Legendary Hero

572 The Eve Of The Great War (1/3)

White Rock Fortress.

This majestic fortress was built on an endless plain, with 100,000 troops and countless strong men. The supplies and food hoarded in it were enough for 100,000 of them to consume for ten years!

This time, after receiving the news that the Dark Legion was about to march northward, the northern Mosarren Fortress sent nearly half of the elite fighters in the fortress, including 30,000 warriors, 10,000 elf archers, and 5,000 dwarf warriors. Five thousand dwarf musketeers, and ten dragon archmages.

This brought the number of fighters in White Rock Fortress to an unprecedented 150,000 people.

These days, those specially built to transport materials are constantly coming and going between forts and fortresses, transporting massive amounts of materials to the fortress. In addition to food, there are also tons and tons of magic crystals and large boxes of magic equipment. and weapons.

Nowadays, the duplication of magic tools has become a scale, and under the crazy work of copying a lot of magic tools, magic equipment has been completely popularized.

Up to now, every soldier in the Allied army has at least one piece of magic equipment, even the firehead army who specializes in lighting fires in the kitchen wears a magic ring to protect against fire damage.

At this time, the strength of the Allied Forces has at least doubled compared to before!

And the White Rock Fortress, guarded by the allied forces, was like a huge nail nailed to the northward road of the Dark Legion.

If the Dark Legion doesn't pull out this fortress, but goes around to attack Fort Mosaren, then they will face a tragic state of attack from two sides, so White Rock Fortress is the first hurdle that the Dark Legion must pass.

The supreme commander of the fortress is none other than the prestigious paladin Joseph Martin. At this time, he is standing on the majestic and tall city wall of the White Rock Fortress, looking to the south.

The city wall was originally 40 meters high, but because of the terrifying demons like the abyss lord participating in the battle, the magicians and craftsmen tried their best to strengthen the city wall these days, and the scale of the city wall was increased by more than 50%, and the height became 65 meters. The width reached 20 meters, and a large number of magic crystals were inlaid, drawing a brand new defensive magic circle.

At this moment, this fortress can be described as a miracle.

With the strength of the human race before, it was absolutely impossible to build such a majestic building, but now, under the high pressure of the war, the strength of the human race in all aspects is improving rapidly, which can be described as reborn.

Up to now, among all races, the power of the human race has jumped to the first place, and its position is stable, no one can shake it, even the elves have to admit the dominant position of the human race.

This is something no one thought of before the war.

In fact, in the past few years, the technological power of various races has been rapidly fused, and a large number of unexpected innovations have appeared in the process of merging.

Every innovation, in fact, not only benefited the human race, but also the elves and dwarves, but the problem is that the human race has the largest population. The same innovation spreads, assuming that everyone can get 10 benefits, but the human race has a population of tens of millions, and the benefits are 100 million, and the elves have a population of more than one million, and the benefits are only 10 million. , the gap between the two sides widened by 90 million in one fell swoop, not to mention the dwarves, who are simply incomparable with the human race.

Such innovations abound. With the accumulation of huge advantages over time, even the dragons are willing to bow down, and the human race will not be able to become the leader of the allied forces.

"At the beginning Marshal Luo Lin said that he would give dwarves and elves great preferential treatment. I objected, but now it seems that the marshal has a far-sighted vision than me." Joseph Martin was full of thoughts.

The current achievements of the human race began with Rollin's strategy against all consensus. After Rollin disappeared, Horn became the new marshal. He insisted on Rollin's strategy, and finally achieved the glory of the human race today.

"However, no matter how brilliant it is, if we can't win this battle, everything will come to naught." Joseph Martin looked at the southern horizon with an extremely solemn mood.

There has been news from the south that the entire army of the Dark Legion has been dispatched. The rest is fine, but there are 35 abyss lords with almost demigod power, which is really frightening.

Just as he was contemplating, he suddenly saw a fast-moving black shadow appearing on the horizon in front of him. This black shadow was running towards the fort at high speed, with a speed as fast as light and lightning. In the blink of an eye, he was out of the attacking range of the city wall. The opponent stopped, and there was a voice Passed up: "Joseph, it's me!"

The voice was very familiar, and Joseph immediately knew that Luo Lin was back, and immediately sent an order: "No attack, let him in!"

The soldiers on the city wall immediately put down their weapons, and Luo Lin jumped up, took a few steps in the air, and jumped onto the city wall.

"Yuan...Earl, how is the situation ahead?" Joseph immediately went up to meet him.

"The Dark Legion has arrived a hundred miles away, and now there are 33 Abyss Lords. They are making final adjustments and will start attacking tomorrow." Luo Lin said, he harassed all the way, and with the help of Shaer, he insisted on making it impossible. As far as possible, two more abyss lords were killed under the eyes of the dark army.

But two is the limit, and there are 33 lords left, which is still a huge threat to the fortress. If a group charges, Luo Lin estimates that the city wall under his feet can only last for a minute at most.

