Legendary Hero

577 Dream (Part 2) (3/3)

Luo Lin didn't expect to see the Goddess of Life here. He looked around and found a vast white mist surrounding this beautiful village.

Surrounded by this mist, the area where the village is really illuminated by the sun is only about a kilometer in radius.

This place is like a secluded paradise.

"Come here." The Goddess of Life suddenly beckoned to Luo Lin, then she turned around and walked towards a farmhouse not far away.

Although the goddess of life is dressed in a simple way, as an immortal, she has an outstanding appearance and superb temperament. When she walks, her figure sways, and she has an unforgettable charm.

For some reason, Luo Lin felt that he was in a daze, without any thoughts, and when he was beckoned by the other party, he followed him subconsciously.

He followed the goddess of life about ten meters away, looking at her figure under the plain dress, he had a vague feeling in his heart: 'Back to the basics, natural, it is the ultimate beauty'.

Along the way, the busy farmers and women in the farmland occasionally raised their heads, and when they saw Luo Lin, they would show a simple and peaceful smile on their faces.

Luo Lin also smiled back. He found that the anger in his heart caused by the Lord of Radiance's domineering behavior quietly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Now he is calm and leisurely, like a traveler visiting a farmer's house.

When we arrived at the farmhouse, the woman in front opened the door. After opening the door, she looked back at Luo Lin and smiled: "Come in."

This farmhouse is of wooden structure, built of logs, basically without decoration, but the workmanship is very excellent, the roof is covered with golden yellow thatch, faintly, it seems to glow with a halo, full of a kind of yearning. Fantastic colors.

Luo Lin entered the room. The light in the room was bright, with a fragrance of grass and trees. There was not much furniture, a table, a few chairs, and a door beside it. There was a straw curtain hanging on the door. It can be seen that there is a wooden bed at the back, which should be the bedroom.

When he saw the bedroom, Luo Lin couldn't help guessing: 'This beautiful woman, did she sleep alone, or is her husband no longer here? '

If there is a husband, Luo Lin can't help being jealous of that man.

"Sit down." The woman didn't have the majesty of God at all, and greeted Luo Lin like an ordinary woman at home.

After Luo Lin sat down, a glass of clear water was brought to him: "You should be thirsty along the way, so drink clear water to moisten your throat."

At this time, Luo Lin's heart was completely free, the shackles of etiquette, moral persuasion, vigilance to strangers, self-restraint, etc., all the shackles on the soul disappeared. He is now a pure person, and he is indeed Thirsty, so grab a cup and drink water.

The sweet spring flowed down his throat, instantly dispelling Luo Lin's fatigue. His eyes became brighter, his thoughts became clearer, and he wandered in an indescribably free and comfortable atmosphere.

Across the table, the woman sat down and said with a smile, "As you can imagine, I am Ms. Gracedi, the Goddess of Life, but this is just a respectful title for me. As a fellow, you can call me Grace."

"Okay, Grace." Luo Lin called out naturally, he enjoyed the current atmosphere very much, his eyes were fixed on Grace's rosy face, especially the bright big eyes on the face, he felt that he could see it no matter what he looked at. not enough.

This is a kind of appreciation from the heart, and it is a life's natural feeling for beautiful things, so Luo Lin didn't control his behavior, and he didn't want to control it either.

Warm as a spring breeze, soft as drizzle, harmonious and perfect, this is Luo Lin's feeling when facing the goddess of life.

The Goddess of Life did not avoid Luo Lin's gaze. She said in a soft tone: "For hundreds of millions of years, since the moment I ignited the divine fire, I have always had a wish in my heart. I wish that all lives can choose themselves. The way to go. I wish all life would not be mercilessly squeezed by the powerful."

The wish of the Goddess of Life coincided with Luo Lin's thoughts, and joy naturally arose in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, which was the kind of joy of finding a fellow.

"Grace, I think so too." Rollin smiled, this is what he has been doing all the time. In the world of Troll, in the ancient century, when he became the superior, he tried his best not to forcibly interfere with other people's affairs. Will, he likes to use the guiding method to let the other party choose.

Choose which way to go, and you will bear the consequences of which way to go, instead of having no way to go.

"But this road is difficult, isn't it?" Grace's bright eyes showed a trace of disappointment, which made Luo Lin feel unhappy. He wanted to let the impurities in the eyes disappear and return to purity.

"It's difficult, but it's only when we keep going that we can show greatness!" Luo Lin sincerely praised.

Grace sighed: "There are always powerful people who like to deal with problems in the simplest and most brutal way. The Lord of Radiance thinks he is driving away darkness, but what he does is only creating deeper darkness. I watched him helplessly. Killing lives in the name of light, but powerless to stop..."

