Legendary Hero

Chapter 591: Initial Construction of the Sentinel

Early the next morning, Luo Lin led his soldiers to the bank of the Flood River.

Last night, the gnoll lair had been completely cleared out. The lair was full of weaklings, and there was no decent resistance. The only loss Luo Lin paid was the slight injuries of the five warriors.

With this batch of original power, and his divine power level has reached level 53, he can build a sentry post!

The area where Luo Lin is standing now is the place where he has long been optimistic about the establishment of the guard post. One side of this place is close to the Red Water River, and the other side is close to the end of the highland containing the magic cold iron. After the surface cold iron is mined, It is very convenient to dig the cave directly from the camp, and continue to mine the deep cold iron.

The location of this cold iron plateau is also very good, with a high terrain and a wide field of vision. The terrain in the west is getting more and more steep, and the place is attacking from the west. As long as you use the terrain to set up a few stuck points, the enemy's impact force can be suppressed. Destroy everything.

What's even better is that the flow of the Hongshui River is from east to west. When they go out from the sentry post, they can use the water power to advance all the way at high speed. If they want to attack from the river, the speed will be greatly slowed down, giving them a lot of preparation time. Not to mention that there will be alligators guarding the river in the future.

After discussing with the leaders and deciding on the location of the sentry post, Luo Lin said to Priest Kuntu, "It's time to contact the fortress."

Kuntu nodded, and the five healing priests were kneeling in a circle facing the condensed force group, bowing their heads and praying.

This time it was not a routine prayer, but to report their situation to Luna Allen, and begged the fortress to support them with various materials for building the guard post.

The prayer was very short, and about a minute later, the force light group among the crowd suddenly lit up, and then the power in it began to flow quickly along a certain void channel, until the volume of the force light group was left. It stopped at less than ten percent of the original.

After pausing for a while, suddenly the position of the light group was shaken, and five condensed divine power light groups floated out. The original force contained in these five divine power light groups was only about 60% of the power lost by the previous original force group. , but it is a powerful divine power as high as level 58.

Each light cluster of divine power floated towards a priest respectively, and the largest one stopped for a while, as if recognizing someone, then it floated towards Priest Kuntu, and settled on the top of Kuntu's head without moving.

Kuntu raised his hands to hold the divine power light group in his hands, and felt it carefully. After a few seconds, he raised his head and said, "Mine is the divine art: Fortress."

Building a sentry post in the abyss is different from that in the mortal world. It takes a lot of effort to stack bricks and wood together, but here, only a fixed magic spell is needed, and the required materials can be organized into a fixed form in an instant.

A fortress includes command rooms, food storage rooms, rest areas for soldiers, equipment storage rooms, underground prison rooms, etc., which are the core buildings.

The other priests also reported the names of the architectural magic in their hands one by one.

"Mine is the Equipment Construction Hall." This is a required building for all sentries

"Mine is the smelting hall." This is an optional building because of the magic energy and cold iron.

"Mine is a detection tower." The defense tower has the ability to detect the situation around the sentry post and basic defense attacks, and is also a must for the sentry post.

"Mine are the walls," the last priest reported.

With these five buildings, a sentry post basically has the ability to be self-sufficient, and the soldiers need to work hard to obtain the others that are lacking.

Before praying, everyone had already planned the location of their respective buildings, and Priest Kuntu was the first to start.

His fort was a large building, and the structure was the most complex, so Kuntu was very cautious. He walked to the site where the fort was planned to be built, took a deep breath, and then began to activate the magic.

A faint silver radiance was projected from the magic spell, and the light and shadow of a building appeared on the ground, which was exactly the appearance of the sentry fortress to be built.

The fortress is about 20 meters high and covers an area of ​​500 square meters. It is divided into four floors. The basement floor is various storage rooms and prisons for detaining prisoners. Soldiers lounge. The second floor is the officer's room, as well as the officer's conference hall and the officer's lounge. The third floor is Luo Lin's residence. Next to this residence is a circle of wall-like structures. In times of crisis, all soldiers can retreat into the fort and fight against it.

Where the light and shadow are, there will be the building after the magic is completed. For the stability of the fortress, this requires careful adjustment of the position.

It took more than ten minutes for Kuntu to finally adjust his position. By this time, sweat was dripping from his forehead.

Once the position is determined, Kuntu throws out the light ball of divine power. The light ball draws an arc in the air and sinks into the ground. Immediately afterwards, the ground begins to 'move', as if it suddenly had life.

'Boom boom boom boom boom' Amidst the dull bangs, a fortress with a solid and exquisite structure rose from the ground at a very fast speed, one meter per second, and the internal structure also began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye. Quickly perfected.

Only a minute later, a brownish-yellow tall fortress with extremely heavy materials stood in front of the soldiers.

Luo Lin stepped forward and touched the outer wall of the fort with his hands. The brown outer wall was very smooth, and because it had just been built, he could still feel some warmth. He scratched it with his fingernails, and there was no trace left on the wall. , the knuckles were buckled, and there was a thick and muffled sound of 'da da'. This material is a bit like polished granite, but it is much harder than granite. It is estimated that the toughness is about the same as steel.

This is a material made by using powerful gods to directly interfere with the laws of the world and change the properties of matter. It is not strong enough.

Luo Lin looked at the outer wall of the fortress again, it was more than half a meter thick. It's so thick, Luo Lin guessed that he didn't need divine power to destroy the material structure of this fortress, and if he directly used brute force to break through, it would probably take a lot of effort.

