Legendary Hero

596 Impermanence Claims God's Foresight (1/3)

"Something's wrong." Luo Lin listened to the scout's report about the situation around the terrain dragon, and for some reason, he always felt a slight palpitation in his heart.

This is a kind of sensitivity to danger. Rowling was able to do it when he was promoted to a legend. At that time, when a real mortal danger approached, he could always feel depressed, as if something was pressing down on him.

Now that he has entered the divine realm, his divine power level has reached level 53, and this sensitivity has become stronger and stronger, almost becoming a reliable premonition.

In this magical universe with prophecy, this is not illusory, but a real means. If you keep investigating its essence, it must be the cognition of the essence of time in the end.

Premonition and prophecy are an insight into the future world.

Of course, if you really want to have a real insight into time, there will be no secrets in the past, future, or present. Rowling estimates that this is at least the power of the immortal, and he is still very far behind.

But feeling the danger, and it can also make him feel a burst of heart palpitations, this is enough for Luo Lin to act cautiously.

"My lord, everything seems to be normal. The terrain dragon just ate a thunder elephant, and there are bloody ivory around it, and now it is resting." The scout said.

There are still many hidden meanings that he didn't say, but everyone can understand that as long as it is a mortal, after a period of time after eating and drinking, the reaction speed will slow down, and the movements will usually be slower.

For a tyrannical creature like the terrain dragon, it is natural to attack him when he is weakest.

Luo Lin still didn't give up his life, he looked at the forest in front of him, and seemed to be fascinated.

The color of the trees in the mountain forest is not the green of the ordinary world, but black and dark red. The dark ones are the trunks, and the dark red ones are the leaves. Among the black, red, black and red tones, Luo Lin seemed to see a piece of paper in a trance. And the big mouth of the biting black hole.

He had a feeling that as long as he rushed into the mountains and made a move, he would die immediately without a place to bury him.

"Why is this forest so quiet?" Luo Lin frowned. There was no sound at all, let alone birds, not even bugs.

"It should be because of the terrain dragon, right?" Archer Herris asked uncertainly. He also seemed to feel something was wrong, frowning tightly.

"No...no." Luo Lin shook his head slowly, holding the hilt of the sword tightly, and the steel shield in God of War's left hand had already taken out the shield and placed it horizontally in front of him.

"Terrain Dragon is the overlord of this area. He is indeed powerful, but his diet is such large creatures as thunderstorms. Birds, bugs in the forest, and even little horned rabbits running on the ground have lived with him for a long time. You will realize this, so there is no need, and you will not be afraid of it. The current situation only shows one possibility, that is, there is a completely strange but very powerful existence of some kind of small animal in the forest."

Luo Lin raised his hand and gestured for the entire army to retreat: "Defensive formation, retreat, let's go back to the guard post."

"But my lord, the opportunity is rare. There is nothing in the forest except the magic dragon." The leader of the scouts said, he saw the lazy and defenseless appearance of the terrain magic dragon with his own eyes. If they rushed up at this time, they would definitely be able to defeat it. it. The next time I come here, I may not be able to meet such an opportunity.

Moreover, he thought that all of this was just Luo Lin's speculation. He explored all the way very carefully, and he really didn't see anything unusual in the forest.

Luo Lin shook his head: "No, this must be an unknown opponent. We have no shortage of force now, and we can find opportunities again, but we only have one life."

Speaking of this, Luo Lin emphasized his tone: "Retreat! Defensive formation!"

He believed in his premonition of danger, and he also had absolute confidence in his own judgment. More importantly, they were not in urgent need of force right now. Because of this, he had the capital to back off and look for other opportunities without taking risks.

Although the soldiers were puzzled, they knew that this was a military order and could not be violated, so they all put on a vigilant posture and retreated all the way to the direction of the God of War sentry. They retreated ten kilometers, but no accidents happened.

There was a trace of restlessness in the hearts of the soldiers. Basically, everyone felt that their lord had made a mistake, but under Luo Lin's accumulated majesty in the past, no one spoke, and they were still carrying out Luo Lin's orders meticulously.

Luo Lin didn't relax at all. Seeing that no pursuers appeared, he breathed a sigh of relief and ordered again: "March quickly, let's go back to the guard post immediately and prepare for battle!"

As he retreated, Herris felt the pressure in his heart decrease sharply. He could be said to be the only one present who fully agreed with Rowling's thoughts, but he still didn't quite understand this order: "My lord, prepare for battle?"

"I suspect that the dark legion of the God of Madness has arrived, just like the previous failed sentry posts." Luo Lin frowned slightly. There are many lessons learned from the past. No mistake, I felt palpitations at this time, so I naturally made such a guess.

