Legendary Hero

Chapter 576 Dream (Part 1) (2/3)

Seeing that Luo Lin had regained his composure, Sha'er was also relieved. She sighed and said, "Before I ignited the divine fire, I thought God was powerful and free, because God has eternal life and the power to make people worship. But I only now realize that everything is just a beautiful imagination of mortals."

She often misses the days of free adventure in the world of Troll, and now it seems that those are the best times in her life.

Luo Lin smiled, hiding the last trace of anger deep in his heart, and patted Sha'er's arm lightly: "When did you become so sentimental. To God, mortals are just children, of course It's the happiest day. Tell me about your plan."

"You're right, you have to grow." Sha'er touched the air lightly with her hand, and a light appeared, which was an image of an endless void. In the image, there were light and dark poles, and clusters of light spots scattered between the two poles.

There are some points of light that are close together, such as Troll on the human race, Horgam on the orcs, and Glen'dan on the goblins, and there are even some connections between them. These are also recorded in the Troll legend.

In addition to the clump of Troll, there are many other clumps of light spots, which seem to be very sparse at first glance, but when counted carefully, they cannot be counted for a while, at least thousands.

These plane bundles are distributed nearly evenly between the light and dark poles.

Sha'er lightly tapped one of the plane clusters, and the place was immediately enlarged in front of her eyes. This place is very close to the abyss, even closer than the demon's hometown of Tymor, but this plane is very bright, exuding a soft glow. brilliant.

"This is the Sindal plane group, which is currently the outpost for the Lord of Radiance to fight against the abyss. If a warrior enters the abyss to fight, if he dies in battle, his soul will return to Sindalore under the guidance of the power of the plane. Ten years later, the war dead will rise, regain their strength, and join the fight again."

"Then when will this soldier leave the battlefield?" Luo Lin asked.

"The abyss was purified or the Lord of Radiance announced the end of the campaign plan." Shaer gave an extremely cruel answer.

After finishing speaking, she laughed at herself: "It's cruel, isn't it? But you can't resist. In fact, the Lord of Radiance has countless believers in various planes, and many of them have become demigod saints. These people are currently Xindar The main force of the plane, if you resist, you will be labeled as evil and dark by these believers, and your soul will be destroyed, even a god can only accept this fate."

Luo Lin took a long breath and said calmly: "It is indeed a bit overbearing. But fortunately, this is fighting against the abyss. Even if it is cruel, it is sometimes necessary. I think the goddess of life should think so."

"Perhaps." Sha'er smiled wryly: "In the past thousand years, I have also recruited a group of powerful fighters. One month later, I will set off for Xindaro. When the time comes, you will go with me."

"Understood." Luo Lin nodded. But he was silently calculating in his heart: 'One month, converted to Troll, is more than eight years, all of a sudden, Vianna will have to wait for him for eight years. Eight years later, his child was also eleven years old. '

This made Luo Lin secretly ache in his heart, but he was helpless. Naturally, he put this account on the Lord of Radiance.

"This is my kingdom of God. During this month, you can move freely here... If you want to contact Vianna, you can, but only once, because it consumes a lot of divine energy." Shaer added road.

After speaking, Sha'er tapped her finger in the air again, and a window of light appeared in the air. The window showed Vianna's situation in the Grand Master's Tower of the Mozaren Fortress.

Rollin stayed here for less than half an hour, but several days had passed for Terroll.

Vianna obviously already knew the news about the Dark Dragon. Although she stayed in the mage tower with her children, she was often in a daze of thought, and her face occasionally showed subconscious anxiety. Obviously, she should have obtained the White Rock Fortress by now. In this situation, I really want to know the truth, but there is nothing I can do.

This made Luo Lin feel very heartbroken. He didn't speak in a hurry. Now he organized what he wanted to say in his mind, and then turned it into a year, all of which were condensed in a ball of divine power.

In the God Realm, this ball of light is nothing but a mass of light, but when this thing reaches Troll, it will condense into a solid crystal. As long as Vianna thinks of him, she can be in this crystal with what he left behind. Ideas meet.

"Send this divine power, okay?" Luo Lin asked.

"Oh? Why don't you use a divine power avatar to deal with it like before?" Sha'er asked with a smile.

"I'll never deal with her." Luo Lin shook his head.

Sha'er pursed her lips, slightly dissatisfied: "This is really enviable. But, okay."

She sent the ball of light fused with Luo Lin's thoughts over there.

Troll world.

Vianna was comforting the two children to sleep, when she suddenly felt a glimmer of light in front of her eyes, and when she looked closely, she found a golden-red crystal appeared out of nowhere in the air. There was an extremely familiar aura exuding from the crystal, she couldn't help reaching out to take it, and when her fingers touched the crystal, she immediately felt an all-too-familiar will.

This is Rollin's will.

All the news she wanted to know was stored in the crystal, and Luo Lin's deep thoughts and love were also stored in it. Feeling all this in a daze, Vianna became obsessed unconsciously.

She firmly believed that one day, Luo Lin would come back, because he never let her down.

Spirit world.

"It's been passed on, can you feel at ease now?" Sha'er said.

"En." Luo Lin felt a little relieved.

"Then I'm going to prepare for the expedition. The deadline given by the Lord of Radiance is approaching, and I have recruited quite a few soldiers. Everyone still has some dissatisfaction. I have to appease them." Sha'er spread her hands. , very helpless.


At this time, it was no longer in the ancient century. Shaer was already a god of medium power, and she had her responsibilities. Their fate has already come to an end because of the disappearance of his divine power incarnation.

Sha'er disappeared.

Luo Lin began to wander around in this beautiful grassland. Now he wanted to be alone and think about his future plans, so he didn't go to the distant houses.

He kept walking like this, and when he was hungry on the way, he ate the wild fruits grown on the grassland bushes, and when he was thirsty, he drank the clear water from the stream in the grassland. After walking for about half a day, he saw a red maple tree in front of him. .

In the past, his fief in the Starlight Continent of Troll was Maple Leaf County. The red maple tree inside was exactly the same as this one, and the leaves were as red as fire, which was extremely eye-catching.

Luo Lin was also a little tired from walking, so he walked under the tree and sat with his back against the tree to rest.

After sitting for a while, he felt a little sleepy, so he closed his eyes. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard a movement and hurriedly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he found that he was in a white mist. The mist was so thick that he couldn't see clearly from one meter away.

In the mist, there was a faint voice, which seemed to say: "This way, this way."

Luo Lin was curious, so he walked over. After taking two steps, he looked back and found that the red maple tree behind him was gone, and he himself was completely engulfed in a white mist, and he couldn't tell the north, south, east, and west at all.

The small voice sounded again: "Here, here."

This is the only information in the white mist that can be used to identify the direction. Luo Lin can only follow the sound and walk forward for an unknown amount of time. Nice farmland.

The beautiful flowers, the gratifying crops, the beautiful farmhouses, the farmers busy in the fields with satisfied smiles on their faces, and the warm golden sunshine, everything is beautiful.

In the field, Luo Lin saw a woman, holding a water pot in her hand, watering the field.

This woman's appearance is very simple, without any sense of beauty, she is full of a reassuring motherhood, especially those big eyes, quiet and serene, when these eyes look at you, you don't realize it The ground will let go of all guards, and unconsciously trust the owner of these eyes.

"You're here." The woman took a fancy to Luo Lin, with a warm smile on her face.

"I'm here." Luo Lin already knew who this woman was, he was too familiar with her, in the land of white mist in the ancient century, he used to see her every day.

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