Legendary Hero

634 Collision Of Light And Darkness (Part 2) (2/3)

Under the terrible attack of the intruder sentry, the dark warriors felt a little lingering fear, coupled with a chaotic retreat, when all the dark warriors had withdrawn from the range of the trebuchet, the entire team had no formation at all.

If it wasn't for the cover of darkness, if it was daytime and the soldiers inside the sentry rushed out suddenly, they would definitely suffer heavy damage, and they might even be defeated directly.

Fortunately, there was a dense darkness all around. Fortunately, the intruder's field combat ability was not strong, and he dared not go out of the sentry post. At this time, even Dante felt lucky.

But the chaos continued.

Especially after all the giant beasts from the abyss were smashed to death, the dark warriors, regardless of whether they were strong or weak, felt the terrifying power of the invaders. Fear is contagious, you pass it on to me, and I pass it on to you, and as a result, this chaos has been delayed for a long time. It can't go on like this.

"Quiet!!!" Dante stood on top of the head of an abyssal monster and let out a thunderous roar. This action involved his chest and cheek injuries, and made him feel a sharp pain that was almost dizzy.

His face was already pale, but now it turned pale and blue:'Damn it, this abominable divine power! '

This trace of divine power is very, very small, but it is deeply entangled in his muscles and bones, tormenting him all the time, and he has never been able to completely dispel it, even the divine power of the furious god Caius in the surrounding environment is also against This ray of divine power is helpless.

For gods, when the level of divine power is higher, it is immediately promoted to the point of being mysterious and unpredictable.

In the eyes of the low-ranking people, the methods of the high-ranking people have become completely unpredictable and completely crushed, so Caius can only help Dan Teqi suppress the invading divine power, but cannot dispel it.

In the Dark Army, Dante was still extremely prestigious. After a roar, the Dark Warriors all fell silent, and all turned to look at their general.

"It's nothing to be afraid of!" Dante continued to yell, and he waved his hands to make himself look very confident: "Those intruders only have this means, as long as we rush up and get to them, they will immediately reveal their true colors, weakly Like an abyss horned rabbit!"

After talking for a while, Dante saw that the soldiers were listening seriously, and he was slightly happy. As long as he was listening, he could change their thinking.

He continued to speak loudly: "I heard that the iron giant's tribe has repeatedly breached the intruder sentry. I know that the iron giant warriors are very powerful, but what I want to say is that neither the lava giant nor the black tooth snake man Inferior, you are also capable of crushing those invaders. Not to mention you strong men with divinity!'

The strong with divinity refers to the giant beasts of the abyss. Of course, the divinity in their bodies is not their own, but belongs to Caius, so it is not counted as igniting the divine fire, but this still makes them extremely powerful, second only to The master of every abyss world.

After these words, many dark warriors were successfully inspired to fight, and the violent killing intent appeared in their eyes again, which made Dante very satisfied.

He waved his arms and continued: "Just now, these invaders used some despicable means to sneak up on us, and the mighty Elton (the smashed abyss behemoth) died so humblely, which is an intolerable shame , we want revenge!"

"Revenge!" Some dark warriors roared out.

"We want the invaders to know who is the master of this land! Let them taste our strength!" Dante focused on it, his voice was impassioned, and he spoke righteously, as if he was persuading soldiers to defend their homeland.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" All kinds of roars came and went, and the previous depression was swept away, and the hearts of the dark warriors were full of fighting spirit.

Dante knew that there was no need to wait any longer now. The soldiers' emotions had been aroused by him. This emotion was explosive and full of aggression, but at the same time it was impossible to last, and it would soon weaken.

All he has to do is to launch an attack while all the fighters are fighting high!

"The walls of the invaders are very high and very strong, and it is difficult to climb up, but we have monsters from the abyss, and they will help us climb the walls!" Dante stretched out his feet and kicked his feet while talking. Behemoth.

The giant beast understood and started to move forward, striding towards the city wall.

"Come on, my warriors, it's time for vengeance!" Dante yelled.

The anger in the hearts of the dark warriors was ignited and began to burn. They roared crazily one by one, completely forgetting the depression of being chased by the boulder just now. They carried their weapons and followed around the abyss behemoth, striding towards the intruders in the distance Sentry charge.

"Scatter! Scatter! Don't be hit by boulders. These stones are not fast. You can dodge them!" Dante ordered loudly before entering the range of the opponent's trebuchet.

There is a lot of deceit in his order. Scattering is an effective means of resisting the bombardment of trebuchets and boulders, which can greatly reduce casualties, but if you want to avoid boulders falling at high speed in the sky on a chaotic battlefield, then It's basically down to luck.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The boulder fell from the sky again.

This time, the dark warriors were prepared, and the formation was scattered, so the damage caused by the boulder was very limited. Except for some unlucky ones, the other warriors were basically watching a free gorgeous fireworks.

When he reached the corpse of the abyss giant that had been smashed to death before, an abyss giant stretched out his hand and grabbed the corpse's leg, dragging the corpse forward.

The corpse of the abyss behemoth is very heavy and large. Just throwing this corpse on the opponent's wall can cause huge trouble to the opponent. If it is thrown in front of the wall, it will be a natural siege ladder.

On the city wall, facing the dark army rushing madly, the city wall was silent. The soldiers stood on the top of the city wall, their pupils shrunk to pinpoints, their eyes narrowed into a line, their breathing was thick and urgent, and their muscles were slightly tense. The battle begins!

