Legendary Hero

Chapter 578 Sindal Outpost

Sindar is an outpost of the army of light, but it is also a plane world.

It has everything that a plane world with life should have, such as forests, lakes, grasslands, mountains and rivers, etc. This place is extremely wide.

The location where Luo Lin and the others appeared was on a grassland. The grass on this grassland was dark green and very flexible. There were small thorns on the tips of the leaves, which were a bit stinging to step on.

The sky in the prairie was dark, there was no moon, no stars, it was completely dark. If you look carefully, you can also find that the clouds in the sky are in a vortex state, and the darker the center, the darker it is, like a black hole that can swallow everything.

This vision was a bit frightening, even surpassing the attraction of the magnificent buildings glowing with endless brilliance in the distance. People who came here all looked up and cried out in surprise.

Sha'er is the leader of this hundred-person team. She explained: "That is the power projection of the abyss world in Sindal. You must know that we are an outpost here, and it can be regarded as the plane world closest to the abyss. To a large extent, they are all affected by the power of the abyss. Because of the invasion of the huge power of the abyss, many fighters in the outpost went crazy and depraved, and even gods were not spared. We should all take this as a warning.”

All the soldiers looked solemn, and many of them showed obvious displeasure on their faces.

Someone even scolded: "I live comfortably at home, and I was dragged into this hellish place to take risks. If those lunatics from the Radiance Church want to die, they will go by themselves. They insist on dragging me to the back! Damn it!"

The man's voice was very loud, filled with extreme dissatisfaction and anger.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but it was a strong orc with thick black hair and a bear face. In the darkness, the orc's eyes were beating with flame-like red light. Just staring at it for a while, one could feel extremely strong killing intent.

This guy is a thorn in the head, everyone had similar thoughts in their hearts, and they all turned their eyes away from him, not because they were afraid of him, but because they didn't want to cause trouble out of thin air.

But Sha'er was not afraid of trouble, she immediately reprimanded: "William, keep your mouth shut, if you don't want to be nailed to the holy light rack by the law enforcement!"

"Hmph!!" The bear-faced orc was not stupid. After a cold snort, he fell silent, and the red light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Sha'er didn't pursue the matter anymore, she knew that this group of demigod warriors were all outstanding fighters in her own plane, and they were extremely proud fighters. They were all extremely proud in their hearts, and they felt uncomfortable being recruited so forcefully. She doesn't ask everyone to be convinced, as long as she obeys on the surface.

"Okay, everyone, look over there. That's our camp: Moon City." Sha'er pointed to the glorious building not far away.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a city in a sea of ​​light. The buildings in this city were majestic, especially in the center of which there was a beautiful palace. This palace emitted almost dazzling light. The biggest light source in the dark night.

In fact, it is this moon city that illuminates this dark world without the light of stars and moons. Of course, it is not very bright. It is incomparable with the sun, and its brightness is about the same as a bright moon. It is called the "moon". .

"The center is the Temple of Radiance, where the bishop is Saint Alonso of Radiance, and Alonso is also our supreme commander."

"Hmph!" "Hmph!" All kinds of uncomfortable snorts appeared, and many people expressed their dissatisfaction with such a so-called commander who fell on top of their heads out of thin air. Of course, everyone restrained themselves and stopped talking after snorting.

Faced with such a group of unruly fighters, Sha'er felt very headache. She sighed secretly, and continued: "Next, everyone follow me closely. Our camp is in the east of the city."

She walked first, and everyone followed her.

Luo Lin naturally followed. The fighters here are all demigod-level powerhouses, so Luo Lin is not conspicuous among the crowd. He looks very ordinary. The only special thing is that Shaer paid him some attention at the beginning. up.

Walking in the team, someone came to Luo Lin's side, it was the bear-faced orc, his strong body rubbed against Luo Lin, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, brother, what is the relationship between you and the commander, she seems I take good care of you."

This bear-faced orc has a strong body odor, Luo Lin is not used to it, but he didn't show it, smiled and said: "We are acquaintances, probably because I was the first to be recruited, and I have known her for longer than you a little longer."

"Hmm~ My name is William, and I'm from Hoggum." The bear-faced orc extended a rough hand to Rollin.

Luo Lin reached out and bumped his fist with him: "My name is Luo Lin, and I'm from Troll."

Unexpectedly, the orc William showed a look of surprise, and several warriors around turned their heads to look at him. William said, "Rolin of Troll, I've heard of you. A few years ago, there was a The orc king named Thorge took his tribe to Troll. Later, I heard from the shaman that they were defeated by a young warrior named Rollin. Could it be you?"

"It's indeed me, but that happened many years ago." Luo Lin nodded and admitted that to the demigod, it was just a trivial matter.

William laughed, and patted Luo Lin on the shoulder: "At that time, the shaman said that a young warrior under 20 defeated Thorge. I was a little surprised. I didn't expect you to become a demigod in just a few years. No wonder Thorge lost."

The orc didn't show any hostility, but an expression of appreciation appeared on his face.

At this time, a female elf with a bow and arrow on her back also squeezed over. This elf has a pair of silvery eyes, and the delicate facial features are engraved with complex patterns of purple, green and blue. After she saw Luo Lin He also stretched out his hand: "My name is Odoya, from Nordrassil."

