Legendary Hero

580 Five Hundred Seventy-eighth Crimson Bleeding Land (1/3)

The portal was opened, and the chaotic aura from the abyss came through the portal at once. Although the aura seemed weak because of the fortress opposite, it still calmed down the soldiers who were whispering to each other.

In this chaotic atmosphere, there was a faint smell of blood. All the demigods present had seen big scenes. When they felt this situation, they were all shocked, knowing that they were about to embark on a terrible battle.

There is a faint red light coming from the other side of the portal. This light flows slowly, like thick blood. Just a glance can make people think of negative words such as 'degenerate, evil, cruel' and so on.

Suddenly, there was a faint and sharp roar of 'Zha~~'. It was the roar of a beast in the abyss. The sound was rough and piercing, like sandpaper scraping on glass, and it would make people upset after a while.

The soldiers couldn't help talking in low voices.

"Damn it! I've been cheated miserably!"

"It's a big one this time."

"I don't know if I can come back."

It wasn't until this moment that everyone really realized that what they were about to enter was the source of darkness and evil in the endless void. It was an abyss that would make people tremble just by hearing it.

"Warriors, you can go." Alonso's weak voice sounded like a reminder.

Shar was their conductor, and she shouted, "Go!"

Then she led the way through the portal.

With the leader, each warrior walked into the portal leading to the abyss one after another.

Luo Lin walked among the crowd, like other fighters, with an expression of unwillingness and helplessness on his face. Half a minute later, he arrived at the entrance of the portal and took another step forward. He felt a slight flash of light and shadow in front of him. The scenery in front of him had changed. He was standing in an unusually majestic fortress. When he turned around, there was There is a door of light, the door reveals a sacred breath, one by one warriors come out of the door.

Luo Lin couldn't help sighing: "This teleportation technique is much more subtle than what Melina used when I escaped from Nordrassil. The process of traveling through the endless void is directly omitted, and there is no chance for the opponent to attack."

Soon, more than a hundred soldiers all arrived in the fortress.

Sha'er walked to the front of the crowd and said loudly: "This is the Silver Fortress on the Crimson Plain. The commander is Allen the Great, and there are 200,000 holy spirit warriors stationed here. After arriving here, each of you will automatically become a hundred Commander, command hundreds of troops..."

When Shaer was introducing the situation of the fortress, Rowling listened and looked at the fortress.

There is a thick barrier of divine power on the outermost periphery of the fortress, which is silver-white and semicircular, covering the fortress like a pot lid. There is a city wall around the fortress, which is more than fifty meters high, and the whole body is covered with silver. Composed of bright moonlight white stones, the city wall encloses a circular space with a diameter of about 500 meters. Inside the city wall are various buildings.

There are different signs on each building, which indicate the function of the building. Luo Lin saw the treatment department, weapon department, command department, heavy siege weapon repair shop, etc., which are very complete.

There were people coming and going in the fort, there were soldiers on patrol, some wounded were sent back after being wounded, and the wounded screamed loudly after being tortured, and there were various engineers running around busy, and there was no idler in sight.

From time to time, a strong demigod like him walked out of the fortress with holy spirit soldiers glowing with divine light, and then passed through the divine power barrier outside the fortress and entered the real abyss.

Luo Lin reckoned that what he wanted to do was to lead his hundred warriors to hunt in the abyss just like these demigods.

At this time, Sha'er shouted: "Rolin!"

"Here!" Luo Lin strode forward and arrived in front of Sha'er.

"This is your talisman, hold it carefully, it marks your identity, represents your command, and can lead your soul back to the fortress when you die unexpectedly!" Shaer said earnestly.

"Understood!" Luo Lin took the talisman.

This is a rune composed of an extremely concentrated divine power. When Luo Lin touched it, the rune would emit light. A rune shone with silver light.

"A 58-level divine power has been detected, and it is being compared with the memory bank... The comparison results show that this is the power of the moon god Allen." Zhinao concluded.

In the divine power classification of the intellectual brain, level 59 is the immortal, and Allen has the divine power of level 58, which is only one step away from the immortal. He is worthy of being a powerful god. However, those who walk a hundred miles are half to ninety, this last step should be the most difficult, otherwise hundreds of thousands of years will not have passed, and there are still only three immortals in the endless void.

In the Silver Fortress, Sha'er showed no sign of knowing Luo Lin again, and after handing over the talisman to him, she asked him to find his soldiers according to the talisman, while she continued to distribute the talisman.

