Legendary Hero

Chapter 585: Crocodile Hunter (Part 2) (3/3)

"Archer, shoot at its eyes and mouth!" Rollin ordered.

The skin of the crocodile is rough and tough, and bows and arrows cannot be shot at all. Only the eyes and mouth can attack.

The archers who had been lying in ambush immediately began to attack.

When these archers were in the mortal world, they could be called the figures of the archers, but at this moment, the crocodile has no defense at all, and its movements are slow, and its crawling speed is about the same as that of people walking, and its eyes are very sharp. Big, as big as two ordinary people's fists, there is no reason why the shot cannot be accurate.

This time, twenty archers were brought out to attack together, and there was a burst of 'swish, swish, swish'.

In an instant, the two eyes of the crocodile suffered a huge blow. In an instant, seven or eight arrows were stuck in each eye, and the blood burst out.

"Roar~" the crocodile felt the pain and couldn't help roaring, and its body began to roll on the grass. This was its instinctive reaction after being attacked and its eyes were shot blind. Use its huge size to force opponents not to approach it.

But after all, it was so full that its self-protection action was more than half slower than usual.

When it roared, it instinctively opened its mouth wide. The mouth of the crocodile is really big. After opening its mouth, a person can almost stand upright inside. Even if it is rolling over, it still cannot escape the archer for such a big target. blow.

'Swish swish swish' at least ten arrows shot into the mouth of the crocodile. The meat in the mouth was tender, and at least half of the arrows nailed into it.

These arrows are not as gentle as the food before. In order to cause maximum damage to the creatures of the abyss, the arrows are all specially made. There is a cavity in the tip of the arrow, and the cavity is filled with holy water containing divine power. Such arrows are nailed into the abyss The body of a dark creature is deadlier than the deadliest poison of the abyss.

It was also this kind of holy light arrow that shot into the crocodile's eye before.

From a distance, silver light flashed continuously from the eyes and mouth of the crocodile. Almost the entire big mouth was glowing. The roar of the crocodile began to turn into a scream, and the rolling movement also began to slow down.

"Stop shooting!" Luo Lin ordered. Although continuing to attack with bows and arrows is the safest way, he is poor now. At the beginning of everything, each archer was equipped with only fifty arrows. The rate is only 50%.

When the arrows are finished, before he builds his own equipment manufacturing workshop, if he wants to replenish the arrows, he can only exchange them with the original force absorbed from the abyssal creatures in the fortress or other sentry posts.

This is obviously not a good deal, so save as much as you can.

After the attack stopped, Luo Lin pulled out the Xingyun sword and rushed forward first, followed by the shield warrior and the epee warrior.

Luo Lin is now a demigod, his body has broken through the shackles of a mortal, and his physical explosive power has reached about 3400, which is not much inferior to this alligator. The opponent is in a weak state, and he is enough to kill the opponent.

"I'll go first, and then you guys will follow!" Luo Lin roared. He didn't have many fighters, and he didn't want to reduce his number under the counterattack of this powerful alligator for no reason.

It can only be said that the fighters are not good at skills and bad luck, but this crocodile is too strong, and his fighters have not yet fully adapted to this kind of battle, so it would be a pity to be injured at this time.

When he roared like this, the shield warrior and the epee warrior immediately slowed down, and they did not doubt Luo Lin's order.

The crocodile also sensed the approaching mortal danger, so it no longer rolled over, but crawled desperately towards the big river.

As long as it is in the water, it is not afraid of any opponent.

Luo Lin quickened his pace. He was also afraid of the crocodile entering the water. Then, their previous efforts would be in vain, and a lot of weapons and equipment would be wasted, and they would never try to lure the crocodile to the shore again.

He was so fast that he rushed to the side of the crocodile's body in the blink of an eye. He jumped up and landed on the back of the crocodile. He raised the Xingyun sword and was about to stab at the back of the crocodile.

Almost at the same time, Luo Lin heard a thunderbolt-like explosion from behind, followed by a burst of numbness in the back of his head, which was a sign of an imminent attack, and it was a fatal attack.

Before he had time to think about it, Luo Lin immediately gave up the attack, rolled over, and fell off the back of the crocodile. When he was in the air, he launched the Wind Control Skill and jumped more than 30 meters away in an instant.

With a bang, he heard a convulsive vibration from the ground behind him, the grass stalks were flying, and the soil was splashing. Looking back, he saw a long black shadow shrinking back quickly. It was a crocodile. tail.

The elasticity and flexibility of this tail far exceeded Luo Lin's expectations, and it could protect the whole body of the crocodile. If he hadn't reacted quickly and was caught by this thick barbed tail, he would have been caught right now. The soul can go back to the Silver Fortress to report. If it wasn't him this time, but the holy spirit warrior, no one would be able to hide.

Luo Lin felt chills in his heart, and deeply felt the danger of the Crimson Land, but he kept moving, taking advantage of the moment when the crocodile's tail retracted, he rushed back immediately. This time he didn't jump on the back of the crocodile, but Attacking from the side, a sword pierced the crocodile's ribs.

This time, the crocodile couldn't dodge it, and its stomach full of food made it unable to respond in time, and Luo Lin's Xingyun sword stabbed it right in the ribs.

