Legendary Hero

Chapter 590 God of War

One hundred and forty-three jackal corpses, one hundred and forty-three essences of the original force, especially the original force of the leader of the wolf man, after being purified, it is almost the same as a forest beast like the shadow tiger.

These origin forces condense together to form a large group of origin forces with a diameter of more than twenty-five centimeters.

Rowling was not in a hurry to distribute this huge mass of pure force, because it was too much force, it could be distributed, let Gorenson ignite the magic fire, and let other fighters reach the legendary peak of level 49, it also In one fell swoop, Rollin's divine power level can be pushed to level 53, which is on par with the God of Madness Caius, and there will still be some leftover.

If they get another batch of Force, they can build a truly stable, safe and independent sentry post!

Luo Lin looked around all the soldiers, and he saw excitement and expectation on everyone's face. Obviously, according to the regulations set by Luo Lin, they were waiting for him to distribute their power.

But this time, it was an exception.

Luo Lin spoke with a quiet and penetrating voice: "Now, we have two paths. First, distribute this batch of force to make everyone stronger, but we are unable to establish an independent sentry. I can only continue to be a vassal of the Silver Fortress, and continue to pay 10% of the original force to the fortress for each harvest, in order to seek the protection of the moon god's divine power."

Hearing this, the soldiers became agitated. They keenly felt that the chief seemed to be about to change his mind, which made every soldier feel dissatisfied.

This is normal. The previously agreed regulations are contracts, and everyone has recognized its authority. Now that Luo Lin doesn't follow the rules, everyone will be dissatisfied. This is human nature.

But here is a dangerous abyss, the contract is sacred, but an unchanging contract will bring people into a dangerous situation.

Here, a lot of things have to be flexible.

This is not because of Luo Lin's greed, but because he wants to take the best path, but he has to take care of the emotions of these loyal fighters who follow him through life and death.

He continued: "The second way is to concentrate this time and build our own sentry. Then, we only need to give 5% of the power to the fortress for our future gains. I said no to which way to go. Forget it, we have ninety-seven people here, and we vote to decide."

Build an independent sentry?

All the holy spirit fighters were shocked when they heard this. They have only been out for more than 20 days, and they are going to set up guard posts at this time? This is not a little too fast. The experience of other gods to establish sentries told them that it would take at least three years.

For a while, various fighters talked about it, some believed in Luo Lin, some felt unbelievable, and a very small number suspected that Luo Lin was planning to steal this force.

This is also the reason why Luo Lin had established enough prestige before. If he hadn't distributed them strictly and fairly before, it is estimated that every fighter would believe Luo Lin's words at this time.

Adjutant Gorenson used to be a demigod. He knew the most about the establishment of sentries. He asked in puzzlement: "Sir, Caius, the god of madness, is a weak god. If you want to establish a stable sentry, you need to do it too." It’s only about having the same divine power, isn’t it just a matter of strength?”

Improving the level of divine power is a very difficult thing, because without comprehending the mysteries of higher levels, there is a limit to the divine power that Shenhuo can hold. After reaching the limit, even if you continue to absorb the original force, you cannot increase your power. In this way, he was helplessly scattered in the abyss, barely controlling it.

Rowling explained: "Gorensson, my experience is somewhat similar to yours. You used to be a demigod, but you fell once, and I used to have great power, but for some reason, my power has declined. , but the experience and knowledge are still there, as long as I have enough power, I can raise my Divine Fire level without hindrance."

Gorensen was taken aback, and then nodded without hesitation: "In this case, I will choose the second way and build our own sentry."

Having their own sentry, not to mention other things, they can pay 5% less force each time, and accumulate it time after time. This is a lot of power. When they grow stronger, maybe the saved power alone will A new god can be created.

Moreover, in an ordinary camp, there is nothing in it, and you have to do everything yourself. The conditions are very difficult. If there are sentries, it will be much better. The armor will be repaired by specialized personnel, so you don’t have to worry too much about the damage of weapons and equipment, and the food is also specially treated. , they can concentrate on fighting.

Gorenson also has his own considerations. He has reached the peak of legend now, and he will be a demigod if he goes one step further. A normal camp cannot house two gods, but a sentry can.

Although he could leave Rollin and return to the Silver Fortress to do it alone, his previous experience told him that it might not be better for him to do it by himself than to follow this demigod named Rollin.

This Luo Lin walked all the way, step by step quickly, without any disorder at the same time, very organized, much better than him. He hoped to continue to follow Rollin.

Whether in public or private, he hopes to establish a guard post as soon as possible.

Obviously, none of the soldiers present were fools. Most of them were very aware of the benefits of a sentry, but some people still had some doubts.

Pastor Kuntu said: "Sir, these force, I'm afraid it's not enough?"

"It's not enough." Luo Lin nodded: "But there is still a force that can be counted into it. There are roughly 300 wolves in the wolf man's lair. Now most of their fighters have died in battle, and the rest don't have much resistance at all. Power, just waiting for us to get it."

Having said that, Kuntu lost his doubts. He nodded and said, "I also choose the second way. We need our own sentry."

Herries, the leader of the archers, also expressed his opinion: "I also choose the second option."

The reason why Herris chose this is the simplest, he believed in Rollins.

The three main characters unanimously agreed to establish a guard post, and the other holy spirit warriors also had no objections.

"I have written down the merits of all of you. When the sentry post is established and the new force is obtained, it will be distributed in full." Luo Lin made his own promise.