These words made all the soldiers feel awe-inspiring, and many people were vigilant: they were dazzled by the previous victory, thinking that the abyss was nothing more than this, but now that they think about it, they are indeed careless.

The irritability in the soldiers' hearts decreased, and they began to speed up and march towards the sentry post. About half a day later, the dragon slaying army composed of more than seventy soldiers returned to the sentry post.

This time, it can be said that it was the first time Luo Lin led the soldiers back empty-handed.

The soldiers who stayed in the sentry were a little puzzled. They didn't know what happened. The soldiers who stayed behind quietly asked their comrades who participated in the operation: "What's going on? The Terrain Dragon ran away?"

The soldiers did not doubt that Luo Lin would fail. A series of victories in the past told them that as long as the lord takes action, there is absolutely no reason to fail. Now the armor of these returned soldiers is not damaged, there is no blood on the weapons, and there is no loss of personnel. There is no sign of fate and fatigue. This is not like slaying a dragon, but rather like going out for a picnic for a while.

"Didn't run away. But the lord felt something was wrong, and then we came back." The soldier replied, and there was still a trace of dissatisfaction in his demeanor and tone. It's a pity that such a great opportunity was missed.

"..." The left-behind soldiers couldn't figure it out, but they still said habitually: "So that's how it is. But it's absolutely right to listen to the Lord. He is a god, and he can see things farther than us, and he can see more. comprehensive."

"Well, I think so too." The soldier nodded.

The same is true for other conversations. The soldiers basically have the same idea. They have already acknowledged the vision and wisdom of the lord who led them to build a stable sentry in a month.

At this time, Luo Lin's voice came: "Close the city gate and start defense at the highest alert level."

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers saw a strong light appearing from the detection tower at the highest point of the sentry. This light formed a beam and shot around, especially looking at the west, like a huge eye.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

mountain forest.

When Rowling gave the order to retreat, the Terrain Dragon Montegen was resting on the ground with his eyes closed.

In order to let the opponent relax his vigilance, he did eat a thunder elephant, which would make him move a little slower for a short time, but it was okay, because he was not alone.

The mountain forest he was in seemed to be the only one, but to the creatures who were familiar with it, there were many strange stones here.

These stones are dark red, blending perfectly with the surrounding environment, and there is no life breath on them, just like ordinary stones.

Of course Luo Lin's scouts also saw these stones, but they didn't pay attention at all. Such stones are everywhere in the Crimson Land. It would be strange if there were no such things in this mountain forest.

They searched the entire mountain forest carefully, and the only dangerous creature that could be called was the terrain dragon lying motionless after eating a good meal.

The preliminary plan was successful. Montgen even saw a scout lying behind an iron-eating giant and secretly watching him. The poor guy didn't notice any abnormalities at all.

"After a while, when the guys all enter the mountain forest and start to act, then they will be unlucky, hehe." Montegen squinted his eyes and thought, and the smell of the flesh and blood of those invaders began to emerge in his mind. It is delicious, and there are no annoying hairs on the surface, it is very smooth, 'Zhi Liu' bites it down, the juice comes out, it is simply beautiful.

He waited patiently, and the terrain dragon with a long lifespan had plenty of patience. The same is true for those iron-eating giants. These creatures with bodies like steel can turn into a stone and remain motionless for ten years. The patience is unimaginable.

So, this wait is one day.

A day later, the flesh and blood of the thunder elephant in the belly of the terrain dragon Montegen had long been digested, and he even felt a little hungry.

"Why aren't these guys attacking?" He was a little surprised, turning his head to look at the forest, where the 'stones' were still lying motionless. These iron-eating giants have very weak perception in this sleeping state, and they have no sense of time. Also very slow, they are still waiting for his signal.

The Terrain Demon Dragon was very puzzled, he got up and strode out of the forest, ready to see what happened.

After walking in this way, he turned all over the forest at once, but he couldn't find half of the intruders. These little flesh men who like to wear metal shells are all gone, and after a while, Lord Montgan, the Terraform Demon Dragon, found the footprints on the ground. After observing them carefully for a while, he couldn't help cursing: "You damn coward, He ran away!"

He couldn't figure it out, these guys obviously didn't notice the existence of the iron-eating giant, why did they run away?

He was not reconciled, so he searched further away in the mountains and forests, and followed the footprints for more than 30 kilometers. He was frustrated to find that those little meat people really ran away. Judging by the frequency of the footprints, they still ran all the way back Yes, it is estimated that he has already stayed in the sentry at this moment.

Thinking about it this way, Montegen felt that he and the iron-eating giant had spent a day in the mountains and forests. He was extremely stupid. He couldn't help but swear: "You are really good sons raised by Mud Rat. You guys run fast!"

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