Legendary Hero

Chapter 597: Battle Of The Sentry (1) (2/3)

With a muffled "Plop", a warrior whose armor was broken and his body was covered with dried blood fell to the ground. After struggling a few times, he couldn't get up from the ground.

But the warrior didn't stop moving forward. He began to struggle and crawl on the ground full of sand and limestone, advancing meter by meter, and slowly moved towards the direction of the Silver Fortress in the east.

He is a Holy Spirit warrior. For a Holy Spirit warrior, even if he dies, he must die in the fortress. This is the last belief in his heart, and it is also the last ray of light in his body that has been deeply eroded by the power of madness.

The rough sand and stones tore through his armor, his knees, thighs, and palms, and the blood soaked out, dragging a deep red blood trail behind him.

There were subtle and dense footsteps behind 'chachacha'. They were demon wolves in the wilderness, and they were lone wolves. These monsters were driven out of the wolf pack due to some mistakes, and they could only forage independently in the dangerous abyss.

They are cunning and cruel, and they will not let go of any food that can be eaten, and this weak warrior is a delicious meal in its eyes. The flesh on his body can be turned into its strength, allowing it to live longer in the world.

But the prey could still move, and his blood-stained hands held a sword tightly, which made the wolf a little scrupulous. It was waiting until the opponent completely lost its power to resist.

The prey didn't disappoint it, but after half an hour, it couldn't move anymore. Although the sword in his hand was still held in his hand, it was loose and loose, completely exhausted.

The demon wolf rushed forward, poking its mouth towards the back of the prey's neck, ready to bite off the prey's neck.

The sword in the warrior'Pu Chi's hand moved violently at this moment, piercing the demon wolf's throat, ending the life of the lone wolf in the abyss.

The blood of the black demonic wolf kept pouring down, pouring all over the warrior's body. The warrior was powerless to dodge, he just kicked the demonic wolf aside with all his strength, and then lay on his back on the muddy ground, staring at the dark red wolf with blank eyes. Sky.

He knew that he was going to die, the power of frenzy was constantly invading his body, and he would become an abyssal creature in a short time. If no new abyssal creatures eat his body, then he will rise again and become a killing demon.

Since he was not killed, his soul will not be able to return to the Silver Fortress. He should have been bitten to death by this demon wolf, but his fighting instinct made him make a final counterattack, and he was bitten to death by such a beast.

Becoming a demon, or being killed by a beast, was not the ending he wanted.

"Wait a little longer, if there is no turning point, I will commit suicide!" The soldier thought to himself, and he began to accumulate the strength to commit suicide.

The more blurred his consciousness, the darker the sky in his eyes, the warrior finally accumulated enough strength, and he was ready to stab it into his heart during the difficult time.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice from a distance: "Over there, look over there."

It is a common language, and from the voice, it seems to be an elf like him!

"Saved!" The soldier's heart relaxed, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

After a while, he felt a scalding hot liquid poured into his mouth, and when this liquid flowed into his body, he felt warm all over his body, the cold feeling that had penetrated into the bone marrow quickly dissipated, and his strength returned. to his body.

"It's holy water, oh, it feels so good!" The elf warrior sighed contentedly. After a while, he felt someone pour thick broth into his mouth, and the delicious food began to moisten his stomach and viscera. He began to recover quickly, and after about half an hour, he opened his eyes and sat up from the ground.

He saw four holy spirit warriors like him around him, sitting or standing. Seeing him sitting up from the ground, they all looked over with friendly smiles on their faces.

"Are you...cough cough...Which sentry warrior?" The elf warrior found that the opponent's armor seemed to be very tattered, not much better than his, and there was no emblem on the armor, so he couldn't see it. Out is the hand of that god.

"We are the same as you, the demigod chief died in battle. A few days ago, I thought I was going to die, but we met an orc demigod, his name is William. He saved us." A female elf warrior smiled Answering, she stepped forward and stretched out her hand to the elf warrior sitting on the ground: "Do you have the strength to stand up?"

"Of course." The elf warrior reached out to catch the hand of the woman of the same race. The soft touch made him feel very happy. He stood up with his strength and walked a few steps on the spot. Under the effect of the holy water, the injuries on his body are no longer serious, and he has recovered about 10% of his strength now.

"Where do we go then? Follow the demigod William?" he asked

"It's natural. He saved us." The female elf warrior took it for granted, and she handed a bottle of holy water to her fellow clan: "Take this."

"Thank you." The elf warrior took the holy water and put it away carefully, and then he asked, "Did Lord William set up a guard post?"

