Legendary Hero

Chapter 592 Preliminary self-sufficiency

The concrete manifestation of the soul of intelligent life is consciousness, and the concrete manifestation of consciousness is each thought, and each thought is equivalent to a process of a computer.

In the consciousness of mortals, thoughts come and go, close to illusion, extremely difficult to figure out, even many times, even mortals themselves can't figure out what they want to do, what they want, and they are often seduced by some foreign objects and fall into illusion.

But the consciousness of God is different. Every thought of God is very stable. At the same time, God knows himself very well, and can clearly see the birth, development and end of every thought. This thought itself is like an independent life.

It can be said that as long as this god has enough power, every thought in his consciousness can generate an incarnation.

Of course, even gods have limited power. Especially Luo Lin is now in the realm of a weak god at level 53. If he is outside the realm of the gods, he can maintain up to three independent demigod incarnations.

But if it's in God's Domain, then this restriction doesn't matter. As long as Luo Lin doesn't hesitate to expend his power, he can almost make every thought generate a specific physical body.

For example, now, Luo Lin, the God of War sentry post, is completely covered by his divine domain. In the sentry post, in order to use the equipment manufacturing hall and smelting hall, Luo Lin has evolved more than 30 incarnations. One is assigned to each job post.

The most important equipment in the smelting hall is the Force Furnace. As long as enough Force is input, the hardest substance in the world can be melted into liquid.

The operation of this furnace is a bit complicated. Rollin has arranged five avatars here in total, four of whom are responsible for using the furnace, and one person is responsible for observation and recording. These recorded images will be the instructions for using the Force Furnace in the future.

Before that, the soldiers had already collected some magic cold iron, about a ton, which was exactly half a furnace.

These crystals were originally translucent dark green, but after entering his domain of the gods, the dark aura in them was dispelled, and the color turned milky white.

An avatar opens the lid of the furnace, and there is a layer of extremely fine high-energy filter at the mouth of the lid, and this avatar is responsible for controlling the stability of the filter.

Another incarnation picked up the shovel and began to add milky white spar into the lid. Whenever the spar passed through the high-energy filter and entered the furnace, it immediately turned into white powder.

The third incarnation is responsible for monitoring the status of the entire furnace, and the fourth incarnation is responsible for sending the original force into the furnace to melt the cold iron ore powder.

The whole process is methodical.

After all the crystals were put into the furnace, the lid was closed, and the runes on the cover lit up, and the lid and the furnace were completely fused together without a single gap.

The original force began to be slowly input into it, and with the increase of the input original force, the entire furnace began to vibrate at an extremely high frequency.

An avatar clearly read the situation inside the furnace: "The temperature is stable at 15,000 degrees, the pressure is 100 atmospheres, and it is still rising. The cold iron particles have absorbed enough force and have begun to dissociate... ..."

This process lasted about fifteen minutes, and then the avatar said: "The cold iron has been completely separated, and the impurities can be removed."

The avatar who was in charge of opening the high-energy filter immediately walked over, clicked a few times on the rune on the back of the furnace, and a hole opened, and a hot breath gushed out of it.

The avatar operated in an orderly manner, and soon, a large piece of gray slag was cleaned out. The temperature of this slag is not high, and it can be touched directly with hands, because the energy in it has been completely absorbed by the pure cold iron in the furnace.

Cold iron is a very rare metal. Pure cold iron can stably contain a huge amount of energy, which makes cold iron several times stronger than ordinary steel.

After some finishing operations, the Force Furnace was turned on again.

A piece of metal the size of a football appeared in the furnace. This metal has cooled down, and its surface is bright, with a slight golden red color. This is because it contains the divine power of the God of War.

At this point, this should become the Divine Crystal Cold Iron.

Luo Lin picked up a standard sword used by Holy Spirit Warriors, and slashed at the Divine Crystal Cold Iron. With a sound of 'Dang', the sword broke, and looking at the Divine Crystal Cold Iron, there was no trace on it, which showed its hardness.

You know, this kind of standard weapon is definitely a magic weapon in the mortal world, and now it can't leave traces on the god crystal cold iron. How strong would it be if a weapon were made of this metal?

"Good stuff!" A few soldiers who acted as temporary miners delivering ore to the smelting hall happened to see this scene, and couldn't help admiring.

One of the incarnations sent the cold iron block to the equipment manufacturing hall. The fire of the furnace has already risen, and the temperature is very high. An avatar with a bare upper body, holding a pair of blacksmith's tongs in his hand, sent the cold iron into the fire ignited by the force.

The temperature of this flame is unimaginably high, even though the melting point of the cold iron is extremely high, it will instantly turn into a mass of glowing red metallic liquid.

"Start casting arrows!" They are most short of arrows now, without this thing, archers, a powerful unit, will be abolished.

An avatar took a special clay mold, and he carefully scooped up the liquid metal tablet in the furnace with a refractory crucible, and poured it into the mold bit by bit.

The arrow needs a hard surface, especially the harder the tip of the arrow, the better, which can ensure the penetration, but the inside of the arrow needs some toughness, so that when the arrow hits a hard object, it will directly smash into pieces instead of penetrating.

This requires some special surface treatment skills. Fortunately, the equipment manufacturing hall is very well equipped, and there is a complete set of instructions.

Luo Lin's soul is extremely powerful now, and he also has the help of his brain, so he will be able to read it once.

