Legendary Hero

Chapter 635 Epic (3/3)

"Empty!" With a muffled sound, a thick abyssal behemoth slammed into the city wall, dust clusters fell from the city wall, and many small gaps were cracked on it.

In this gap, there is light coming out, this light is as dense as a spider's thread, quickly draws the two sides of the crack closer, and then heals together.

The divine power was consumed rapidly, and about 1% of Luo Lin's power was consumed every minute. As a result, no matter how the abyss monster hit, the city wall remained motionless.

If the city wall does not move, the massive dark warriors below the city will not be able to climb the city wall to fight, and the soldiers will be able to calmly shoot and kill their opponents on the city wall.

"General! General! The walls are too hard and smooth, and the soldiers can't climb up!" Kogu, the leader of the iron-eating giants, roared. He tried it himself, and even with his strength, he could barely leave a line on the wall. There are shallow marks, and they will disappear without a trace in a blink of an eye, so there is no way to use strength to get on.

"I know!" Dante stood far behind, surrounded by hundreds of elite warriors. He has been observing the situation of the city wall. So far, no soldier has climbed the city wall, and the intruder archers on the city wall have almost Without much distraction, keep shooting them.

From just now to now, in less than two minutes, at least a thousand soldiers have fallen, including an abyssal giant beast.

The casualties are too great, and tactical adjustments must be made immediately, otherwise they will be defeated soon!

"Drag the corpse of the giant beast up and use it as a climbing ladder!" Dante roared. Now two giant beasts are dead. Each giant beast is about 40 meters high. When the corpses are stacked together, they can almost reach the top of the city wall. Using this as a ladder is enough for soldiers to climb up.

Immediately, an abyss giant rushed over, dragged the corpses, and stacked them under the city wall, and then a large number of dark warriors swarmed up, the speed was extremely fast, and there was no way to stop them.

This is not the only means.

The giant was not idle either, he gave up attacking the city wall, but took each warrior in his hands, five or six in each hand, and then threw them straight towards the city wall, or simply threw them into the city wall.

The other abyss giants followed suit, either flicking their tails or bumping their backs, in short, they kept sending the dark warriors into the sentry post.

There were quite a few giant beasts, and nearly a hundred people entered the sentry post once. Although half of them were shot by archers, or some unlucky ones fell to death directly, there were still ordinary soldiers alive and maintaining their combat effectiveness.

After these abyssal warriors entered the sentry post, they instinctively rushed towards the core of the sentry post instead of attacking the city wall.

As long as they break through the core of the sentry and kill the gods in it, they will win. This is their common sense!

But how could Luo Lin not have expected this situation? Since he knew the type of the opponent's fighter, he naturally guarded against this move.

There is also a city wall at the core of the sentry post, which is as hard and smooth as the outer city wall. Although there are not many defenders, without the help of the abyss behemoth, these intruding dark warriors can't break through, but are constantly killed.

Outside the outer city wall, Dante waited for a few minutes. Seeing that there was no result in the sentry post, he immediately issued an order: "All attack the outer city wall, attack inside and outside!"

The dark warriors on the outer city wall heard the order, shouted loudly, and tried their best to attack the city wall, but when Dante's voice reached the inner city wall, he was hindered by God's Domain. The wall, this air wall is not strong enough to stop the soldiers thrown in, but it is more than enough to stop the incoming sound.

The soldiers on the inner city wall never heard any orders, and they were still attacking the impregnable inner city wall.

Dante didn't know what happened inside the sentry post, but he knew that the situation had changed. The opponent must have used some method he didn't know. Once he discovered this situation, he decisively gave up the tactic of throwing people.

"Stop! Stop! Continue to attack the city wall!" He shouted orders at the abyss giant beast. It was very exhausting to keep shouting like this, and it even involved the wound. It was always a burst of uncontrollable pain. Hold back no screams.

The two giants threw the last of the hapless dark warriors into the city wall before grabbing their huge hammers. The abyss behemoths also stopped sending people away and continued to charge against the city wall.

However, during this period of time, they sent a total of more than 3,000 warriors into the city wall. So far, the number of dark warriors killed in battle has reached 4,000, and four of the abyssal beasts have also died. Those who were smashed to death, combined, the number of soldiers outside the city wall was only about 17,000 soldiers attacking the city, and the pressure on the city wall was greatly reduced.

