Legendary Hero

Chapter 589

The dark night of the Crimson Land came step by step with steady steps. Under its shadow, the dim red sky gradually lost its brilliance until it was completely swallowed by darkness.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, there was no light in the sky, and the entire Crimson Land was plunged into an ink-like darkness.

The voices of various night owls and dark beasts in the woods suddenly increased, and there were a few strange laughter faintly, which were the wolf men hiding in it.

In this kind of night fused with endless darkness, the Iron Steel Tree Battalion filled with divine power showed a misty silver radiance, looking from a distance, it was like a bright moon appearing on the ground.

In the woods, Zhahu looked at the light with incomparable disgust, with a strange smile of "ahhhhhhhhhhh" rolling in his throat, which was full of sarcasm.

In his opinion, in the dark night, all light should be extinguished, but the silver light in front of him is against the rules, which greatly destroys the perfection of the night, and it is simply polluting his eyes.

The Gnoll scout came back and brought news from the distant camp: "Boss, there are thorns everywhere beside their camp, and the thorns are full of evil forces. There are only a few small paths for entering and exiting."

"Cunning ugly ghost, they must have dug a hole in the path and set a trap!" Zhahu snorted coldly.

The scout shook his head and said, "Boss...Boss, I don't think there should be any traps. I see those hairless ugly monsters coming in and out of the camp from time to time by the path."

"Well, that's it. Then they must have set up many secret whistles in the thorn bushes on both sides of the road!" Although the wolf man Zhahu has some problems in his mind, as the leader, he has extremely rich combat experience. , Immediately suspected the trap, otherwise the Wolf man would not have become the most powerful force in this area.

But it's a pity that Luo Lin's trap cleverly confused the Gnoll's eyeliner, which in turn confuses the Gnoll leader.

There is nothing new in the art of battlefield, it is nothing more than fiction and reality, to see who can deceive who. If the deception succeeds, it wins, and those who are deceived will have to pay a heavy price.

"The leader is wise, it should be like this." The scout repeatedly agreed. Although he didn't find any unusual movements in the thorn bushes, it must be because of the distance. If the leader said yes, then there must be.

Zhahu touched his big nose, thought for a while, and then sneered: "But it's nothing. The camp is only 300 meters away. There are so many of us, and we'll break through in one rush!"

This time, they came out in full force, bringing out all the gnolls from the entire den that were capable of fighting, the number was one hundred and forty-three, and he also found out the number of opponents, which was less than one hundred.

It was not the first time for Zhahu to deal with these ugly, hairless monsters. He knew that these guys were not only ugly, but also weak, and there was almost no wildness in them. One wolf man warrior could be used by at least two warriors.

So in the current situation, Zhahu believes that he will win, and there is only one thing to consider, which is how to reduce the amount of his own losses.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhahu decided to use the most brutal power of the jackals, collectively frenzied, all showing jackal bodies, and then rushed into the opponent's camp to kill.

The body of a jackal is not as flexible as that of a human, but in terms of combat strength, the body of a jackal is several times that of a human. At the same time, its fur is thick and its defense is amazing. Even if the opponent is ambushed by someone in the thorn bushes, it will not matter, and his loss will never be great.

More importantly, the jackal's speed is also very fast. A human body may need to run for ten seconds to cross a 300-meter straight-line distance, but a jackal's body only needs five seconds at most, and the speed is fully doubled.

The only flaw is the use of madness, it takes some time to transform the body of the jackal, but now they are in the dark and the opponent is in the open, this is not a big problem at all.

After deciding on the tactics, Zhahu immediately passed on the order.

The leader gave the order, and the jackals, who were about to rush into the front camp with stone axes in their hands, immediately lay down on the ground, the dark aura surged from their bodies, the red light in their eyes became extremely stinging, and a strange laugh came from their throats roar.

The movement took about a minute, and then, more than one hundred and forty strong jackals with a head and shoulder height of 1.5 meters, a length of nearly two meters, and a weight of nearly 300 kilograms appeared in the woods.

Zhahu, the leader of the gnolls, transformed into the tallest and strongest wolves, almost twice the size of other wolves, with black hair all over his body, and the blood in his eyes jumped like flames, which was extremely frightening.

He let out a low growl, turned his head to look at the soldiers behind him, and grinned, looking very proud.

This is not enough!

Zahu took out the wild essence given to him by the messenger of Caius, crushed it with his claws, and threw it at the pack of wolves. A cloud of dark red smoke immediately exploded, covering the entire pack of wolves.