"Nordrassil?" Luo Lin was stunned. Didn't he remember that Nordrassil had disintegrated in the ancient century?

Odoya actually knew why Luo Lin was confused. She blinked her eyes and said meaningfully: "It's the new Nordrassil, the one rebuilt by Luna Allen."

"Luna Alan..." Before Luo Lin finished speaking, he saw the female elf wink at him meaningfully, and he knew that this topic should not be discussed in a crowded place. After talking more, he immediately changed his mouth: "Ahem, I just didn't expect it."

Odoya smiled slightly, leaned close to Luo Lin's face, and seemed to kiss him on the face, but said quickly: "Sometimes, in order to protect yourself, the truth must be hidden. When it is settled, I will talk to you in secret." .”

After finishing speaking, she returned to her normal posture, and then laughed: "I've always heard that Luo Lin is a very young demigod. I didn't believe it before, but now I taste it, and I know it's true, haha."

Luo Lin nodded slightly, and then smiled at the soldiers around him: "I've always heard that elves are very reserved, but Odoya, you are really different. But I like your enthusiasm."

The soldiers around let out a roar of laughter. Everyone was not stupid, and they knew that there must be some secret between the two, but since they were unwilling to disclose it, no one would go to find out.

After Odoya finished speaking, he walked away, and the bear-faced orc William approached Luo Lin again, and said in a low voice, "Although I don't like the temper of elves, I must say that elves, as an ancient race, look exquisite. , but it’s much more pleasing to the eye than a rough old man like me. Kid, I think you should seize this opportunity.”

Luo Lin ignored the orc's words, and asked instead: "Are there no beauties among the orcs?"

"...Maybe there is, but you definitely won't like it, and I don't like it either. It's too rough and barbaric. If she falls in love with you, you won't be able to get out of bed for three days and three nights. That kind of madness is like wanting to swallow you whole." William looked terrified, looking at the situation, he should have a tigress-like woman in Hogaum, and she is still very difficult to get rid of. kind.

Along the way, William chatted vulgarly with Luo Lin all the way. His words were vulgar but genuine, and Luo Lin had a pleasant chat with him. When the team entered Moon City and arrived at the camp, the two had already become friends.

The camp in the east of the city is still very good. After all, it is prepared for the demigod warriors. It is not sloppy to deal with it. It is much better than the buildings in the civilian area around the camp.

In Moon City, not every life is a warrior. In fact, the warriors who really want to fight in the abyss account for less than 10% of the city's residents. Ordinary people in daily life of soldiers.

Most of these ordinary people are believers of the Lord of Radiance, and a few are outstanding people recruited from various planes.

Outstanding here certainly does not refer to outstanding combat power, but to have some outstanding talents. For example, the number one beauty in the plane who is famous for her outstanding appearance, or has a soul-stirring musical skill, or a moving voice, etc. Ordinary people provide convenience services for soldiers in their daily lives, and these people with special skills are responsible for those Warriors who have made great achievements in the abyss provide various higher-level enjoyments.

These news were said by Sha'er, which can be regarded as good news for the soldiers, and made many soldiers feel satisfied, and the resistance in their hearts disappeared a lot without knowing it.

But Luo Lin sneered in his heart: "It's this kind of forced recruitment again, and the Lord of Radiance took it for granted."

After a life possesses outstanding talents, these talents did not bring him happiness and joy, but brought such disasters instead. This kind of world is definitely not bright, and this kind of world is one step closer, stripping off the gorgeous coat of light, all that is hidden inside is darkness!

At this moment, in Luo Lin's eyes, the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness are already the same thing. The former is a hypocrite, the latter is a real villain!

Under Sha'er's guidance, the soldiers settled down in the camp. After announcing some simple military regulations, Shaer, the commander of this team, went to report to Alonso, the supreme commander of Moon City,

Luo Lin also gained some basic freedom because of this. Apart from not being able to leave the camp at will, the soldiers are relatively free in the camp.

There is a beautiful garden in the center of the camp. There are various types of luminous flowers planted in the garden. Some are blue, some are purple, and some are red. They are colorful and beautiful. There is also a kind of petite and beautiful emerald green bird jumping around in the flowers to suck the nectar, and occasionally show a melodious singing voice, which is very interesting.

Luo Lin first walked around in the garden, admiring the beautiful scenery, and unknowingly came to a cluster of crystal grape trellises, where there was an antique stone table.

He sat down in front of the table, and not long after he sat down, a goblin with translucent wings flew over with a jug and wine glass, poured him wine, and the goblin picked a bunch of crystal glowing The grapes were washed with clean water and placed on the stone table.

At this moment, another person sat down on the opposite side of the table. It was Odoya, the female elf from before. She picked a grape and ate it. When the goblin waiter stepped aside, she suddenly stretched out her hand and tapped it in the air. , silently cast a silence enchantment, and then she said: "Did you know? Luna Allen was also recruited to join this expedition."

"As expected." Luo Lin nodded.

Odoya said while eating grapes, seemingly leisurely, "In fact, as a powerful ancient god, she is currently in the abyss plane of the Crimson Land, and she is the supreme commander there."

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