According to these instructions, Luo Lin processed these arrows step by step in an orderly manner. After about half an hour, the first batch of Shenjing Hantie arrowheads were completed.

There are twenty arrows, dark red in color, ten centimeters long, shaped like a bullet head, with a special cavity of holy water inside, bright surface, slightly warm tentacles, very well-made, just like a work of art.

One incarnation had already cut the arrow shaft, and the other incarnation connected the arrow shaft and the arrow together, and installed feathers on the arrow tail to adjust the balance of the arrow shaft and keep the arrow flying stably.

This is a technical task. How these tail feathers are installed directly affects the accuracy and flight speed of the arrow, which in turn affects the lethality of the arrow.

Fortunately, Luo Lin has an intelligent brain to assist calculations. Although each arrow looks similar, because the material properties of the arrow shafts are inconsistent, Luo Lin has fine-tuned the details of each arrow. The arrows are the same, but each arrow is perfect.

Herris was also here. He had already been waiting anxiously, so he took an arrow, put it on his bow and felt it, then he didn't aim, and shot at a wooden target fifty meters away based on his feeling. shot.

With a penetrating sound of 'Dole', the arrow was nailed precisely on the bull's-eye, exactly.

"Good arrow! Very stable!" Herris praised loudly.

Luo Lin nodded and smiled. These are the first batch of weapons produced by his God of War sentry. They don't consume much divine power, and most of the original power is consumed on manipulating the avatar. If there are enough craftsmen, the weapons and equipment inside the sentry post Consuming self-sufficiency is no problem at all.

Of course, the craftsmen haven't been recruited yet, but the weapons are urgently needed, so we can only use the avatar to support them first.

Avatars didn't stop working.

Because there are not many arrows left at the sentry post, and each archer only has five arrows on average. If there are creatures from the abyss attacking at this moment, it will be fun.

The work efficiency of the avatars is extremely high, because they are formed by pure thoughts one by one, so there are no distracting thoughts in their minds at all, and the purpose of existence is to complete the characters that Luo Lin entrusted to them.

The avatars don't talk nonsense to each other, they don't need entertainment, and they don't need to rest. They do things in an orderly manner and at an extremely fast speed. The only flaw is that they consume more force.

At the end of the day, there were already 500 arrows in the God of War sentry, and the damage to the armor and weapons of the shield warriors and epee warriors had all been repaired.

The avatar works 24 hours a day, and the proficiency of the avatar casting arrows is also increasing, and the efficiency is getting faster and faster. The next morning, the number of holy light arrows made by Shenjing Hantie has reached 2,000. After the points are divided, each archer can be allocated fifty arrows.

The crisis of weapons and equipment has been initially resolved.

Seeing more and more arrows in the fort's armory, and looking at the robot-like incarnations busy in the two workshops, Herris was a little speechless. He found Luo Lin's body on the third-story wall of the fortress and said: "My lord, Can you bear it if this continues?"

Luo Lin smiled: "It's just consuming some divine power."

Now his level of divine power is not high, and God's Domain is not considered powerful, and he still needs to perform a specific avatar to operate the equipment in the workshop. If he can continue to become stronger in the future, the equipment will automatically operate as soon as he thinks about it. Of course, by that time, his sentry should already have many craftsmen, so there is no need for him to do it himself.

"With sentry posts and weapons, the soldiers couldn't bear it any longer. Maybe they went to a farther place to sweep up the creatures of the abyss." Herris said again.

Luo Lin nodded: "You're right. Right now, you're only consuming power, but you don't replenish it. This is not a long-term solution. Let the scouts start exploring the surrounding areas."

The scouts were already gearing up, because Luo Lin used sand, lime and other materials to refine highly transparent crystals in the equipment manufacturing hall, and used these crystals to make a telescope with excellent performance. The scouts were eager to test the effect of this thing.

As soon as the word got in, the scouts set off.

It took a long time to go there, and after half a day, a three-member scout team came back and reported: "My lord, a terrain dragon was found a hundred kilometers to the west. It is at least 40 meters tall and at least 70 meters long. The bright thick armor is definitely the overlord of the abyss."

Luo Lin was overjoyed to hear that this is a giant beast of the abyss. Such behemoths possess intelligence, and their bodies are extremely powerful, and their souls are also extremely powerful. Although the soul level is not as high as that of gods, the force contained in their souls is not much inferior to that of ordinary weak gods.

Killing one is definitely a huge gain, perhaps equivalent to a hundred wolf man warriors, and the force crisis at the sentry will be alleviated immediately.

However, such an abyss monster is very difficult, and ordinary attacks may not be able to deal with it. If he shows the body of a dragon, the teacher can easily kill the opponent, but he will be noticed by the Lord of Darkness immediately, then the problem will be big . Moreover, his body cannot easily leave the sentry post, this is his foundation.

After thinking about it, Luo Lin decided to send out two demigod avatars, and then forge hard god crystal cold iron weapons for the melee fighters, and cooperate with each other to hunt and kill the terrain dragon.

This takes some time to prepare.


When Luo Lin was about to hunt the giant beast of the abyss, the adjutant Gorensen rushed all the way, crossed the sentries of the God of Hurricane and the God of Winter, and returned to the Silver Fortress again.

Time was running out, so he immediately started recruiting people. As Rowling expected, things didn't go well. At the end of the day, only three people were recruited, and the anxious Gorenson was about to get angry.

But on the second day, things took a turn for the better. He met a strange orc demigod named William, who claimed to be a friend of the lord. warrior.

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