In an instant, a terrifying howl with a different tone came from the pack of wolves. Wherever the smoke spread, the wolves grew bigger, their hair became thicker and thicker, and their fangs and claws became stronger. Sharp, the red light in his eyes turned into sticky blood.

When the cloud of smoke finally spread to Zhahu's body, Zhahu's body also underwent a huge change. His body swelled to a height of more than five meters and a length of more than seven meters, and his claws were covered with a layer of bloody red. The red blood light, the whole wild beast.

"Roar~~~" His voice also changed, from the strange laughter before to the breathtaking thunder.

With a loud roar, the leader of the wolf man jumped out of the woods first, and rushed towards the iron steel tree camp not far away.


Iron Tree Camp.

When the gnolls made all kinds of noises in the forest, all the soldiers heard them, but it was too dark outside the camp to see clearly, so no one dared to venture out.

All the fighters stayed in their positions and waited for the Jackals to take the initiative to attack.

The opponent did not disappoint them either. Less than half an hour after nightfall, they rushed out of the darkness and launched an attack.

The scouts climbing high on the steel tree yelled like crazy: "It's a pack of wolves! A pack of giant wolves! They all used madness!"

This was bad news, but it didn't surprise Rowling.

He has anticipated all possible situations, and has done corresponding tactical deduction. He knows what will happen and how to deal with it.

"Activate Mire Spell!" He waved at the five priests around him with a calm expression.

The mud technique is a magical technique that has been prepared long ago, and they are all arranged on the road between the thorn bushes. One of its functions is to slow down the opponent's footsteps. What the priest has to do now is to activate the mud spells one by one.

The five-member priest group headed by Kuntu began to activate the spell, and bursts of tiny lights flew out, and the road between the thorn bushes suddenly became active, and it turned into mud in an instant.

These mud layers are more than one meter thick, and they are all sticky and slippery silt, the kind that cannot be pulled out after stepping on it.

The jackals ran extremely fast, and they rushed towards them almost as soon as the road surface had just completed its transformation.

Because of the fast speed, when they found that there was a problem with the road surface, they couldn't stop at all.

'Puchi' The first jackal stepped into the mud. The jackal's feet are very small, so it is easy to get stuck in the mud. It is very easy for this ghost to step in, with almost no resistance, but it is difficult to pull it out of the mud. The layers of silt seem to have a huge attraction, tightly wrapping the wolf's legs and not letting go.

The jackal's speed immediately became a turtle's speed. It had to use all its strength to pull its legs out of the mud, and then stepped forward to step out, only to sink in again with a 'puff'.

Considering the size and number of gnolls, Luo Lin left five paths in and out of the thorn bushes, the roads were about five meters wide.

The jackals were also very cooperative. Seeing so many roads, they automatically split the attack. As a result, when they encountered this mud technique, four or five jackals fell into each road, and more than 20 jackals were stuck in the mud at once.

This is just the first batch, and the second batch of wolves couldn't stop. Although they had more reaction time than the previous wolves and took a step forward, this step was only seven or eight meters away. The road covered by the technique is more than a hundred meters long.

As a result, more than 20 wolves were trapped in the mud. After a while, the third, fourth, and fifth batches...all the wolves were trapped in the mud, and they became turtles in the mud. Hard to move forward.

The reason is very simple. These gnolls have used the madness technique and the essence of wildness. Their speed, strength, and wildness have reached the extreme. They will not be afraid or hurt, and will fight to the death.

But the biggest shortcoming is that these guys have no brains, they can only rush forward, they will not turn around, and they will not retreat. As a result, all the gnolls were hit by a mud spell, even the leader Zhahu was no exception.

Zhahu's advantage over other jackals is that he can jump a little farther than other jackals. He jumped more than forty meters at once, but he still fell helplessly into the mud.

His huge size helped him a little, making him much faster in the mud than other jackals, but judging by his speed, it would take at least ten seconds to break free from the mud.

During this period of time, it happened to be the best attack distance for fighters.

"Herris!" Rollin called out the name of Herris, who had become the leader of the archers.

Herris understood, raised his bow hundreds of meters away, and used a projectile: "All the team! Shoot!"

This was the most critical battle. The archers didn't care about the consumption of bows and arrows at all. They took out all their stocks and threw them at the jackal regardless of consumption.

"Swish, swish!" The arrows of the holy light flashed charming silver light in the night, like small lanterns, drawing wonderful arcs, and flew towards the jackal who was struggling in the mud.

"Puff puff puff..." the radiance of the holy power continued to explode, and the uncontrollable screams of the jackals came and went.

