and devouring the wolf. He was afraid that the wolf would leave but the tiger would stay. has no meaning?

"Oh, look at what you're afraid of. Do you think my methods will be as rude as the Lord of Darkness? I won't monopolize it either. I just hope to have a small area, such as a place as big as Fex Island, and then I will be satisfied with another hundred thousand believers.”

Sha'er said this with a slight smile, and when she finished speaking, the tone changed again: "However, if you refuse, I will be very unhappy. Once I am unhappy, I don't even know what I will do. What's going on, hee hee."

Luo Lin frowned. He is now sure that what Shaer is talking about is all nonsense and won't monopolize it? Just a small space? It's all nonsense!

A place as big as Ficks Island, with hundreds of thousands of believers, is enough capital to make a fortune. If it is run well, the world will be busy at every step.

Seeing that Luo Lin has been silent, Sha Er finally became unhappy, and her tone turned cold: "Luo Lin, you have also been a marshal, you should know that any transaction can last for a long time, I can't help you all the time, but there is no Benefits?"

Luo Lin sighed, but he shook his head firmly: "Sha'er, Terroll has experienced too many disasters, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request."

"Oh?" Sha'er didn't show any anger in her tone, she laughed jokingly: "So, are you ready to lose Vianna and your two children?"

Luo Lin's heart turned cold, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring. He smiled coldly: "I have received many threats, but I am still alive and well."

He was ready to tear his face apart, at worst, he would just watch over his wife and children day and night.

Everyone will say threats, but he will not change his decision just because of threats, and he will always be led by the nose.

Unexpectedly, Sha'er's tone softened immediately, and she giggled: "Oh, why bother? We can't agree now, but it doesn't mean we won't be able to in the future. Perhaps there will be even greater disasters in the future. Disasters So big that you are willing to exchange my help for it. No one can say what will happen in the future, right?"

Luo Lin let out a long breath. He recognized the threat hidden in these words, a bigger disaster? The worst-case scenario would be Shaer uniting with the Lord of Darkness.

"If I disagree, are you going to find the Lord of Darkness?" Luo Lin asked directly.

"Who knows? Maybe, who made him familiar with Terroll's situation."

That should be it, and now Luo Lin is faced with a choice, or cooperate with Shaer to fight against the Lord of Darkness, and then go back to deal with Shaer whose strength is unknown. Or once and for all, completely sever the relationship with Shaer, and then face the union of two powerful dark gods.

The former choice minimized the risk, but it turned this confrontation into a real protracted battle, and it is unknown what kind of consequences will arise in the future.

The latter option was a big gamble, and if the Allies could win, then of course it would be good. If it fails, I am afraid it will be the consequence of genocide.

After thinking about it for three seconds, Rowling chose the former. If this matter only involved him alone, he would definitely refuse stubbornly, and then face the alliance between the two parties alone, but this matter involves tens of thousands of lives in the entire continent, this is not a place to show off.

The reason is simple, because the fate of the race is not a gamble, and its strategy is not a bravado, but a compromise. Through repeated compromises and the opportunity to survive and continue, time will prove who is more suitable to exist in this world.

Everything, love and hatred, morality and justice, must be alive to discuss.

"Have you made up your mind, Rollin?" Shar asked.

Luo Lin spread his hands: "You know what I will choose, don't you?"

Sha Er suddenly laughed, with a sense of helplessness in the laughter: "Perhaps for you, directly crossing the long river of time is the right choice, at least you haven't changed at all. But I can't, I have experienced It’s been too much, and I can’t go back to the past.”

At this time, Vendome's dark army had already started to set off.

From here, we can see that the number of demons is about 40,000, the number of undead is about 80,000, there are 35 abyss lords, and some siege machines.

This is a huge force, not to mention other things, that is, the 35 abyss lords charge in groups, this is already the ultimate power in the world, and the demigod will instantly kill it in front of this power.

Even if White Rock Fortress is fully prepared, there is no guarantee that it will be able to block it. He must continue to find ways to contain it.

"Can you help me assassinate Barclay?" Rowling asked with a tentative attitude. Now that the Dark Legion is already on the verge of attack, and his many days of assassination made people panic even more.

At such a critical moment, if Barclay died, the Abyss Lord would immediately disperse, the Dark Legion would collapse without attacking, and the Dark Lord would not even have time to react.

"Daydreaming is not a good habit." Shar

Luo Lin didn't have much expectations, and was not surprised by the answer, so he asked again: "Then besides helping me predict the dangers around me, what kind of help can you give me? You have to understand that this little help is not worth it." A territory with hundreds of thousands of believers."

"Of course not. You know, the original force body was a phoenix. You gave it to me. Because of this phoenix, I realized the opportunity to ignite the divine fire. Now you have also ignited the divine fire, but in special In Luo Er's world, your divine power is suppressed, so you probably can't use your combat body, right?"

"Yes, the laws of the world have suppressed my divine power." Luo Lin nodded and admitted.

"I have a secret method that, combined with your divine power, allows you to use the body of the force. There is still a limit, the body of the force can only last ten minutes." Shaer said.

"Ten minutes?" Luo Lin asked Zhinao to conduct a short battle simulation, and concluded that with his current level of divine power, even with a force body, only ten minutes would not be able to stop the charging army formed by the abyss lords.

"There is too little time, and my strength is not enough to change the situation of the battle."

"There is also an auxiliary skill."

"you say."

"You accept part of my divine power, which can double the strength of your battle body, reaching the limit that the world of Troll can accommodate. To that extent, even the abyss lord is just a stronger ant in front of you. Of course, my divine power is of the dark attribute, it depends on whether you are willing to accept it? Will you accept it?" Sha'er asked with a smile.

Luo Lin remained silent, weighing the gains and losses in his heart.

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