Legendary Hero

587 It's Time To Do It (2/3)

With a sound of "poof", Luo Lin chopped off the Shadow Tiger's head with a sword, then he didn't move, and his upper body turned to the side, avoiding the shadow tiger's instinctive claw swing.

It was already half a month after Luo Lin established the Iron Steel Tree camp, and this Shadow Tiger was already the last threat in the vicinity except for the Gnoll's lair.

The tiger's head didn't land, and Luo Lin grabbed it in his hand. As soon as the magic talisman in his hand lit up, he tore out the shadow tiger's soul in an instant. In just three seconds, it was purified into a ball of pure force light with a diameter of 16 centimeters. .

The intellectual brain started to work, and from the battle process just now, it calculated the amount of each person's contribution in an instant, and accurately divided the force light group according to the regulations set by Luo Lin.

More than 20 points of light flew out, each flying towards the fighters participating in the battle, the largest of which was naturally Luo Lin's.

When the pure power poured into his body, Luo Lin felt warm and extremely comfortable, as if his whole body was soaking in a hot spring. Looking at the fighters around him who were assigned the Force, they all had the same happy expressions as Luo Lin.

The original force is constantly being absorbed and transformed by the divine fire in the body. After a while, there is news from the brain: "The current improvement progress is 52%, and it is estimated that five gigabytes of original force are needed, and the host divine fire can be upgraded to level 51." .”

Level 51 divine power, for ordinary gods, just increases in strength and becomes stronger, and there may even be a bottleneck in the improvement, so that it is impossible to further absorb the original force, but Luo Lin does not have this problem, he only needs to absorb enough original force, and After being promoted, he will possess the first extraordinary divine skill.

This magical skill seems to be comprehended from the message of the goddess of life, not all gods have it. Luo Lin's supernatural skill is called Flash.

Flashing, burning the original force to compress the space to achieve ultra-high speed movement.

This is a combat magic skill, which is very useful whether chasing the enemy or escaping for life.

Of course, this is an improvement in the future. The current improvement of Luo Lin is the increase in strength. After continuously absorbing the souls of powerful monsters, his physical strength has reached the limit of 4000.

Not only him, but his fighters have also been greatly improved.

Up to now, under the influence of talent and luck, many holy spirit fighters with outstanding talents have begun to emerge.

The most conspicuous one is Grunson, the adjutant. His past is not simple. He is a legendary powerhouse who relied on his own efforts to promote, and he has also ignited the fire. Unfortunately, he unfortunately died in battle during the battle of the Crimson Land. , After the soul returned to the Silver Fortress, its strength was greatly reduced, and the divine fire was dissipated, so it could only be reincarnated as a holy spirit warrior.

But even so, he still has the power of a mid-level legendary powerhouse. Now in battle after battle, the force he gets is only behind Rowling.

Now, he has been promoted two levels in a row, becoming a level 48 powerhouse.

Besides him, the archer Herris is also a genius. With the convenience of the archer's long-range attack and some luck, he can always gain something in every battle. Now he has become a strong player at level 45. By.

The third is Priest Kuntu, who is already a level 45 legendary priest.

Except for these three top fighters, other fighters have also improved. When Luo Lin just brought them out, the level of ordinary Holy Spirit fighters was only 41, but now, everyone has generally risen by one level.

Both geniuses and ordinary fighters have greatly improved, and Luo Lin himself has also greatly improved, and the fighters also have a wealth of combat experience, and they have honed a tacit cooperation with each other. Combat strength has been increased by at least twice, and it is completely different from the tender head at the beginning.

Of course, there are gains and losses. In many battles, although Luo Lin has always been very cautious, two epee fighters and one scout died in battle.

There is no way to do this, and after half a month of fighting, only three soldiers died, which in itself is already a great miracle.

Seeing that the soldiers had almost absorbed the Force, Luo Lin waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go back now."

The soldiers took orders in unison, the scouts scouted around, the soldiers put up a defensive formation, and some soldiers began to deal with the huge tiger carcass, peeled off the tiger skin, and carried pieces of tiger meat containing a dark aura on their backs. take it back.

Although these things were polluted by dark forces, as long as they were left in the camp for half a day, the dark aura in them would be dispelled, and they could be used as food for the soldiers.

The meat of these powerful creatures contains a lot of energy, some are too rough to eat, so throw them to the crocodile Dashan to eat. This little guy is growing crazily. It has only been half a month, and his body has grown to more than two meters. It has a huge belly. As long as it is meat, it will not refuse anyone.

The Shadow Tiger was about eight kilometers away from the camp, and at the speed of the soldiers, they could get back in about ten minutes.

While walking, the scout in front suddenly rushed back and arrived at Luo Lin's side. He hurriedly reported: "Sir, there are a lot of traces of wolf man activity ahead."

Luo Lin was startled, and quickly asked, "How many do you think there are?"

"At least twenty, it should be the size of the wolf man's hunting team. But since we came, these wolf men have never come here to hunt, this time..." The scout didn't say the result, because He cannot influence the commander's judgment.

