Legendary Hero

Chapter 584: Crocodile Hunter (Part 1) (2/3)

No matter which world you are in, water is very important to life, and the Crimson Land is no exception.

Because this world is barren and arid, the water here can be said to be as precious as gold. For example, the river where the crocodile was located was the only large-scale flowing water source that Luo Lin had seen after traveling more than 300 miles.

The small lake owned by the Winter Goddess was not counted at all, and there was not much water there. If it hadn't been frozen into ice, and given the hot climate of the Crimson Land, it would probably dry up in a few months.

So, after seeing this river with a width of at least 30 meters, Luo Lin was thinking about whether his future guard post should be built by this river.

Of course, he had to kill the giant crocodile in the river before considering the sentry post.

Because this is the only water source in the vicinity, there are many drinking points for beasts of the abyss beside the big river where the crocodile is located. These drinking points are very easy to find, just follow the footprints of the beasts all the way there.

These drinking points are also excellent places for crocodiles to ambush their prey.

Rollins takes advantage of this.

He had seen this echinoderm alligator lurking in the water from a distance, and the real size of this guy was bigger than what the scouts reported.

Its body length is 24 meters. Judging from the fact that he can easily float on the water, its body density is not much different from that of water. The brain calculates that this guy weighs more than 20 tons. This is not the future that Gorenson said An adult individual, to be precise, this should be an adult female Echinoderm alligator.

Luo Lin also saw this guy hunt with his own eyes. Its power is definitely above 3500, especially in Dahe's home court, it is almost invincible. But this big guy also has flaws. Once he goes ashore and has a full stomach, his movements will become very slow, and it is very easy to deal with.

Aiming at this point, Rollin, Gorenson and others discussed and worked out an ambush strategy.

At this time, at a drinking point upstream, Luo Lin threw an abyss black-spotted sheep with broken limbs there. There was still a wound on the black-spotted sheep, and blood gushed out, continuously flowing into the river.

Alligators are sensitive to the smell of blood, especially in water. Even a drop of blood can attract his attention, let alone the current situation.

More importantly, this alligator likes the meat of the black-spotted sheep very much.

This is not a random guess by Rowling, but the result of observation. Before doing it, he observed for a full day, and was lucky to see a crocodile hunting. At that time, the crocodile faced a mosskin pig that fell into the water and a black-spotted sheep that was suitable by the river.

Undoubtedly, the success rate of catching mosskin pigs is much higher, but the alligator directly chose the black-spotted sheep, which resulted in unsuccessful hunting.

It can be seen that the alligator loves black-spotted lamb.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, a large number of ripples appeared on the water surface next to the drinking point, and the ripples kept pushing towards the shore, making a 'squeak' sound, and the black-spotted sheep on the shore also felt that the disaster was ahead, and kept struggling and screaming. and tried to escape from the river bank.

Behind the grass by the river, Luo Lin whispered: "Start pulling back."

A long rope was tied to the black-spotted sheep, and the soldiers in the grass immediately tightened the rope. The black-spotted sheep kept moving away from the river, but the blood on its body was still flowing, and there was a dark red mark on the grass, exuding a strong bloody smell . This smell attracted the alligators in the water, and also completely covered up the slight breath of the soldiers.

When the black-spotted sheep was dragged more than 100 meters away by the rope, there was a loud "crash" from the river, and a huge black shadow rushed out. It was the alligator. Black-spotted sheep crawled away.

Luo Lin watched in the dark, happy in his heart, this big guy is indeed powerful, not only his body is strong, but his soul is also strong. Its eyes glow with a dark red steady light, which represents its powerful soul.

Of course, a strong soul does not mean a good brain. For example, the crocodile needs a strong soul to control such a huge body and exert all the power in its huge body.

The exact proportional relationship between soul and body is that the higher the degree of control over the body, the greater the power that can be exerted, and the stronger the soul in the body.

This law is especially applicable to wild animals that act by instinct, but it does not work well for intelligent life.