Other fighters also seized this gap to attack together.

As soon as he stabbed the crocodile's body, Luo Lin felt that the name of the so-called Echinodermosa crocodile was not given for nothing. The thick skin of this body was not only extremely tough, but also stretchable and elastic. From a distance, it looked like a A wrinkle, but when his sword stabbed, the skin began to shrink automatically, like a pair of hands, tightly clamping Luo Lin's sword edge, not to let him continue stabbing, there are all kinds of things A horizontal force came from the sword, wanting to take the sword away from Luo Lin's hand.

"Excellent!" Luo Lin praised in his heart, if it was an ordinary swordsman, he would definitely let go of the sword this time, but Luo Lin's swordsmanship has reached the point where ghosts and gods can't predict it.

In fact, at this time, the weapons in the hands of many holy spirit warriors had been pinched by the spines, and none of the holy spirit warriors could break through the thick skin of the crocodile.

As soon as he felt this situation, he twisted his wrist immediately, and the sword edge spun like a drill, shaking off the pincer attack of the spiny skin, and with a 'puchi', it penetrated into the body of the crocodile, pierced the heart, and the explosive magic power surged in, and then The sword edge quickly retracted, followed by Luo Lin to retreat quickly, so as not to be hit by the dying counterattack of the bay crocodile.

"Back!" He didn't forget his soldiers.

This was a truly fatal blow. The crocodile's body shook violently. It was so wounded that it still survived for a while. It began to roll and struggle crazily on the ground, only planing and shooting the dirt and grass stems on the ground. If someone stayed by it at this time Beside him, if he is hit by its dying attack, he will be disabled even if he is not dead.

The crocodile's vitality was extremely strong. With its heart severely injured, it struggled for half an hour, and dug out a huge dirt pit before it lost its breath.

Luo Lin still didn't dare to relax, he stepped forward with full concentration, and waited until he jumped on the back of the alligator, and there was no movement, and then he was sure that this big guy was really finished.

Only then did Luo Lin press the talisman on the crocodile's head, and began to extract the original force from its body.

The agility of this crocodile is really powerful. It took ten seconds before Luo Lin extracted a dark light ball with a diameter of more than 20 cm from the crocodile. There is still a pure force light ball with a diameter of over 18 centimeters.

According to the previously established practice, all fighters who contribute their strength will get a share of the original force, and those who cause effective attacks will get 50% more points.

Although the shield fighters and epee fighters didn't play any role this time, they still had a basic distribution of force, and the basic share was larger than that of long-range archers.

it is necessary.

The role of archers is great, and they have more opportunities to contribute. In the foreseeable future, these archers will receive much more force than melee fighters, and their strength will rise faster. In terms of strength, they will pull melee warriors even more. farther and farther.

But a strong team must have strong melee warriors to support the front line of defense, so Rollin should slightly favor melee warriors in allocation. Everyone agrees with the reason for doing this. Melee warriors stay close to their opponents and protect the rear. They are always risking their lives, and their lives are hanging by a thread. If you give more, you should naturally get more power.

The remaining 20% ​​is used as a camp for consumption.

Because this time it was mainly Luo Lin who caused the kill, and he was the commander, so he got 30% of the force.

After obtaining this force, even Luo Lin, who had ignited the divine fire, felt that his strength had increased a lot. According to this speed, if he could kill ten more alligators, he could directly rise to level 51.

Looking at the soldiers who had also increased their strength and their faces were full of joy, Luo Lin couldn't help but sigh: "Conquering the abyss is a huge risk, but the rewards are indeed attractive."

Looking at this crocodile again, it has no breath, but the leather on its body is a good thing. Luo Lin has already deeply realized the benefits of this leather, and waved his hand: "Brothers, don't waste this body." Very skinny."

The soldiers all benefited, and at this moment they felt relaxed, and one of them began to rush forward to peel the skin. The echinoderm of the dead crocodile has lost its shrinkage, but it is still tough and elastic. It took more than an hour for more than fifty soldiers to peel off all the skins of such a huge monster. It is estimated that these skins can be used to make at least 30 sets of full-body leather armor.

This is another big takeaway.

But Luo Lin had no time to rejoice. He was attracted by the belly of the alligator. After being skinned, there was a very subtle soul wave from the belly of the crocodile.

According to common sense, it is impossible for a crocodile that has absorbed its soul to have any soul fluctuations. What's going on?

"Cut off the muscles here... Yes, here, be careful, I think there are alligator cubs inside." Luo Lin said.

An epee warrior stepped forward and carefully cut open the crocodile's muscle, revealing a white pouch inside, and the fluctuation of the soul suddenly became much clearer. The warrior cut the white film again, and the breath of the soul suddenly became very clear, and the white pouch suddenly became clearer. Inside the pouch was a small, light-brown crocodile, as tall as a person, curled up and moving from time to time. After the pouch was cut open, the little thing might feel dazed, and curled up tighter, like a small ball.

"It's still alive. Looking at the scene, it has already grown." Gorenson observed carefully and came to this conclusion.

"It is protected by this pouch, and the dark aura on its body is very shallow, and it hasn't penetrated into the bone marrow. It should be able to be purified." Looking at the river beside him, Luo Lin had an idea.

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