Legendary Hero

593 Failed Orc (1/3)

Silver Fortress, Square.

Because of the recruitment, Grunson put up a sign in a corner of the square. The sign stated in bright red letters that the guard post was newly built, and a large number of servants, craftsmen, and soldiers were recruited.

The new sentry post means that there are many opportunities, so many people come to inquire, and everyone wants to seize the opportunity to live a better life.

However, when these people heard that the sentry post where Grunson was located was at the westernmost part of the entire pantheon of the natural gods, ninety-nine percent of them shook their heads and retreated. How long will it take to break through with the Dark Legion? Going to that kind of place is not looking for promotion opportunities, but looking for death.

No one wanted to die, so Grunson found three warriors who satisfied him at the end of the day, and seven of the most ordinary servants. As for craftsmen, none of that. No matter which sentry post, craftsmen are scarce and have good treatment.

The rules of the natural gods guarantee the basic right to choose, as long as you don't violate the general trend of fighting against the abyss, you can do whatever you want. Naturally, first-rate craftsmen prefer to stay in the safe and stable Silver Fortress, while second-rate craftsmen prefer to stay at the guard posts guarding the fortress. Only the craftsmen with the worst skills and no choice will go to remote guard posts.

Grunson made up his mind to do it with Rollin. This time he came out, he planned to recruit a full manpower, make a great contribution, and completely establish his second position in the God of War sentry. Maybe not long after returning, he You can open a new affiliated camp of the God of War sentry by yourself.

It was about his own future, and Grunson couldn't help but get angry, so when he saw the despondent orc demigod William come to ask about the situation, he introduced the situation of the God of War sentry with 120% hospitality.

At this time, William had already lost the vigor he had at the beginning. The eyebrows on his prominent browbones were drooping, like two curls, and the divine light in his eyes had also become very dim, which made people look As if worried that the light would go out, the battle armor on his body was also in tatters, and it could almost be thrown into the furnace to be remade. Especially the huge battle ax in his hand, there were two huge gaps on the blade, and the crack behind the gap almost penetrated half of the ax surface. Compared with the battle armor, this ax was directly abolished.

The soldiers behind him looked almost the same, everyone was wounded and depressed, following behind William like walking dead.

Obviously, this is a demigod team that was defeated in the abyss, and William's loss was huge, with a total reduction of 70 people. William was able to escape back to the fortress with the rest of the fighters, instead of falling directly to the tragic end where the fire was extinguished. This is already considered a blessing among misfortunes.

Grenson used to be a demigod. He had experienced similar things, so he knew William's plight without asking him. After introducing the situation, he asked, "William, what are your plans for the future?"

"I don't know." William sat down on the ground of the square, staring blankly at the passers-by in the fortress square. There were also newly recruited demigods, one by one, leading their hundred-man team into the abyss with arrogance.

It was the same with him at the beginning, he was full of confidence, he only thought that he could successfully establish a sentry post and become a powerful god, but the reality educated him severely, he is very brave, but he is not good at commanding on the spot, the first match with the abyssal creature The conflict was when he met a pack of wolves, and he rushed to the front alone, fighting fiercely for a while, and finally the pack of wolves was wiped out, and he also killed six soldiers. At first, he thought it was nothing, there is no one who is undead in a battle.

As a result, after three consecutive battles, the problem became more and more serious, the arrows were almost exhausted, more than 30 people died, and the energy of the soldiers began to dry up. After that, it went from bad to worse, until finally he fled back to the fortress.

He now has two paths, the first is to stay in the square, recruit new staff, and then go to the abyss to fight. . . . . . Well, this path is just a possibility. The current William doesn't have the spirit at all, and no one wants to take risks with a demigod who just failed.

The second way is to take the remaining fighters to seek refuge with a god who has already established a sentry. This is the most reliable and safe way.

Grunson is very, very short of manpower now, and he doesn't care about William's possible competition with him after he joins War God's Watch. He only needs people now, and he also believes that Rollin will never treat him badly.

Just think about what Luo Lin did before setting up the sentry post. It was obviously a wise move, but he still chose to use the method of everyone's decision. Such a lord will respect the efforts of every subordinate.

"William, why don't you join our God of War sentry?" Grunson said directly.

William's eyes moved, he looked up at Glenson, and asked an irrelevant question: "You just said that your master's name is Rollin?"

"This is indeed my lord's name." Grenson was surprised when he asked, but still nodded in affirmation.

