Legendary Hero

Chapter 588: Gnoll Leader (3/3)

Nineteen kilometers northwest of Iron Steel Tree Camp is a dark forest with undulating terrain, forming a forest valley.

A huge wooden stake was inserted at the mouth of the valley, and a bunch of heads were inserted into the stake, including the heads of beasts and the heads of holy spirit warriors. Some of these heads had been air-dried, while others had already rotted. There were black and red maggots crawling in and out of the eye sockets of the heads, and some heads had turned into white dry bones.

Walking into the valley along the dirty path scattered with minced meat, feces, rotten grass stems, and mud, you can see a small thatched hut, with the sound of rough panting and the smell of wild animals coming out. Looking around, you can see a thick jackal with a height of 1.5 meters with one shoulder squatting in the thatched hut, with a pair of dark red eyes half-squinted staring at Taniguchi.

This is the wolf guard of Taniguchi.

The interior of the forest valley is covered by tree canopies, the light is getting darker, and the smell of foul smell and decay in the air is getting stronger. Looking in from the mouth of the valley, in the darkness, there are dark red light spots flashing from time to time, and occasionally there are strange laughter. If a mortal comes here to take a look, he will definitely be heartbroken. I will never forget the scene here.

It's not just mortals. In fact, when Ertumen received the oracle and came to this extremely dirty wolf man's lair, he felt that he might never forget this ghostly place in his life.

When he walked to the entrance of the valley, when the jackal guard licked his face with his tongue and smeared his face with inexplicable stench, he swore in his heart that after this mission was completed, he would never Approach the Gnoll.

The jackal guard remembered his smell, and with a strange smile in his mouth, he ran to the depths of the forest valley with small steps to report.

After about five or six minutes, strange laughter came one after another from the depths of the forest valley, followed by a large number of footsteps. After a while, a group of tall and sturdy wolf men rushed out. The leader of the wolf men was nearly three meters tall, with black hair all over his body, and the brilliance in his eyes was so scarlet that people dare not look directly at them.

Ertumen didn't dare either, he lowered his eyes after taking a look, then saluted, and said humbly: "Zahu, I'm here by the oracle of Caius, the God of Madness."

"I know you, Ertumen, Caius' megaphone. What new ideas does Caius have this time?" The voice of the leader of the gnolls called Zahu sounded vague, but he could still hear it clearly when he listened carefully. of.

"He hopes that you can get rid of the intruder camp not far away." Ertumen lowered his head. On the one hand, he wanted to show humility and self-preservation, and on the other hand, he wanted to avoid the stench from the mouth of the wolf man He was angry, and by the way, he also hoped that the wolf's saliva on his face would flow down his face as soon as possible, so as not to blur his eyes.

As for drying the drool, he didn't think about it, because as far as he knows, drying the drool that these gnolls have smeared on your face can easily irritate them, especially if you do it in front of them.

Zhahu snorted coldly: "Don't talk too much about Caius, I'm going to get rid of that ugly ghost who stretched his feet! Those ugly dogs killed my forward team!"

In the eyes of jackals, jackals are the most perfect race in the world, and women of jackals are the most beautiful things in the world, while all other intelligent creatures are so ugly that they are almost unsightly, including the pale face in front of them. The messy Winged Demon God Envoy.

Ertumen didn't know how to evaluate the Gnoll's world view. He rationally pretended not to hear his words, and continued: "Chief Zahu, there is no doubt that you are very powerful. Although you volunteered to kill those invaders, you Your behavior still helped my master a great favor. So the master asked me to give this to you as a thank you gift."

He has to say this, if it is said that this is God's reward, or God is worried that you will not be able to beat the opponent, so he gives you some strength, then these arrogant jackals will definitely fly into a rage, and then take everything from him, Finally tore him to shreds.

Ertumen took out a small dark red bead, flicked his finger, and the bead flew lightly towards Zhahu, the wolf man leader.

Zhahu took it with one hand, looked at it carefully, and was overjoyed: "It turned out to be the essence of wildness, very good, very good, Caius is indeed the most generous god in the world. You go back and tell him, those ugly ghosts will be here at the latest In three days, it will become the shit of our gnolls."

Wild Essence, after activation, it can release a group auxiliary divine spell, which can increase the power of dark creatures within 100 meters by more than 50%, and there will be no fear in their hearts.

This thing, combined with the talent of the wolf man, can squeeze out all the potential of the wolf man. In a short period of time, the wolf man will have unrivaled power. Even the most powerful dragon in the abyss will temporarily avoid it. edge.

Ertumen didn't say any more, bowed slightly to the leader of the gnolls, and then withdrew from this dirty lair that he would never forget. Once outside the lair, he wiped his face madly before spreading his wings and leaving.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When the jackals were planning to attack Luo Lin's camp, Luo Lin was leading a group of soldiers to set traps around the camp.

From the mouth of the wolf man captive, Luo Lin knew that the wolf man was ready to attack them. Those twenty warriors were here to inquire about news, and the attack of the Jackals would arrive shortly.

Because of successive hunting and killing of powerful abyssal creatures, a lot of original force has been accumulated in the camp, and the area around the camp has been purified up to 300 meters, and the forces in the camp can maintain this purification scale within three months.

Of course, although this iron tree camp is developing well, its potential is not great, and the surrounding traffic is too inconvenient. After the abyssal creatures are cleaned up, the soldiers have to take these dangerous forest roads to find the abyssal creatures in the distance. .

If the camp was by the Red Water River, then there would be no such problem. He could build a wooden boat and go along the river. When the time came, they would be escorted by the crocodiles and mountains, and their purification range would become very wide.

Therefore, Luo Lin didn't plan to use the wild steel tree camp as a long-term sentry, so he didn't spend too much manpower and was unable to build any protective walls around it. Knowing that the jackals were about to attack, he began to set up around the camp. trap.

The traps are very simple, just big pits. There are no sharpened stakes or anything like that at the bottom of the pits, but only groundwater. The priest has released a divine spell into the water, incorporating a lot of divine power. On the potholes, however, there were runes that concealed the aura.

These runes can not only hide the breath of divine power, but also make the cover on the pothole have a certain strength. It's absolutely fine for one or two Jackals to step on it. Once the number exceeds ten, the cover will immediately burst.

For dark creatures, this kind of trap is like a frying pan, as long as it falls, it will definitely be fried by the holy water below!

What's more, Luo Lin sent people to cut down many thorns, and the dark aura on the thorns was completely purified, and densely covered with the aura of divine power. These thorns covered most of the places where there were no traps, leaving dead passages full of traps for the wolf man to pass through.

It can be said that as long as the jackals dare to come, the whole army will definitely be wiped out.

And Rowling believed that the Jackals would definitely come to take the initiative to attack. He did not do this out of imagination, he had sufficient basis.

First, the current situation is that the jackals are strong and they are weak.

Second, in the process of dealing with the Gnoll captives, Rowling found that this kind of thing is not very good at thinking, and is arrogant, thinking that he is born superior to others, and other races are idiots and mentally retarded. The news scouts heard also confirmed this.

Once such jackals get angry, they won't use any tactics at all, and they won't do anything like ambush soldiers outside the camp. They will definitely use brute force to attack directly.

So Rollin was sure these traps around the camp would come in handy.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, everything was ready, and the soldiers began to prepare the food for dinner, and the smoke rose from the kitchen.

From the outside of the camp, it seemed that the camp was defenseless, just waiting to be trampled by someone.

In the woods outside the Iron Tree Camp, the Gnolls had also arrived. They hid in the woods, only waiting for the night of the abyss to fall.

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