Legendary Hero

581 Walking On The Road To An Epic (2/3)

Crimson land.

The inside and outside of the divine power barrier of the Silver Fortress are completely two worlds. Outside the fortress, the land is red, the sky is red, and even the air is red.

There is a disgusting rancid smell in the air. Occasionally, small streams can be seen on the ground, but the water in it is dark red and very viscous. It looks like blood. When you get closer, there is a rusty smell. The smell is so tangy that it makes people want to vomit.

Luo Lin could feel the strong dark aura mixed in the surrounding environment. This dark aura was mutated and not pure. There was also a hint of demonic power in the darkness that could tempt people to go crazy. It was precisely because of this divine power that That's why everything here has this red hue.

"The divine power rating is 53, and the database shows that this is the power of Caius, the god of madness." Zhinao came up with the analysis result.

"Start to decipher the essence of its divine power." Rowling ordered.

"The mission begins."

In the ancient centuries, Rowling had deciphered the divine power of Vulcan, Moon God, and Demon God Hirsine. Although it took a long time, they finally got the results. In fact, if necessary, Luo Lin can now use his own divine power to simulate the divine power of other gods enough to make the real one.

Of course, simulation is only one of the functions with the smallest effect, and the greatest use is to attack the opponent's weak points head-to-head when the divine power is directly confronted, so as to achieve the goal of winning with one blow.

Now that he has the Star Meteor Sword again, if he can decipher the composition of Caius' divine power, he will be able to easily defeat Caius when his divine power reaches level 53. In fact, as long as Luo Lin's divine power reaches level 52, he can have some chances of winning, but strength is strength. When the opponent's strength is strong enough to crush you, it is difficult to use it even if you have skills. was crushed to death.

Walking forward like this, he quickly walked more than ten kilometers. The journey was very peaceful, which is also normal. This place is near the fortress.

The information in the talisman told him that he had to leave the fortress at least 500 kilometers before he could meet the creatures of the abyss, and it was still early.

"Gorenson, how many guard posts are there in the direction we are walking?" Rollin asked.

In the Crimson Land, the battle between the natural gods and Caius has lasted for thousands of years, during which many demigods fell, but some demigods rose up. own sentry.

"Sir, 50 kilometers to the northwest of us is the thorn post of Talos, the god of wilderness. A hundred kilometers ahead of us is the ice and snow post of Lomisha, the god of winter, and 50 kilometers after the ice and snow post is Ge, the god of hurricanes. Monte's Howling Watch," Gorenson replied faithfully.

"Only three? So little?" Luo Lin was a little unbelievable. How could there be so little achievement in a thousand years.

"Sir, the west direction is close to the core of the Dark Legion, and at the same time connects the other two abyssal planes. It has almost unlimited troops. This direction is the most difficult to gain a foothold. There should be more guard posts in other directions, at least six ’” explained Gorenson.

"It's no wonder." Luo Lin nodded, the big waves washed the sand, and three guard posts could be left behind under the big waves. Those three gods were also outstanding people.

Because of the existence of three sentry posts, the hatred of the abyssal creatures was all attracted by them, so Luo Lin didn't have to worry about encountering abyssal creatures on the road, except for resisting the attack of the frenzied divine power, so his walking speed was fast.

On the second day, a group of people saw the ice and snow sentry post of Lomisha, the god of winter. This sentry post was built on a lake. The frenzied divine power in the lake water had been completely expelled, and the lake water was condensed into a crystal clear ice wall to surround the sentry post. On the periphery, everything inside the sentry post is also made of ice and snow. Outside the entire sentry post, there is also a huge barrier of ice and snow divine power, blocking the attack of frenzied divine power at all times.

When Luo Lin passed by, the soldiers of the ice and snow sentry also spotted them. A column of cavalry wearing ice crystal battle armor galloped out of the sentry and stopped in front of Luo Lin.

"Sir, this is the 'Ice and Snow Barrier', a gift from Ms. Lomisha." The knight approached and handed a fist-sized crystal ball to Luo Lin.

The crystal ball is highly transparent, and pure winter divine power surges inside. These divine powers automatically manifest as ice and snow storms in the crystal ball, constantly fluttering and flying, showing a dangerous beauty.

As a god, Luo Lin understood the usefulness of this ice and snow barrier the moment he got the crystal ball. When he smashed it, the power of cold winter in it would be released, forming a knot within 300 meters around his body that could resist the power of madness. boundary. From the perspective of divine power, this enchantment can last at least ten minutes.

"A very nice gift. Thank you, Ms. Lomisha, for me. When I successfully set up the sentry post, I will definitely give you a gift in return." Luo Lin nodded his thanks.

The knight didn't say much, and there was no unnecessary expression on his face. He gave a military salute to Luo Lin and turned back.