"33..." The paladin frowned. He knew the power of the abyss lord. The only one in the allied army that could resist the opponent's frontal attack was the dragon clan, but the dragon clan was very small in number. There are more than forty, and most of them are young dragons, and there are no more than ten mature ones. I am afraid that more than half of the dragons will die in one wave.

This is definitely a disaster for the giant dragon family.

"I don't know if the magic barrier can block the charge of the abyss lord." Joseph asked anxiously. It would be impossible to let the dragon charge up directly. Barrier to resist the offensive, but the feasibility has not been verified.

Luo Lin shook his head bluntly: "The magic barrier is useless. There is a gap in the level of magic power. No matter how large the scale is, it will be broken in one hit."

The abyss lords are all the power of the peak in the world, with a magic power level of 49. Now, no matter the enchantment of the dragon or the magic enchantment created by the human archmage using alchemy methods, the highest magic power level is around 47, which is bad. What about two levels.

Two levels below this level, it is equivalent to a piece of pebbles and sandstones, completely irresistible.

"This..." Joseph's heart sank. Although they may not necessarily fail after the city wall is broken, the probability of victory will definitely plummet. Even if they win, it is probably a miserable victory.

The greater possibility is failure. When he thinks about the situation after failure, Joseph's heart is extremely heavy.

"Okay, don't think too much, we have done our best." Luo Lin patted Joseph on the shoulder, he yawned, and said, "Arrange a quiet place for me, I have been fighting with the big devil these days Wang Zhouxuan is exhausted."

"Okay, I forgot...Adjutant, take the earl to the fortress to rest." Joseph was a little strange. He felt that with Luo Lin's character, he shouldn't be so resigned to fate, but he couldn't see any flaws. .

No matter how heavy Joseph's mood was, Luo Lin followed the adjutant all the way to the castle in the center of the fortress. When he reached the gate of the castle, Luo Lin said, "Find me the quietest room. I'm most afraid of being disturbed when I sleep."

"Yes, Earl." The adjutant vaguely knew Luo Lin's identity and even more his strength, so his attitude was very humble.

After some selection, Luo Lin found a room at the farthest corner of the second basement floor of the castle. There was no wooden bed in the room, only a stone kang, with a stove burning in one corner. This room was originally for dwarves who were used to living underground. , Now that Luo Lin likes this place, a soldier immediately brought over the bedding, and Luo Lin tidied up the room.

Before closing the door, Luo Lin told the adjutant: "I have made some breakthroughs in martial arts recently, so I have to concentrate on trying to figure it out. Unless the battle starts, don't let people disturb me."

"As you wish, Earl." The adjutant was naturally obedient.

After closing the door and making sure that all the soldiers outside had left, Luo Lin sat cross-legged on the stone bed and began to restrain his power. In his mind, he could see all the power in his body, from the divine power at the core to the magic power at the periphery. , began to converge towards the deepest part of the body, until it became a small spot of light.

He restrained himself very thoroughly, his body instantly became a skin without the slightest strength to support him, his whole body became limp and fatigued, and at a glance, he looked like a corpse sitting on a bed.

Then, Luo Lin's thoughts said to Shaer: "Let's start."

In the void, a dark divine power suddenly descended. This power was condensed, pure, and filled with a peaceful and soft taste, just like the tranquility of a baby lying in its mother's arms and falling asleep peacefully in the darkest night.

This divine power drilled into Luo Lin's empty body, and his body changed instantly. His originally bronze-colored skin turned brown-black, and then from brown-black to pure black, with a metallic luster. Like obsidian.

The drastic changes are also taking place inside Luo Lin's body. A fine and dense connection begins to appear between the outer dark power and the inner core. With Luo Lin's own power as the core and Sha'er's dark power as the shell, a A brand new body with great divine power was born.

Because these divine powers belong to two gods, and the divine power possessed by a single life does not exceed the upper limit of the plane, so they are not rejected by the stronger rules of the plane.

But because Sha'er has completely let go of the control over these dark divine powers, the power that Luo Lin really controls has actually exceeded the boundaries of the world.

When the shell of the dark divine power was completely connected, Luo Lin's whole body showed a deep dark aura. If someone saw him at this time, no one would suspect that he had fallen into darkness.

"Your secret method is effective, and my divine power has loosened." Luo Lin felt the change. When his divine power was covered by Shaer's dark divine power, the restrictions imposed on him by the rules of the plane weakened to an almost negligible level.

"So, you will have ten minutes of short-term freedom. After ten minutes, the origin of the world will make up for this loophole. Remember, when the time is about to end, you must leave the battlefield regardless of the outcome of the war."

"I understand." Luo Lin nodded.

He used the power of darkness, and darkness is the mortal enemy of the allied forces. Regardless of various reasons, if he devotes himself to darkness, his reputation will be discredited and he will become a sinner for the crusade against the entire continent.

But so what? Luo Lin didn't care about these false names at all, and he knew that Vianna, who was thousands of kilometers away, would understand his choice. This is enough.

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