"It's only been less than a month, how could it be so fast?" William said to himself.

He and Luo Lin came to the Silver Watchtower together. They had a pleasant chat at first, but now he has failed and failed the loyal Holy Spirit Warrior. Thinking of those men who died in battle, William felt a sense of sadness in his heart, but Luo Lin turned into a weak god so quickly, built a sentry post, and even sent his men to recruit people in the fortress. This is a vigorous momentum of striding forward.

The gap was so great that William could hardly believe it.

Grunson's ears were sharp, and pride suddenly rose in his heart. He smiled more calmly: "It's natural. Look at me, when I left the fortress, I was only at the middle level of legend, but now, I'm only half a step away. Light the fire."

You don't need to look at William to feel that his adjutant was also a legendary mid-level fighter back then, but now, his adjutant is no longer there. In the last battle, in order to cover his retreat, his adjutant led a dozen soldiers to kill him. He clearly felt the scream of the other party's soul breaking, which made him heartbroken but helpless.

"Sure enough, I feel that leader Wendy Lu (Sha'er) has a different attitude towards him, and now he has achieved such an achievement in a short period of time... This Luo Lin must have a deep background." Although William Frustrated, but he is still half god, and his brain is still very easy to use, so he came to this conclusion immediately.

Naturally, a new conclusion also emerged: "Follow this Luo Lin, there will definitely be a bright future in the future. God of War...God of War...you really have a big tone."

Thinking of this, William looked up at the soldiers who were still following him, and said, "I intend to join the God of War sentry, what do you think?"

Naturally, his soldiers had no objections. Most of them were seeing the danger of the abyss for the first time. This month, they were exhausted and worried every day. Who doesn't want to have a powerful lord, who doesn't want to have a stable rear sentry.

"Sir, we agree." Several leading soldiers replied in unison.

William nodded, and said to Glenson, "My brothers in the thirties and I joined in."

Grunson was very happy. Now that the God of War post is short of manpower, he naturally would not let these people wait by his side all the time, so he drew a map of how to get to the God of War post and gave it to William: "You go along this road. , the road will be very safe, because we have cleared all the beasts of the abyss on the road. If we rush all the way, we can reach the destination in about two days. I think the lord will be very happy for you to join."

"Oh, I'm very honored." William took the map and set off with his fighters without saying a word, along with the three soldiers recruited by Grunson. In the Silver Fortress, such a failed demigod received only contemptuous looks, and he was really uncomfortable.

Grunson continued to recruit in the fortress, but the prospects were still bleak. After one day, it was a little better than the previous day. It was really a little better, and he found four.

At this rate, it would be impossible to recruit the manpower needed for the guard post within two or three months.

"Hey, this group of blind people. We established a sentry in a month, isn't it enough to show that we are strong?" Grunson was depressed to death.

But deep down, Grunson also knew why, because everyone was watching.

The rise of a new sentry post, especially the westernmost sentry post, will inevitably experience the impact of the dark army, and the god of madness Caius will definitely do his best to stop the advance of the gods of nature to the west.

Therefore, although it is eye-catching to establish a sentry post in one month, no one knows whether the sentry post can survive this wave of offensives and enter a period of real stable development.

It is naturally very unwise to join such a sentry with an unknown future. There are still very few people who really have foresight and are able to give it a go.

"It seems that the lord needs a big victory." Grunson thought helplessly.

On the other side, the orc demigod William has brought his soldiers to the Red Water River. According to the map, they only need to go down the river and walk about 200 kilometers to reach the God of War post. .

When they got here, William suddenly signaled the team to stop. The soldiers immediately became tense, thinking that some ferocious beast appeared around them.

But after waiting for a while, there was no movement around, and a soldier asked suspiciously, "Sir?"

William was in deep thought when he suddenly realized that he couldn't just go to the God of War sentry empty-handed.

"Mauts, I think we have to bring more soldiers to the God of War post," William said.

"More fighters?"

The thoughts in William's mind became clearer, and he nodded: "Yes, there are not a few failed teams like ours. There are many wandering warriors in this wilderness. They have lost their demigods, and the only way out is to join the sentry .We will take these people to the God of War post, the more we gather, the better."

From Grunson's attitude, he could see that the God of War sentry was in urgent need of manpower. Now that he brought a large number of people there, it was definitely a great contribution, which would improve his position in the sentry.

As his status rises, he will be able to take care of the brothers around him who have followed him through life and death.

After thinking about it, William decided: "Let's go, let's gather these fighters."

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