When he was far away, Gorenson said, "Sir, he is very disdainful."

"I know, but it doesn't make any sense. When our sentry stands on this land, all doubts will disappear. Gorensen, do you also have doubts in your heart?" Rollin turned to look at his adjutant.

The adjutant hesitated before replying, "No, I believe we will succeed."

"Your hesitation has already told me the answer, Gorenson." Rollin smiled. Along the way, he observed his adjutant most carefully, and the model built by his brain was also the most perfect. No mental activity can escape his eyes.

Having been punctured, Gorensen smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

Putting away the ice and snow barrier, Luo Lin led the team to continue walking for another 50 kilometers. Luo Lin came to a flat and open field. There was hardly a trace of red in the air in the field. The realization of the crowd, the whistling sound of the wind continued to spread into the ears, "Woooooooo~" like a wolf roaring, like a ghost crying, and like a roar, it is breathtaking.

Through the wind and sand, a castle can be vaguely seen standing in the middle of the field. There are countless holes in the walls of the castle. When the wind passes through the holes, it makes a huge whistling sound.

"Sir, that's the whistling post of Gormon, the god of hurricanes." Gorenson shouted at the throat.

The wind on the field told the news of Luo Lin and others to the God of Hurricane, so a calm hole appeared in the strong wind on the field, and amidst the whistling sound, an ethereal voice floated through the wind and sand: "Arrogant latecomer , go, cross this plain, go to your battlefield."

The Hurricane God doesn't have any expectations of success for Luo Lin and his party. He has seen too many demigods fall in the past thousand years, and he has become numb.

After Luo Lin and his party passed through the wind and sand, there was still a faint murmur being carried by the wind: "Glory or death? This is a false proposition. In fact, there is only one choice."

God's doubt made Gorenson and others feel very frustrated. Although they still followed Rollin's footsteps closely, they were no longer as excited as they were at the beginning, their steps were no longer so orderly and powerful, and the brisk look on their faces completely disappeared. Not seen, only heavy and solemn.

Now, these soldiers think that they are going to die, and the emotions in their hearts are all tragic and solemn.

It can't go on like this.

Luo Lin slapped his whip and shouted, "Stop!"

"Tatatat~" The soldiers stopped and looked at their officers lifelessly.

Luo Lin sat on the Pegasus of the Holy Spirit, looked down at his warriors, and asked in a deep voice, "Glory or death?"

"Glory," the soldiers replied, but the answer was weak.

Luo Lin shook his head: "No, this is a false proposition. These two are not equal choices. We will all die, I will die, you will die, the god of the hurricane will die, the god of winter will die, and even the moon god will die. Will die, but this does not prevent us from pursuing glory. Are you going to die in obscurity? Or die heroically on the battlefield?"

"Heroic death!" answered the soldiers, a little louder.

"This is your glory!" Luo Lin's voice was deep, and he looked at the distant sky with a sadness that was almost hesitant.

I don't know why, but this action of his has an indescribable appeal. This is the charisma of Luo Lin's leadership after long-term correction and training of the brain, and it is also an expression of his own true feelings.

The soldiers were brought into a tragic mood unknowingly. They only felt an indescribable blood welling up in their chests, and their hearts were also pounding, as if a force was about to rush out.

Then, Luo Lin's voice sounded again: "And my glory is not only to defeat the demon in the dark, but also to be able to bring each of you back alive. My soldiers, do you trust your commander?"

"Follow him to the death!" Gorenson only felt the breath in his chest rushing out of his mouth.

"Follow to the death!" The soldiers raised their weapons and shouted.

Luo Lin then turned around, pulled out the Xingyun sword with a 'clang' sound, and pointed in the direction of advancement, with a dazzling brilliance on the sword: "Let's go after the glory!"

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and the sound of orderly and powerful footsteps followed closely. In an instant, the soldiers were swept away from their depression and frustration, and became high-spirited again.

There is a tragic ambition brewing in their hearts, their aspirations are indestructible, and their footsteps are unwavering.

This time, the march lasted about a hundred kilometers. At first, Ice Guardians and Hurricane Warriors were occasionally seen along the way, and they were also hunting for demons.

But in the end, all of these disappeared, and the soldiers reached the real abyss, where the protection of the natural gods and divine power was completely lost.

Here, everything turned dark red, and the frantic divine power in the environment was more than twice that of the rear. From time to time, the roar of giant beasts in the abyss has become clearer and more shocking than ever before, and the terrifying abyssal creatures are right in front of us.

"Build a camp!" Luo Lin ordered. The camp is necessary, the frenzied divine power in the air is too strong, without camp, the souls of the soldiers will soon be polluted by the frantic divine power, and then fall into madness.

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