Legendary Hero

594 The Hand Of The God Of War (2/3)

Ares sentry.

In order to deal with the terrifying terrain dragon, Luo Lin condensed two powerful incarnations.

This avatar is different from the ordinary avatars who work day and night in the workshop. Both avatars have the power of demigods and can walk freely outside the realm of the gods. They are real avatars of demigods.

Among them, the avatar is the main defense, with a height of five meters and a weight of close to two tons. The muscles on his body are knotted like pythons, and his skeleton is thick. The bones are even fused with the tough god crystal cold iron.

This avatar gives people the feeling that it is vigorous, strong, and as thick as a mountain.

A strong body naturally possesses great strength. Luo Lin tried every means, and also used a lot of techniques taught to him by the Goddess of Life. While sacrificing some flexibility, this avatar was given terrifying strength. The power limit is as high as 5000. If Luo Lin uses the extraordinary skill: the fire of life to ignite all the potential of this avatar, in a short period of time, this avatar will be able to burst out a majestic force of more than 7000.

This kind of terrifying power greatly surpassed the limits of mortals, almost comparable to Luo Lin's giant dragon body.

This incarnation is called the left hand of God of War by Rowling, holding a shield in his left hand, which is his iron wall, and he will be responsible for resisting the frontal attack of the terrain dragon.

The main equipment on the God of War's left hand is a thirty-centimeter-thick god crystal cold iron shield, which is blessed with a large number of defensive charms, making it almost indestructible.

The other incarnation is the main attack, holding Luo Lin's sharpest magic weapon, the star meteor cloud pattern sword, and incorporating Luo Lin's first extraordinary skill: instant flash.

The body shape of this avatar is no different from that of ordinary people, about two meters or less, very flexible and coordinated, and it condenses all of Luo Lin's understanding of martial arts. After blessing the fire of life, the limit of its explosive power is about 4000. Yi Yun The peerless sharpness of the tattooed sword is enough to break through the defenses of all abyssal creatures.

This incarnation is called the right hand of the god of war by Rowling, holding a sword in his right hand, destroying all obstacles on the way forward.

After the two avatars had condensed, and replaced each of the shield warriors and epee warriors in the sentry with the god crystal cold iron weapon, Luo Lin led a group of soldiers to leave the sentry post and started hunting in the abyss.

The Terrain Dragon is a very powerful target, and a single mistake will cause casualties. The soldiers have just changed their weapons, and their hands are not yet familiar with them, and there are flaws. The cooperation between them and the two avatars also needs to be honed.

Under such circumstances, Luo Lin naturally wouldn't be in a hurry to act. He took the warriors to find ordinary abyssal creatures to practice.

Because the sentry posts also need people to defend, Luo Lin only took half of his men, 20 archers, all scouts, 10 shield fighters and 10 epee fighters. None of the healing priests took them with them. These are big treasures. You can’t lose any of them. There were no sentry posts before, so they had to take them with them, but now they don’t need them. If a soldier is injured, he will be sent back to the sentry post for treatment.

Because the left hand of the God of War is a big guy, it looks a bit stupid, and because of its large size, it gives people the illusion of slow movements. This image is suitable for being a thug, not a leader, and the right hand of the God of War is basically the same as Luo Lin's body, so he acts as Action command.

"My lord, this time our target is the herd of great horned rhinos. There are nine of them. There are two male rhinos. They are brothers and they are the leaders. Five are female rhinos and two are semi-adults. The male rhinos are eight in length. Mi, weighing nearly two tons, is very powerful, especially the impact force, it is difficult to resist." The scout reported the details of the target to Luo Lin.

Luo Lin nodded, thought for a while, and said: "This time we have changed our tactics. There is no need to dodge. After finding the target, the steel shield (commonly known as the left hand of the God of War) will charge directly and disrupt the opponent's formation. Follow up, Auxiliary attack!"

In the past, in order to avoid casualties, Luo Lin's tactics were to kill the enemy's edge, and then counterattack when the enemy was weak, just like a spider catching insects, using softness to overcome strength, bit by bit to wear down the opponent's strength.

Now he has to make a change, take the initiative to attack, directly defeat the opponent with fierce momentum, and use strength to overcome strength.

"Yes!" The soldiers answered in unison. They now have great confidence in their lord. After fighting in January, they only lost three people. They also established a sentry post and replaced their equipment. This is really an amazing achievement.

Led by the scouts, the group arrived at the location of the big horned rhino. Here is a flat grassland with a height of 1.5 meters. Except for the two male rhinos, all the other rhinos can only see one back.

Great horned rhinos, as the name suggests, the sharpest weapon is the horns on their foreheads. In Luo Lin's eyes, the horns of male rhinos are half a meter long, and there are spiral patterns on them that serve as blood grooves. Any legendary warrior will be pushed on the front by this thing Absolutely die in hell.

After determining the location of the target, Steel Shield stood up. He is also Luo Lin, his left and right hands can communicate with each other, and he doesn't need words to communicate at all, and he doesn't even need to make eye contact.