This talisman is equivalent to a soldier talisman, which contains the military rules and regulations of the fortress and the corresponding use information. After Luo Lin activated the divine power in it according to the instructions of the talisman, after waiting for about three minutes, a centurion appeared immediately. They came to him in neat steps.

This centurion is a standard cold weapon combat team, with 25 shield fighters, 40 archers, 20 epee fighters, 10 scouts, and 5 healing priests.

Originally, with Allen's knowledge, it was entirely possible to form a magical mechanical team similar to the ancient land of white mist, but no one had the knowledge to achieve it.

These recruited soldiers are basically in the era of cold weapons, and they don't know how to use things like magic guns.

More importantly, it seems that having learned the lessons of the War of the Ancients, the Lord of Darkness modified some of the rules and details of each abyss plane, which made it impossible for similar mechanical troops to develop. Even if they developed, their power would be comparable to that of cold weapons How much, it will be even weaker.

What's even more frightening is that because thermal weapons must contain active cores of magic power, in the abyss, such cores of magic power will become very unstable. As long as thermal weapons are used, all kinds of terrible accidents will occur. After several setbacks, the only way to fight in the abyss is to use cold weapons uniformly.

Naturally, in such a situation, Alan's knowledge is useless.

The captain of this centurion, that is, Luo Lin's adjutant, is a tall shield warrior. He is a Holy Spirit warrior. , in the mortal world, he is a powerful legendary powerhouse, but in the abyss, where gods are everywhere, he is just an ordinary adjutant of the Centurion. The general level of other fighters is between 42 and 45.

In the mortal world, such a team of legendary centuries could sweep a kingdom in an instant, but in the abyss, this is just an ordinary team.

Of course, most of these fighters did not become legends through their own talents and hard work. Such legendary powerhouses are scarce no matter which plane they are in. These holy spirit warriors are mortal warriors who enter the kingdom of God after death, and are promoted only after being rewarded with divine power from the gods. There is still a gap between them and real legends, especially in terms of spirituality.

But for an army, individual shortcomings are not particularly important, and can be made up for through tacit cooperation.

The adjutant saluted Luo Lin and introduced himself: "Sir, I am your adjutant Gorenson. I will follow in your footsteps, expel the abyss, and purify the evil!"

Luo Lin replied: "Very well, I am Luo Lin. I have a preliminary understanding of the situation of the fortress, but this is far from enough. I need to get to know my comrades. Now, all of you will introduce yourself in order, say Your name, your strengths and weaknesses. Now, start!"

The soldiers were taken aback, they didn't expect this to happen, this was the first time they encountered it, but obeying the commander's order is the top priority.

So, starting from Gorenson, the soldiers began to introduce themselves one by one.

Luo Lin secretly said to Zhinao: "Start recording now, and analyze each fighter at the same time. I need comprehensive model data for each of them."

Let the fighters introduce themselves, the important thing is not what they will say, but he needs to analyze the characteristics of each person through the performance of the self-introduction process, analyze what they are really good at, and build a preliminary brain Full model.

On the battlefield in the future, Luo Lin will be able to control the strength of his fighters based on these data, and maximize the power of everyone's cooperation. And with each battle, the brain's model will build a more complete and detailed model due to more and more data, and his command ability will be further optimized due to the improvement of these models.

In the abyss of danger, no amount of power is allowed to be wasted, otherwise it would be tantamount to wasting one's own life, so what Luo Lin is doing now is very important.

Luo Lin knew deeply that if he wanted to survive in the Crimson Land and get promoted, it was far from enough to rely on him alone. What he had to rely on was the strength of every soldier under him.

Every soldier is not very good at words, and the self-introduction is very brief, so it took more than half an hour to introduce.

In the past half an hour, Luo Lin also had a relatively complete understanding of his fighters, and then he stepped on the Holy Spirit Pegasus led by his adjutant Gorenson, pulled out the star meteor sword and pointed outside the fortress: "My Soldiers, let's go!"

"Yes, sir!" The biological warriors lined up in a neat line, marching out of the fort in an orderly manner like other demigods.

The moment the army walked out of the fortress, Rowling felt two familiar eyes behind him, one from the headquarters of the fortress, and it was naturally Allen. The other one is Shaer.

Headquarters, Alan looked at the familiar person, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Rolin, you are still the same as before, full of vigor, but my heart is full of vicissitudes and fatigue. I really envy you, you are moving forward In the process, there is always a lighthouse to guide you."

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