The strength of this crocodile is nearly twice that of the arrow-haired bear man he killed before. Rowling estimated that the force extracted from its soul is enough to raise an ordinary person directly to the legendary level.

In fact, this crocodile is so powerful that Luo Lin is also full of fear.

In this ghostly place full of frenzied divine power, when he encounters such a ferocious thing alone, he can definitely hide and hide when he does not use the dragon body. Although his attack power is extremely sharp, as long as he hits the opponent , can easily kill him, but if one is not careful and is touched by the opponent's dying counterattack, it will definitely be seriously injured. If other beasts come at this time, then he may be finished.

As for the giant dragon battle body, Luo Lin can use it if he can, because once he uses it, his identity will be exposed, and he may be targeted by the Lord of Darkness again. Although he will still be discovered by the Lord of Darkness sooner or later, it will only last for a while.

In this abyss, it is really careful to sail for thousands of years.

The black-spotted sheep kept being dragged to the depths of the grass, and the alligator followed. Maybe it didn't notice any abnormalities at all, or maybe it was used to running amok in this area and never met an opponent, so it didn't care at all. Anyway, it kept following the black sheep. The spotted sheep walked more than 300 meters.

Finally, the black-spotted sheep was overtaken by it, and it stretched out its claws without hesitation, and began to pick up the prey. Its power is really great. After a few pulls, a loud "thrust, thrust, pull" sound like a cracking silk was heard. When the soldiers looked up again, they saw that the body of the nearly two-meter-long black-spotted sheep was torn apart. After a few pieces, the big guy began to devour it in the grass on the bank.

In a short while, the abyss black-spotted sheep weighing nearly 200 kilograms was eaten by the alligator.

Of course, there is no poison in the black-spotted sheep. Poison is too easy to cause accidents. Once the crocodile discovers the existence of poison and abandons the prey, their plan will come to naught.

After eating a black-spotted sheep, the crocodile basically didn't feel anything, just like eating a small snack. Although the snack was delicious, it was far from enough to fill his stomach.

But today was probably its lucky day. After eating a black-spotted sheep, the crocodile sniffled, and with its extremely sensitive sense of smell, it discovered that there was a smell of blood coming from nearby. He quickly recognized that it was the smell of fresh blood.

The crocodile was not full, so it continued to crawl along the smell of blood.

This bloody smell is not far away from the river bank. If it is too far away from the river bank, he will not go, because this river is its domain, it is the overlord here, no one can do anything to it, but if it leaves this area, it will There is an opponent.

As far as it knew, there was a very powerful boa constrictor in the woods. If they really fought, the result would be hard to say.

After walking for more than a hundred meters along the river bank, the crocodile found a new black-spotted sheep. The leg of this sheep was also broken. Unlike before, there was no troublesome rope tied to its body.

The crocodile didn't care, and pawed and pulled a few times with its claws, and began to eat again.

Soon, the second black-spotted sheep entered his stomach, and his stomach was already feeling. It was estimated that he would be full after eating three more... At this time, he found the third black-spotted sheep sheep.

Today may have been its lucky day, as the crocodile crawled across without hesitation.

Then, the third one, the fourth one, the fifth one, and finally the sixth one... the sixth one it didn't want to eat at first, but in the end it couldn't hold back the temptation.

By this time, the crocodile has already filled its stomach to the brim, and its body looks round and round. It has reached the point where it wants to eat, so it has to be pulled out to make room before it can continue to be stuffed.

‘This time it was a real meal. It's time to go back. This idea came to the crocodile's mind. It slowly turned around and crawled back to the river not far away. It was too full to stay on the shore. A few big thunder elephants rushed over. Under the fright, it may still be stepped on its stomach, which is not a good feeling.

Its stomach is very important now, it must be protected and must not be injured.

Because there were six black-spotted sheep in its belly, the movement of the alligator was much slower, and it looked extremely clumsy. This was a great opportunity to attack.

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