This is the rule he set himself. Although the situation in the abyss is ever-changing and there are some things that need to be handled in a matter of discretion, he must maintain his trust in these fighters who are obsessed with him.

Then, Rollins began to absorb the Force.

Huge force flowed into his body, rushing into the core of the divine power in his body, nourishing the divine fire, and from the perspective of Luo Lin's consciousness, he saw the divine power in his body began to slowly change color, from the pure and transparent flame of the demigod, From the center of the flame, a ray of golden-red radiance was slowly dyed, and the radiance became more and more intense, and the fire became more and more vigorous, gradually turning into a ball of jumping golden-red flames.

With a sound of 'click', there seemed to be a cracking sound in Luo Lin's ears. Looking at the divine fire, it was all dyed golden red, and his divine power level had naturally reached level 52.

A new supernatural skill was activated, Luo Lin looked at it, it was the divine skill: the fire of life.

The fire of life, a group of supernatural skills, ignites the vitality of all marked targets within a certain range, making them burn blazingly, the target's power will be increased by 50%, and the thinking speed will be accelerated by 25%.

Within five minutes, there will be no side effects. After five minutes, the longer the fire of life burns, the greater the damage to the target's body.

Luo Lin was overjoyed. As expected of a divine skill, gaining huge power at the cost of burning life is a very useful desperate move.

The power continued to pour in, and the golden red color in the flame became more and more intense. It was only faint at first, like the blush caused by a drop of blood dripping into a glass of clear water, but as the power grew, the blush gradually became thicker, slowly The ground became a bit like the color of the morning glow.

The intensity of the burning of the divine fire also increased greatly. Suddenly, the divine fire in the color of morning glow jumped, and a faint halo appeared around it.

This halo was like a cloud of mist, continuously spreading out from the divine fire, and finally spread out of Luo Lin's body.

Luo Lin reached level 53, and the third supernatural skill was activated

Extraordinary Divine Skill: Elementary Divine Domain. Expand your own Shenhuo and form a unique Shenhuo domain, within the domain, you are the rule maker.

This light mist is the embodiment of God's Domain. As soon as it touched the air, it immediately began to spread rapidly. In the eyes of each soldier, a group of red halos appeared around Luo Lin's body. In the halo, there were a large number of Spots of light like gold powder.

In an instant, the golden-red halo spread to the entire Iron Steel Tree camp, replacing the silver moon god's divine power to fight against the ubiquitous frenzied divine power in the abyss.

It was a waste of power. When the halo expanded to a range of 100 meters, Luo Lin stopped the expansion of power. He opened his eyes with a solemn expression: "I am a god as a warrior, and I pursue victory and glory. I Make a divine oath here, I am willing to be the sword in the hands of the Goddess of Life! I am willing to fight the abyss for the Goddess of Life! My way is the way of the God of War."

This is something that every god who successfully established a sentry must do, and take this oath to determine his own path in the abyss.

For example, the god of winter, her oath is to freeze all darkness with the power of winter. The God of Hurricane uses the power of the storm to wash away all corruption and decay.

God's oath, that is, God's wish, is the path God will take, and there is no room for falsehood.

However, Luo Lin's oath is still slightly different from the God of Winter and the God of Hurricane. The biggest difference lies in the name of the god.

The name of the god of war is really too big.

Since the birth of life. War is an eternal topic of life, and the force involved in it is mighty and turbulent. Taking war as the name of a god, the growth potential of this god will be huge enough to become a powerful god, and may even achieve true immortality.

But in the name of war, the obstacles you will encounter will be very large, and countless gods will die halfway.

From the perspective of ordinary people, one can also see that it is difficult.

For example, if a commoner vows to become a knight, it is very possible to practice martial arts hard and make meritorious deeds. But if this rootless commoner vows to become the emperor of the whole world, he knows that it is very, very difficult, almost impossible to fulfill the oath just by hearing it.

In the beginning, Rowling's oath gave all the Holy Spirit warriors this feeling, and everyone felt a little incredible, but at the same time, some of the smarter people thought of Rowling's previous words.

Luo Lin said before that he once possessed great power, and after absorbing the divine power, he immediately became a weak god without hindrance, so everyone logically thought that he must have an extraordinary past.

Thinking of this, many Holy Spirit warriors became excited, feeling their hearts pounding.

There is no other reason, following such a god, there is a future!

Whoever wants to follow a precarious guy out to fight, there was no way to do it before, but now he suddenly finds that the chief he is following seems to have a deep background, naturally everyone is excited.

Of course, these thoughts were just a flash of thought. When Luo Lin finished speaking, all the holy spirit warriors immediately knelt on the ground and shouted: "My lord."

Before, because he was not independent, he still had to rely on the divine power of the moon god Allen to fight against the power of the mad god, so he was the chief. But now that Luo Lin has the power to resist, and the sentry post is about to be established, this is equivalent to a party of princes, and they have also left the Silver Fortress, so they naturally want to be called the lord.

Luo Lin nodded, and then said: "Let's go, the wolf man's lair!"

Originally, Luo Lin hadn't been promoted to level 53, so everyone naturally didn't dare to go out at night, but now, wherever Luo Lin went, the frantic divine power would be forced to retreat, and there was everyone's safe camp.

The night of this abyss is almost the same as the night of ordinary planes, so there is nothing terrible about it.

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