"嗡~" A slight sound appeared, it was the God's Domain expanded from Luo Lin's body, the normally stored force was burning without hesitation, the God's Domain kept rushing out in all directions, pushing the darkness and the furious divine power in the darkness, until It spread for more than five hundred meters before finally stopping.

Within the range of more than two hundred meters, the red mist disappeared, the divine power of the Raging God was completely repelled, the darkness was dispelled, and a clear starry sky appeared in the sky.

In this domain of the gods, the strength of the dark army will be weakened, while the strength and defense of the holy spirit fighters will increase. The improvement of each fighter is not much, but accumulating all of them is a huge advantage.

In a battle of this scale, it is basically impossible to defeat the opponent at once. The use of various tactics is to accumulate one's own advantages little by little, and weaken the opponent one by one, but one side's advantage is already unshakable, while one side is weakened to the point where it cannot bear it, and the fighting will collapse. The winner was decided.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The dark army rushed into the battlefield. When they suddenly entered the domain of the gods, the dark power in their bodies collided with the power of the domain of the gods, bursting out bursts of dazzling brilliance.

The scope of God's Domain was shrunk by two hundred meters, but the charging speed of the dark army was also greatly slowed down, and its impact was completely different from before.

This is enough, the new city wall of the sentry post can completely withstand such an impact.

The dark army was getting closer and closer to the city wall, and soon reached a distance of 300 meters, which was the attack range of the archers.

"Swish, swish~" The arrows on the city wall were like rain, all of which were arrows of holy light. At this moment, the sky suddenly lit up, and a lot of light appeared, which was the brilliance of the holy power on the arrows.

In just one blow, 6,000 arrows were consumed, equivalent to the ten-day output of the God of War sentry.

But it’s nothing, for this great war, the craftsmen of the God of War sentry rushed to work day and night, and there was a large amount of cold iron available for consumption. Up to now, the accumulated arrows have reached 200,000 arrows, which is enough to support the consumption.

'ah! ''Uh~''Howl~' All kinds of screams appeared in the dark army, and sparks of holy power bloomed in their bodies. At least five hundred dark warriors fell to the ground, and some They died directly, and some were injured, but in any case, they all lost their combat effectiveness.

The Dark Warriors began to fight back.

"Huh~huh~" The giant who was dragging the corpse of the abyss giant beast suddenly exerted force, and he lifted up the corpse of the hundred-ton giant beast that he had been dragging, and then threw it towards the city wall with great force.

What is the concept of an object weighing 100 tons and more than 50 meters long hitting the city wall? No one could have imagined that anyway, those holy spirit warriors who faced such a terrifying attack were already stunned, and could only watch the huge black shadow descending from the sky, enveloping them.

If it was hit, gaps would appear in the entire city wall. Although it could be repaired, it would consume Luo Lin's huge divine power.

There are two demigods under the section of the city wall that is about to be hit by the corpse of the giant beast, one is the god of winter, and the other is the incarnation of Luo Lin's right hand of the god of war.

Both of them knew that the city wall must not be hit by this corpse. If it was in the mortal world, any demigod could easily knock this hundred-ton object into the air, but this is an abyss, even within Luo Lin's God's Domain, There is still a deeper will of the Lord of Darkness.

Under this will, no matter whether mortals or gods, they can't use powerful extraordinary power, so the God of Winter can't do anything, she can only loudly order her soldiers to retreat.

Every holy spirit warrior possessed legendary power, so it was not difficult to avoid this attack, and all of them retreated to both sides.

But on the other hand, Luo Lin didn't do this. From the moment the giant made the throwing action, the brain calculated the exact landing point of the corpse of the abyss giant beast.

With the left hands of the two gods of war, the avatars of steel shields rushed towards the landing point.

Luo Lin's God of War right hand suddenly soared into the air, and the meteor cloud pattern sword in his hand shone with dazzling brilliance, and slashed at the corpse in the sky with a sword.

The sword passed, seemingly silently, but there was a powerful force spreading in the void, and the corpse in the sky was divided into two halves, one left and one right, but they still smashed towards the city wall.

This blow is already an extraordinary power, and Luo Lin can use it, firstly because of the cloud pattern sword in his hand, secondly because it comes from the mystery of the goddess of life, and thirdly because he is standing in his divine domain, with a huge home field advantage.

On the city wall, two incarnations of steel shields had already ignited the fire of life, and the power exploded to a terrifying level of 7000. The two jumped up at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right. On the corpse of the giant beast in the sky.

The movements of the incarnation of the two steel shields may seem clumsy, but in fact, in terms of strength skills, they are not the right hand of the God of War at all. This impact, in the eyes of outsiders, is a hard-to-hard confrontation. In fact, at this moment, the flow of strength is complex.

A moment later, the two avatars of the steel shields bounced back to the square outside the sentry behind the city wall like cannonballs, making two big holes in the ground, and the corpses of the giant beasts in the sky were thrown out. It fell back to where the dark army was at a fast speed.

'Boom! ’ Twice, the huge corpse smashed to death at least a hundred soldiers.

Dante's heart was shaken when he saw it. He boasted that his martial arts were powerful and extremely powerful, but today he saw the strength and skill that crushed him again and again, and the discouragement in his heart couldn't be suppressed, and he rushed forward.

‘Such strength, such skill, can I achieve it? Could this be God? Why is God so powerful? ’ He couldn’t figure it out.

At this time, the dark army had already rushed a hundred meters away from the city wall, and the battle was about to really begin.

By this time, the terrifying machine of war has been running to the extreme, and if you want to stop, you can only win or lose by life and death!

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