Otherwise, how to gather wandering fighters around and generously donate precious holy water. However, he immediately remembered that his fellow clan had mentioned the orc demigod, not a so-and-so god. It is impossible for a demigod to have a sentry, so he felt very puzzled.

"Lord William didn't set up a sentry post. But he wants to take us to a sentry post, the God of War post in the west, have you heard of it?" the female elf warrior asked.

"War God sentry post? What a big tone." The elf warrior was taken aback. He searched his memory, but found no memory about this sentry post, so he asked, "Is it a new sentry post?"

"Yes. Lord William said that the owner of this guard post entered the abyss with him, and he established the guard post in just one month. Now he has only ninety-seven fighters there, and he is in need of manpower," the female elf warrior introduced. Situation, when she said these words, her emerald green eyes were shining, full of longing and longing.

The elf warrior came out following his chief, and now that the chief is killed, he also deeply understands the horror of the abyss. He was immediately shocked when he heard the female elf's words: "A sentry was established in a month, and there are still ninety-seven warriors! Are you sure this is true?"

In this dangerous crimson land, after fighting for a month, only three fighters were lost. This made the elf warrior feel unbelievable and unbelievable.

The female elf shrugged her shoulders: "I don't think there is any need for Lord William to lie to us. Alright, let's go. We have to keep up with the majority before dark, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

"Okay." The elf warrior felt that he had recovered a lot, and he quickened his pace.

After walking for about half an hour, the elf warrior saw most of what his female kin said.

This is a temporary camp. There are people coming and going in the camp. A rough estimate of the number of people is at least a hundred.

The soldiers in the camp have a common feature, that is, their armor is torn, and their faces are haggard. Obviously, these soldiers were gathered along the way.

After a while, the elf warrior saw the orc demigod, and the image of this demigod was not much better. There were two big holes on the battle ax in his hand, but his spirit was very good. Holding a purified wolf leg and roasting it on the bonfire, talking and laughing loudly with the soldiers around him, he is obviously a very generous person.

"It looks a bit vulgar, doesn't it, but all orcs are like this." The female elf stood beside him and smiled kindly: "Master William saved me from a bear man, at that time I thought my head was going to be gnawed off. "

"Oh, it's okay. Now everyone is the same." The elf warrior was used to his comrades covered in sweat, and his situation was not much better now.

A soldier by the bonfire saw him and threw a large piece of barbecue over: "Now, you look like you've been hungry for half a month. Don't choke when you eat."

The elf warrior took it, took a bite of the half-baked barbecue, and didn't dislike it, and ate it in big mouthfuls. No matter how full he was with the broth before, he now needs a lot of food.

"How far are we from the God of War sentry now?" The elf warrior asked his fellow clansmen beside him.

"It's more than a hundred kilometers, just go straight along the Hongshui River. Rest overnight today, and we will arrive at noon tomorrow." The female elf was gnawing a piece of bacon, and her voice sounded a bit vague.

"Well, that's good." The elf warrior nodded. He had enough food and drink today, and rested for another night. He should be able to recover 80 to 90% of his strength tomorrow.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, William led a group of spirited Holy Spirit warriors and began to rush towards the God of War post.

He delayed for seven or eight days, but the result was very good. A total of more than 90 holy spirit fighters were recruited. Adding the more than 30 fighters he brought, the total was more than 120. This is not a small force. Yes, Luo Lin must be very happy to see all this.

"When the God of War outpost develops, maybe I can also build an independent small outpost next to the outpost. Maybe the God of War outpost will become a fortress in the future. If that's the case, then I'm on the right track." William had long ago Consider your own future.

Because they had to maintain their physical strength, the soldiers did not walk fast, so at noon, the soldiers saw the spire of the detection tower of the God of War sentry from a distance. This time is about the same as the female elf predicted.

However, the situation of the sentry post seems to be very bad. There is smoke everywhere around the sentry post, and there are still fires from time to time, and there are loud noises from time to time.

William's heart tightened, and he immediately shouted: "Accelerate!"

Going forward for a while, the soldiers saw the specific situation of the sentry post.

Around the sentry post, there are many huge humanoid creatures with metallic luster on their bodies. Beside these giants, there is also an abnormally huge abyss giant beast. Most of the black smoke seen before is coming from him. .

"Damn it! It's a monster from the abyss!" William was terrified. He always avoided such a giant beast and never dared to provoke it. Now this giant beast attacked the sentry with a group of giants. horrible.

Every soldier had a question in his heart: "Under the attack of the abyss monster, can the sentry hold up?"

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