Legendary Hero

Chapter 579: The Artifact Returns to the Lord

In the ancient centuries, the moon god Allen was the servant of the goddess of life, Ms. Gracedy. Now hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and everything has changed.

In Odoya's mouth, Alan is already a very powerful god. Not to mention the rebuilding of the Nordrassil elven plane, he is also the main god of the four plane worlds. With a pivotal position, even the Lord of Radiance cannot ignore her influence.

Of course, the goddess of life is still Ellen's main god in name, but the structure of the natural pantheon led by the goddess of life is loose. As long as the slave gods follow the basic teachings of the natural pantheon, the goddess of life will not interfere with the things of the slave gods, which is well known in the endless void.

"The Lord God once told me that if you hadn't given up the position of the God of War back then and continued to grow, your achievements today must have far surpassed her. Now there will definitely be another god in the life god system that people can't ignore. Then the situation of the natural pantheon will not be as passive as it is now. This is the most regrettable thing for her." Odoya repeated Allen's words in a low voice, but curiosity flashed in his eyes.

She is not very clear about the events of the ancient times. Before lighting the fire, she only learned about the history passed down from generation to generation. After becoming a demigod, she only learned about the real events of the year through a few words between conversations with the main god, so She was very curious about what happened back then, so that the main god would give such a high evaluation to this human demigod.

Luo Lin shook his head after hearing this: "The past is like smoke. If I had been going on, no one would know what would have happened. Maybe I would have degenerated into a dark god halfway, so there is no pity."

He knows himself, so he chooses the path that suits him best. If it exists only for existence, then it is better not to exist. The whole meaning of his return to the ancient times was to save the future Troll world. The most critical step has been completed, and he will naturally return to his beloved.

Even if he is asked to do it again now, he will still make the same choice.

"Tell me about the situation of the gods." Luo Lin said.

Counting it, it has not been more than a hundred years since he ignited the fire. During these times, he was either trapped in the land of white mist, or went to Troll to fight against the dark army. After the dark army was over, he came to Xin Dahl, among them, there is no time to understand the situation in the God Realm.

"Of course, this is one of the reasons why I came to you." Odoya smiled and began to talk: "The God Realm is divided into two camps today. The Gods of Radiance and the Lord of Radiance are the main ones. The gods of nature with the goddess of life as the main one. Both sides occupy certain seats in the pantheon of the gods. The gods of glory have 353 seats, of which there are five powerful gods. The gods of nature have 266 seats, and there are only two powerful gods , in a weak position. Because of this, when the Lord of Radiance proposed a plan to conquer the abyss in the Pantheon, the Goddess of Life did not have much room to object. My Lord God Allen is the representative sent by the natural pantheon to join this conquest plan.”

"Pantheon?" Luo Lin heard this word for the first time, and he clearly remembered that there was no such thing in the ancient centuries.

"The Pantheon, 100,000 years ago, the most mysterious core of force in the endless void was automatically condensed. Whenever a life in the endless void ignited the divine fire, there would be an extra seat in the Pantheon. In fact, the dark place The Lord and his daemons also have seats in the pantheon, but they are seldom there."

Odoya explained in detail, and at the end, she added: "Otherwise, with so many planes, how can the Lord of Radiance know the position of each demigod and recruit them one by one?"

"So that's how it is." Luo Lin was stunned, and asked again: "Then which camp does Sha Er, our conductor, belong to?"

"Of course it is the natural god system. At the beginning, she helped the elves who fled into the world of Troll gain a foothold. At the beginning, the elves believed in the god of fire, but the god of fire did not conform to the nature of the elves. The ability to manage beliefs is also average. From the beginning of the fourth generation of elves, there was a split in the elves. Some elves became dark elves and fled to Glendan. The remaining elves turned to believe in the goddess of life, and continued until Today. During this process, Shaer joined the natural god system."

Odoya took a sip of the wine and said with a smile: "Because of this, the place we are going to fight is the Crimson Land. I estimate that we will set off after staying here for five hours."

"There are more than a hundred demigods here, and they all belong to the natural god system?" Luo Lin asked.

"More than half of them are, for example, the orcs of Hogaum. Their shamanism advocates nature and primitiveness. Their beast god is a middle-level god, a member of the natural pantheon. The other half are new gods who have just ignited the fire. , they haven't had time to choose a pantheon. But Shaer will recruit them, which means that their disposition conforms to the teachings of the natural pantheon. Most of them should choose the natural pantheon. But no matter what, we will go to the Crimson Land .”

Hearing this, Luo Lin started to smile wryly: "I guess, the Crimson Land is very dangerous, right?"