After showing his figure, Steel Shield raised his head to the sky and let out a growl, with a metal tremor that shook the bone marrow in his voice. In an instant, all the pheasants and animals hiding in the grass rushed out far away and escaped cleanly.

The two male rhinos were provoked, and they roared back immediately. Their eyes immediately turned red, and black light shrouded their bodies.

Steel Shield lowered his head, leaned over, picked up the heavy Divine Crystal Cold Iron Shield in his hand, and charged, amidst the heavy footsteps of "bang bang bang", Steel Shield's huge body rushed over faster and more violently than the great horned rhino .

In an instant, the two sides collided.

"Boom" sounded, and the soldiers a hundred meters away could feel the ground shaking slightly, and there was a burst of grass and mud splashing in front of them, and their sight was blocked.

After recovering his vision, he saw Steel Shield staring at the thick shield in his hand, his body was motionless, like a hill, while the big horned rhino opposite him was knocked and flew nearly five meters away. The horn is also broken, and I am dizzy and can't find the north.

This shows how powerful the creatures of the abyss are. If a creature on an ordinary plane is hit like this, it will definitely die immediately.

The biggest attack of the rhino group was directly smashed, and Luo Lin immediately swung his sword and shouted: "Start the attack!"

He rushed out first, the soldiers followed, and the archers began to aim and shoot at the rhino.

There was no suspense in the ensuing battle. After a fight, Luo Lin killed nine big-horned rhinos at the cost of a shield warrior with a broken sternum and an epee warrior with broken arms.

As before, Rowling immediately absorbed the Force and then distributed it.

This time, because he wanted to make up for the original force of the wolf man last time, Luo Lin distributed all the power except the necessary power to maintain the operation of the sentry.

Every fighter has improved a lot.

Seeing this situation, the two soldiers who were injured and had to return to the post to recuperate hated themselves for being careless, otherwise they would fight with the lord all the way this time, and their strength would definitely increase rapidly until they understood the limit.

The big horned rhino was just the first prey. Luo Lin led the soldiers to sweep all the way. As long as they were ferocious beasts, such as dire wolves, black widow poisonous spiders, and even found a blood-colored lizard man's lair, they would charge furiously with the steel shield in the left hand of God of War. Open the way, bombard and kill them all, and harvest countless original forces.

This sweep lasted for ten days. After ten days, all the ferocious beasts within a hundred kilometers around the God of War post were wiped out, except for the abyss giant beast and the dragon.

Luo Lin also paid off the original force owed by the wolf man's lair. However, now that there is a sentry post, the daily consumption of force has also greatly increased, and new rules need to be formulated for the distribution of force afterwards.

No fighter has a problem with this, these days, every fighter has tasted the benefits of having a sentry post, among other things, you don't have to worry about going to bed at night.

There are few guards now, so there is little resistance to change, and the efficiency is naturally very high. Half a day later, Luo Lin announced the new distribution principles in the form of express decrees.

The most important distribution principle is naturally the original force, but there are also other distributions of spoils, which are detailed in the decree.

According to the decree, in collective battles, the proportion of original force shared by the fighters participating in the battle is reduced, and the inherent share allocated by the sentry post is increased. Luo Lin is the sentry post, so the promotion of the sentry post means that Luo Lin gains power.

For other trophies other than the original force, such as the precious materials on the corpses of wild beasts, Rowling uses the scheme of "whoever participates in the killing, who owns it". The killers distribute these properties according to their respective efforts. As long as a certain percentage of them is handed over to the sentry warehouse, the sentry will protect the fighter's ownership of the materials. Any attempt to deprive the fighter of his private property will be regarded as a provocation against the God of War sentry.

The protection of private ownership is the core of the new sentry decree, and it is also one of the three core principles of the natural pantheon.

In Luo Lin's view, this is really the most essential principle of the natural pantheon, because only in this way can the enthusiasm of the fighters be mobilized to the greatest extent, because all their efforts are for themselves!

And with their efforts, the sentries will also benefit. When the fighters are strong, the sentries will also be strong. This is a win-win situation.

After this sweep, the strength of sentry fighters has generally reached level 45 or above, but the archer Herris has stabilized at level 48. It's not that he didn't get the original force, but that he encountered a promotion bottleneck.

In this regard, Luo Lin will not intervene to help, every soldier has his own path to go, others can't help, not even a god, otherwise this soldier will become his puppet in the long run.

Freedom and independence from interference with life is the second core principle of the pantheon of nature, as important as the protection of private ownership.

And the entire process of Rowling's enactment of laws and regulations embodies the spirit of contract that the natural pantheon attaches the most importance to. Contract fairness, private rights, and freedom of life are sacred and inviolable. These are the three principles of the natural pantheon, the way of the goddess of life, and the path most recognized by Luo Lin.

What he wants to do now is to help the Goddess of Life break through the barbarism of darkness and the hypocrisy of light, and make this endless void a true paradise of life.

This is also his way, and he is willing to fight for it, and even sacrifice his life.

At the current level, everything is basically ready, and it's time to deal with the terrain dragon.

This time, Luo Lin left 20 unhealed warriors at the sentry post to take charge of the defense. The other nearly 80 people all participated in the dragon slaying plan.

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