The frenzy technique and the wild essence did make them forget the pain, but after the holy light arrow shot into their bodies, it dispelled the surrounding dark aura and purified their bodies like flames. The pain caused by this went straight to the soul. Instinctively let out a painful scream.

"Shoot!" Herris yelled again, "Peng", another wave of arrows!

These legendary archers shot a wave of arrows every second, ten waves in total, and as a result, at least 70 jackals fell on the mud. Almost all of the other seventy or so wolves were wounded, and very few wolves were intact.

Stimulated by death, the Jackal man struggled like crazy and was about to get out of the muddy road. The leader of the jackal, Zhahu, roared wildly. He was the first to break out of the mud, jumped onto the ground, and then used his legs hard , ready to rush forward.

As a result, something went wrong!

When his legs kicked the ground suddenly and wanted to jump up, the seemingly solid ground couldn't support his body with a 'crash', and a big hole was broken.

After the silt is the trap, use the silt to slow down the speed of the opponent, gather them into a pile, so that they can step on the trap together, and maximize the power of the trap.

Originally, the trap could only be triggered by at least seven or eight jackals together, but the leader of the jackals was too powerful, and he still jumped up with hatred, and in the end he stepped on the covering layer on the trap.

"Boom" the trap was shattered, and a huge pit ten meters long and ten meters deep appeared on the ground. The leader of the wolf man had nowhere to rely on his feet. He couldn't fly, so he had no choice but to fall into it.

Below the trap is holy water.

"Roar...roar...ahhhhhhhhhhh", a lot of tragic voices came out.

At the beginning, Zhahu the Gnoll roared wildly, but as the holy water purified the dark aura on his body, the effect of the wild essence was removed, and then, the frenzy spell also became invalid. There was a whole large pool of holy water, and the rich After the holy power dispelled his blessings of various dark spells, he began to purify the power in his body.

This is the frying pan!

Zhahu roared, screamed, and struggled. There was the sound of splashing water in the trap, and the sound of paws scratching the wall of the trap.

No one saw what it was like in the trap, but just hearing the sound was enough to make people feel chills in their hearts. Many soldiers couldn't help but clenched their weapons tightly, and their hearts were chilled by this terrible movement.

It is so tragic.

The leader of the jackals was only the first to suffer. When the jackals behind him rushed out of the mud, they immediately followed in his footsteps.

Five roads, five traps, at least forty wolves fell, and the fallen wolves never crawled out.

This was expected by Luo Lin. Imagine a person falling into a hot oil pan surrounded by high walls. If he could climb out, it would be hell.

In the end, there were less than 30 jackals that rushed to the Iron Steel Tree Camp.

"Block them!" Grunson swung the one-handed sword in his hand, raised the shield in his hand, and rushed up with the shield warrior.

There were less than 30 jackals, and the leader of the jackals was already dead, so the soldiers had no psychological pressure at all.

It is true that the wild jackal is very strong, but Gorenson's strength is not weak either. He is now a legendary peak fighter at level 49, and his physical strength has reached 2250. He is not weaker than the opposite jackal, and even slightly surpasses it. .

"Aim and shoot!" Herris immediately changed the order, and the archers began to improve their shooting accuracy. They had to do this. There were not many arrows. Recycling, it is estimated that each person will not exceed ten arrows.

Of course, this is enough.

The number of wolves still alive is too small. They have to face the aiming and shooting of the archers, resist the suppression of the divine power of the Iron Steel Tree camp, and break through the defensive formation composed of a group of experienced and well-coordinated shield warriors. It is simply an impossible task.

In fact, the 30 jackals that broke through the encirclement faced a massacre.

The battle lasted only five minutes, and five minutes later, the last jackal was beheaded by Gorenson on the spot.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Lin didn't do anything himself, he just discussed with the soldiers and formulated a defensive strategy, and then when the battle happened, he and the priest stood outside the camp's divine power core to suppress the overall situation.

In fact, in this defensive battle, if the gnolls hadn't gone berserk and lost their minds, and knew how to retreat flexibly, they probably wouldn't be able to achieve such a huge result, let alone wipe out all the gnolls. Still the kind that never dies.

This kind of tactic is the ultimate style of play. When encountering an unprepared opponent, it is naturally the best style of play. It can directly destroy the opponent into powder, but these jackals met Luo Lin. Luo Lin's various strategies were like soft spider silks, winding up layer by layer, forcibly twisting Bailian Steel into a soft-legged shrimp, and wiped out this group of extremely ferocious wolf men.

What's even more tragic is that the more than one hundred and forty wolf men died extremely aggrieved, and they didn't even cause harm to the ugly hairless monster in their eyes.

Then, Rollin began to reap the results.

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