"Of course." Odoya also showed a bit of bitterness on his face: "There are three abyssal planes that are fighting, and the dark power in the Crimson Land is the strongest, with the most demons, and there are two abyssal planes behind and deeper. The planes are directly connected by portals. It can be said that what we are really facing is the power of the three abyss planes. Facts have also proved this point. Among the three battle planes, the army in the Crimson Land is the most damaged. We are facing too many enemies."

"This is really frustrating." Luo Lin spread his hands.

"But there is still a chance. The power of demons comes directly from the planes corrupted by them. The chaotic power is removed through simple purification, and there is pure original force. These original forces can be used to enhance power. Of course, Sha'er will talk about this matter later, but I'm just telling you in advance now."

Luo Lin was taken aback, and asked, "Won't the Radiant Divine Department intervene?"

"Of course not. The Crimson Land belongs to the natural god system. As long as you have the ability to kill more, the part of the power you get will belong to you except the part that is handed over to Allen to maintain the fortress barrier."

Luo Lin's heart moved, knowing that this was his chance.

But until now, what Odoya said was all well-known things, and it was not a secret. Luo Lin didn't urge him either, he waited for Odoya to tell him.

Odoya took a sip of the fine wine, was silent for a while, and said, "There is one more thing that Alan asked me to give you."

As he spoke, Odoya stretched out his hand and took Luo Lin's hand. Luo Lin felt something cold in the palm of his hand. As soon as this thing touched his body, it immediately became warm and trembled slightly, as if it seemed very cheerful.

Moments later, the thing got into Luo Lin's body.

Odoya blinked in surprise: "Sure enough, it's yours. When the Lord God gave it to me, it was like a cold iron bump, and there was no reaction. I didn't expect it to be so excited when it saw you. The Lord God Tell me, the Lord of Radiance doesn't know the existence of this thing, you should use it well."

"I will." Luo Lin was very happy in his heart, because what Allen gave him was the star meteor sword, the god of war artifact he left in the ancient century!

This thing has cost him countless thoughts. Its interior is extremely complicated and delicate, and there are many wisdoms that belong to him alone. Apart from himself, no one else can use the full power of this artifact.

With this artifact, he is even more powerful.

With a slight movement of his mind, the Xingyu Sword fit his heart, flew out of his body, jumped onto the cloud pattern sword on his back, and with a slight movement, the two instantly merged into one.

"The Lord God is looking forward to your growth, but she also asked me to tell you not to reveal your relationship in the ancient age. You don't know each other now. Because the Lord of Radiance is not very clear about your experience in the ancient age, This is your advantage. After I told you today, all the news about you in my memory will disappear, and I will get to know you again, this is my protection for you." Odoya said.

"I understand." Luo Lin nodded.

Odoya stood up, leaned over and kissed Luo Lin's forehead, and said goodbye with a smile: "We had a good chat today, goodbye."

The beautiful demigod gracefully waved to Luo Lin, turned around and walked away. After walking about seven or eight meters, her eyes showed confusion, and she looked back at Luo Lin, as if wondering why she was with this stranger. people chatting.

Luo Lin knew that Odoya's memory about him had disappeared.

As Odoya said, after the group of demigods stayed in the camp for about four hours, Shaer returned, and beside him was an old man in a white robe.

This old man has gray hair all over his head, his face is full of wrinkles, he looks weak when he walks, and his body is even more emaciated, as if he would fall to the ground when the wind blows.

The only thing that makes him stand out is that his body is always shrouded in a faint radiance, in which pure light power flows.

Zhinao gave the level of this light power: "52 divine power, a weak god."

This should be Saint Alonso, the Supreme Commander of Moon City, but since he is a powerful god, he made such an illusion of weakness and oldness, which really displeased Luo Lin.

He knew why the other party did this, because when preaching in the mortal world, this weak image was the least likely to make people wary, and the easiest to make people feel kind and wise.

"This pretentious dog, I really want to beat him to death!" A murmur came from next to his ear, and Luo Lin didn't need to turn his head to know that it was the orc William.

Luo Lin also felt the same way, but the definition of the Lord of Radiance was a hypocrite, so he didn't find it strange that he acted like a god.

At this time, Alonso had already stepped up. He coughed a few times and said weakly: "All brave fighters, the burden of purifying the darkness and protecting the light will be entrusted to you."

"...Go away! Do you think I'm a three-year-old?" A smelly shoe flew towards Alonso, thrown by the orc William.

Alonso turned sideways, avoiding his shoes calmly, and smiled: "It seems that you are already in a hurry to go to the battlefield, so let's go."

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