Luo Lin thought for a few seconds, and then said: "Go and investigate again. We will return to the camp immediately."

He kept half of the fighters in the camp. Of course, these fighters also have the basic force supply as a promotion, but there are far fewer fighters who go out to fight, so during this time, everyone is looking for a fight. As long as it is their turn to go out, they will be happy and proud Full. When it was his turn to guard the camp, he sighed.

But the camp is their foundation, it is a place to resist the invasion of frenzied divine power, and give soldiers a place to recuperate and recover their strength, so there is absolutely no room for loss.

Now the wolf man is acting abnormally. No matter what the other party wants to do, Luo Lin's first priority is to return to the camp and keep the rear, so that he can calmly deal with any tricks of the wolf man.

The soldiers immediately quickened their pace. They were all legendary fighters. They rushed at full speed, and the eight kilometers only took four minutes.

But after only three kilometers away, an accident happened. When they were bypassing an extremely dense bush, the soldiers and the wolf man met unexpectedly.

Apparently, the jackals didn't expect this to happen either. The two teams were separated by hundreds of meters, just staring at each other.

After taking a look, Luo Lin understood the situation. There were 23 gnolls, the strongest magic power in their bodies was at level 46, and the average level was around 43. They were all used in melee combat, and their basic weapons were stone axes.

At this moment, Luo Lin decided to act first.

"Herris, lead the attack!"

"Grunson, start defending!"

These two are already the captains of various arms, and Luo Lin called their names, so they naturally know what to do.

Herris immediately understood Rowling's intentions, waved his hand, and built the bow without hesitation, saying in a deep voice, "Aim and attack!"

There were only 23 gnolls and 20 archers on the other side. A round of aiming and attacking was enough to cause heavy casualties to the opponent, and it also saved more arrows.

The strong wind of "whoosh whoosh" kept ringing, and at the same time, Glenson had already taken the shield, and ten shield warriors had already formed a shield wall in front of the queue, and each shield warrior put on a defensive posture.

At this time, the shield fighters have already experienced many battles, they cooperate seamlessly, and know when to use their most powerful defensive combat skills to break the opponent's most powerful offensive. The shield fighters are highly excited without a trace of nervousness. This is the best fighting state.

What is the power of 20 legendary archers aiming and shooting? The best interpretation is now given.

The 23 gnolls were startled first, and then realized what was going on, but it was too late.

After a round of arrow rain, 8 gnolls were fatally hit by the sword, and they were killed on the spot, and 9 gnolls were injured, and only 6 were not injured.

The Jackal man was also fierce, knowing that the situation was inevitable, he didn't even retreat, and rushed up howling.

The archers continued to attack, but facing the running and highly vigilant wolf man, the hit rate dropped a lot. After a round of shooting, only four wolf man fell, and three of them were still unable to move because of the arrow in the leg. for the sake.

Although the others were also shot, they missed the vital points, and had little effect on the wolf man's combat power.

The gnolls charged extremely fast, and the archers fired another round, and they had already rushed to the shield warrior.

Of course, the loss was also huge. At this time, there were only 11 Gnolls standing.

To be honest, this number surprised Luo Lin a little. According to his expectation, there should be five or six left at this time, but there are still eleven. It seems that he underestimated the power of these abyssal warriors.

"Boom boom boom" The jackal collided with the shield warrior's shield. These guys were very powerful and extremely wild, and they turned the person who hit the shield warrior on their backs.

However, the Jackals also paid a huge price. Under the blockade of experienced shield fighters, their momentum was completely offset, and their foothold was unstable, so they couldn't continue to attack in a short time.

The epee warrior among the shield warriors seized this opportunity, the sword light flashed continuously, and with the sound of sharp blades plunging into the flesh, the gnoll fell down like mowing grass, and was almost beheaded in an instant. clean.

The last one standing was the level 46 jackal. This guy was extremely brave, he slashed like crazy with the stone ax in his hand, and he was still yelling, which made the epee warriors dare not step forward easily.

But he was only level 46. Luo Lin saw a gap, and suddenly went out, and the back of the sword 'slapped' on the back of his head. This guy rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Tie it up and take it back." Luo Lin shouted, and then began to reap this harvest.

The 22 gnoll souls, each with a diameter of about eight or nine centimeters, were quickly distributed.

In an instant, Luo Lin felt the power in his body skyrocket, and Shenhuo broke through level 51 in an instant.

The same is true for other fighters, each of them rose one or two levels in unison. Grunson even reached level 49. As long as he goes up one level, he can rekindle the magic fire.

He used to be a god, and he wanted to have enough force, so there was no bottleneck at all.

In short, after encountering such a wave of unexpected encounters with the Wolf man, the results of the soldiers' strength improvement were almost equal to the efforts of the past half month.

With such a surge in strength, every soldier was extremely excited, and Luo Lin couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, such a large-scale war is the kingly way to increase strength!"

He looked at the wolf man captive, and killed 23 wolf men, and the other party was also seriously injured.

The place where people lie down can't allow others to sleep peacefully, it's time to attack the wolf man's lair.

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