You know, his current divine power level is already level 53, and the power limit of his physical body can reach around 6000, which is already equivalent to the power level of an abyssal monster.

Even he has to spend a lot of effort, so those ordinary abyssal creatures don't even want to break through the outer wall of this fortress, even if the abyssal monsters come, they can block them for a while.

"Good!" Luo Lin clapped his hands in praise.

The other fighters also looked around the strong fortress, with joyful expressions on their faces. In the perilous abyss, it is really reassuring to have such a safe haven to rest and recover.

After the fort was built, the general location of the entire guard post was determined, and the equipment manufacturing hall, smelting hall, detection tower, and city wall also had positions to participate in the battle, and the construction was much faster.

One after another, the priests activated their magical construction skills, and soon, exquisite and sturdy buildings rose from the ground. In the end, a circle of 25 meters and a 15-meter-thick solid city wall followed the topography of the highland. Rise up from the ground and surround all these buildings.

Thus, the sentry was completed.

The entire sentry post covers an area of ​​about 20 acres. It rises according to the terrain. It looks like a gourd from the sky. The terrain of the fortress is second only to the detection tower, and the terrain is the second highest. On the left and right are the smelting hall and the equipment manufacturing hall.

These three buildings and the city wall form a large open space, which has not been repaired for the time being, and the terrain is uneven. However, in the plan, this oval-shaped open space with a diameter of about 50 meters is used as a training ground for soldiers.

There is no need for soldiers to level the ground here. With Luo Lin's current divine power, as long as he unfolds the God's Domain, the things in the God's Domain will change with his thoughts.

In fact, in order to resist the intrusion of frenzied divine power, Luo Lin must also ensure that his God's Domain is open and covers the sentry post at all times. Therefore, shortly after the main building of the sentry post was completed, Luo Lin's thoughts moved slightly, and some rough details in the sentry post were revealed. Instantly corrected.

As a result, the interior of the sentry post became tidy and clean, and various necessary living facilities also appeared. In some corners, verdant shrubs and bright flowers grew, embellishing the single color tone of the sentry post.

Even Xiaowan Crocodile Dashan has its own big puddle. This puddle has a small head and a big belly. The surface opening is only a circular pool with a diameter of ten meters, but the inside is more than 20 meters deep. It is directly connected to the Hongshui River. The water system, and its diameter is getting bigger and bigger, reaching the bottom, almost more than 100 meters, the huge activity space, the happy alligator squeaking and screaming for a while.

If the sky hadn't been dim red all the time, and if the ground outside the sentry post was still groggy, all the soldiers would have thought they had returned to the plane of light.

However, the sentry post was completed, but the number of soldiers in the sentry post began to decrease. For example, the barracks on the first floor of the fort could accommodate more than 400 people, and all of them together only had 97 people.

This is also impossible, they are developing too fast, and there is no time to recruit new people.

Gathered all the soldiers to discuss it, and everyone agreed.

Gorensen used to be a demigod. He did some special research and introduced to Luo Lin in detail at this time: "Master, we need to recruit soldiers, and we also need to recruit some ordinary people. You see, we need to mine and smelt. To repair equipment, these all need manpower. The food of the soldiers also needs to be cooked by someone. The barracks also need to be cleaned by someone, and the bedding and clothes of the soldiers also need to be washed regularly, otherwise the epidemic will occur after a long time. With a scale of 300 soldiers According to the sentry calculation, at least 100 ordinary people are required to maintain the normal operation of the camp. We also need miners, and more manpower is needed here. And to allow these ordinary people to work in an orderly manner, you also need a supervisor.”

This is speaking from experience. When I was in Troll, Horn usually helped Rollin take care of these things, but Rollin also understood, and at this moment he took it seriously: "It seems that we have to send someone back to the Silver Fortress. "

There is no one to recruit in other places, and only the Silver Fortress can meet the demand.

Gorensen took the initiative to ask for orders: "My lord, I am familiar with this aspect, why don't you let me go back and do it?"

Luo Lin thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

He is the core of the sentry, and he cannot leave, and the one with this organizational ability in the sentry naturally belongs to Gorenson. And Gorenson is already a level 49 legendary powerhouse, he is following the battle, and will soon be promoted to demigod.

This speed is too fast. Of course, if Gorenson is willing to become a demigod and develop independently, Rollin will naturally not be stingy with the Force and let him be promoted, but judging from Gorenson's meaning, it seems that he will always follow his appearance, but they The guard post has not yet developed, and Luo Lin is a little uncomfortable arranging this newly promoted demigod.

Now that he's back to work, he should have taken this into consideration, which is just right.

Considering the current situation again, Luo Lin added: "We are a new sentry post, so we inevitably lack prestige, are not trusted by others, and the place is also dangerous. I think it will be difficult for you to recruit people. But don't worry, I would rather be short than excessive. Bian will also lead the soldiers to continuously acquire the Force and accumulate reputation."

He reckoned that if he could successfully hunt down a powerful creature at the level of an abyssal behemoth or repel an attack organized by the God of Madness, then that should give people enough confidence.

"Yes, my lord." Gorenson took the order.

He didn't delay for a moment, ordered a few fighters, took a ball of divine power that Luo Lin gave to resist the mad power, and set off.

Luo Lin began to focus on the equipment manufacturing hall and the smelting hall. At this time, there were not enough manpower, but the equipment of the soldiers needed to be repaired and the arrows needed to be replenished. These two buildings can only be used by him temporarily.

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