Rowling grabbed Grace's hand and held it tightly: "Grace, this is a war, a war between life and nature. Light and darkness are like wind, frost, rain and dew in nature. Although they are extremely powerful, life is still growing .You have become immortal with your great wish, but you lack a sharp sword to cut through dangers. I am willing to be your sword!"

Like-minded people are confidants.

This is not because Luo Lin is willing to be used by the other party, but because he is willing to fight for the Tao of the Goddess of Life, which is also his own Tao.

This is completely different from being forced by the Lord of Radiance to fight in the abyss. In the life journey of a sapling, there must be difficulties and obstacles. If you want to grow into a big tree all the way, you must have the courage to overcome the difficulties!

Grace smiled, the kind of smile from the heart: "I saw you in the land of white mist in the ancient century. I knew at that time that I was no longer alone. You are not a dark one, nor a domineering one, but A traveler on the road to freedom. I am glad you exist."

Saying that, she stood up, took Luo Lin's hand and walked to the bedroom, opened the straw curtain, and behind it was a small room with an ordinary wooden bed.

"This is my bedroom, and there is no host, would you like it?" Grace asked, her big bright eyes looked at Luo Lin tenderly.

In this seemingly real and illusory world, there is no restraint in Luo Lin's heart. If he has desires in his heart, he doesn't need to hide it. When he arrived in the room, seeing Grace's question, Luo Lin responded with actions. He lowered his head and kissed Grace's natural tenderness. With ruddy lips, the tongue pushes against the other's lips, sucking the sweet body fluid.

Grace responded gently without any resistance, which made Rowling feel unprecedentedly happy.

So the clothes and skirts were lightly removed, and all the shackles were removed, and the gods and gods, and the body and the body were naturally integrated into one body, regardless of each other, and enjoyed the bliss.

This is just the beginning.

In the following time, Luo Lin stayed in this dreamlike farmland, and lived the life of a farmer with Grace, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Here, his mind experienced unprecedented tranquility and peace, and also experienced unprecedented joy. This is exactly the paradise in his dream.

It didn't last long, though, and after about a month, it ended naturally.

On this day, after lingering with Grace, Luo Lin was extremely tired and fell asleep. He suddenly heard a noisy voice in his ears, and opened his eyes, only to see Sha Er standing in front of him, followed by hundreds of demigods. There are men and women, there are monsters, there are all kinds of appearances, these people are all looking at him, looking at him like a monster.

"How long have I been asleep?" Luo Lin shook his head. He was still in a trance, and he hadn't woken up at all. After a while, he realized: 'It turned out to be a dream. '

"Not too long, just a month. You can really sleep, like a pig." Sha'er was speechless,

A month ago, she saw Luo Lin swaying to rest under the red maple tree, so she didn't care too much. She watched him a few times on the way, and saw him sleeping every time. Although she felt strange, she had too many things to do. I didn't care about it, and as a result, the man fell asleep for a month.

"Oh, it seems that I didn't delay the time for the expedition." Luo Lin stood up, shook his arms and legs, and felt that instead of numbness, he felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Lin discovered that there was a touch of emerald green power in the deepest core of the divine power deep in his body. He tried to feel it, but was shocked.

"Zhinao, am I right?" Luo Lin contacted Zhinao who hadn't spoken for a long time.

"That's right. There is a secret of an immortal being stored here. In the future, as long as your strength is reached, you will be promoted all the way without any bottleneck." Zhinao replied.

"When did the Goddess of Life give it to me?" Luo Lin still had the impression of that half-real dream, but even in that dream, apart from living together for a month, the Goddess of Life didn't seem to give him anything.

"Actually, yes. You took most of it yourself. These secrets are contained in the various bodily fluids you sucked from the goddess." Zhinao's voice was as dull as ever, and it was just stating a fact.

Well, this fact made Luo Lin a little embarrassed. The uncontrollable state of mind in the dream was completely gone, and morality, responsibility, etc. were all entangled. He felt very sorry for Vianna, although he only did it. a dream.

However, Luo Lin is an open-minded person, and soon no longer entangled with this. Now, he knew that he was not fighting alone, that it was enough to have an Immortal standing behind him.

Shaking his head, as if trying to get rid of drowsiness, Luo Lin said in a slightly vague tone: "Look at the situation, you are all ready. Shall we go?"

Shaer nodded, and she opened a portal, and endless brilliance glowed from the opposite side of the portal. This is the outpost of the Lord of Radiance to fight against the abyss: Sindar.

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