Now, there are two most intense battles on the entire battlefield, both of which are the landing points of the city wall piled up with the corpses of giant beasts.

Half of the demigod incarnations and a quarter of the army gathered in this narrow area, blocking the dark warriors who kept jumping up the city wall.

The dark warriors tried to establish a stable stronghold on the two landing points, and then used their powerful melee capabilities to expand their results until they took down the entire city wall, while the coalition forces of the natural gods desperately stopped them.

It is true that the melee combat ability of the holy spirit warriors of the natural pantheon is inferior to that of the dark warriors, but it is not the holy spirit warriors who are blocking the front, but the iron-eating giants who have defected.

Since these giants entered the Cold Iron Mine, besides daily mining, they have eaten and drank enough every day. In a short period of time, their average height has reached 3.78 meters. You can be the leader.

A huge and strong body represents great strength. Although the number of steel-veined tribe giants is not large, the city walls are not wide enough. They are enough to withstand the attack of the dark warriors.

And once an iron-eating giant is seriously injured, a hole will be opened immediately on the city wall, and the giant will fall into it, and then the gap will disappear again, protecting the giant inside.

Therefore, since the battle so far, although the steel-veined giant has been injured a lot, the real battle dead are still within the range of the steel-veined tribe.

These giants have brought huge troubles to the Dark Warriors. They are like a wall of copper and iron in front of the Holy Spirit Warriors. This 'bronze wall of iron' can also hit people, and their strength is surprisingly strong. Even the mighty lava giants are not them. opponent. The holy spirit warriors hid behind the steel-veined giant, or shot cold arrows, or stabbed people with spears, leaving behind the lives of countless dark warriors.

But the dark warriors were not given for nothing, their numbers were endless, and the steel-veined giants and warriors were also suffering huge blows. Although the losses were not as great as their opponents, they should not be underestimated.

On the ground of the city wall, blood, stumps, minced meat, and corpses were everywhere, and the blood was left along the cracks of the city wall, which looked like a small waterfall from a distance.

Both sides are struggling.

Some demigods were killed, and their bodies were seriously injured beyond repair. Before they died, these demigods immediately used their divine power to control their bodies, restoring these divine powers to pure original force, which was absorbed by Luo Lin to supplement his consume.

Since the battle so far, his original force has also been greatly depleted, and it is too late to absorb the souls of the abyssal creatures in the fierce battle, and his power is less than 40% left.

After another half an hour, the Dark Warrior finally won a glimmer of hope to establish a stronghold after paying the lives of countless fighters. The invaders around the landing point were all knocked down, but the successor fighters did not have time to rush over. In a few minutes, they can gain a firm foothold on the city wall.

As long as they have a firm foothold, they will be able to link up with those warriors trapped inside the city walls whose life and death are unknown, unite together, cause huge troubles for the invaders, and may even win outright.

But at this moment, a huge roar appeared on the city wall: "Get out of the way!"

Immediately following the heavy footsteps of "dong dong dong dong", the holy spirit warriors stepped aside one after another. Behind the passage, two giants with a height of five meters held a thick shield like a door panel, rushing one after the other. come over.

There is a golden-red halo flowing around the bodies of these two giants, which represents that he is a powerful demigod. In fact, all the Dark Warriors know this giant, because at the beginning of the battle, the giant showed his great strength.

Seeing the giant rushing towards him with a wild aura, the dark warriors all changed expression. Don't know how to resist.

"Giant!" roared Dante the Eyeless.

An abyss giant that was close immediately took a step forward, stretched out its huge palm, clenched it into a fist, and punched the charging warrior holding the giant shield.

The speed of both sides was very fast. After a moment, the fists and shields intersected, and they froze for half a second. In this half second, the last steel shield incarnation charged straight up, jumped up, and slammed into the giant's wrist.

'Crack! ’ A bone cracking sound spread throughout the battlefield, the giant’s hand deformed violently, and the entire arm was shaken by a huge force, and it bounced away suddenly, unable to stop the charge of Luo Lin’s God of War left hand.

The left hands of the two gods of war sped up again, with their shields in front of them, and crashed into the array of abyssal warriors on the city wall.

The extraordinary power of up to 7000 erupted, invincible, like a bulldozer, and the dark warriors who were hit were directly sent flying.

A few seconds later, the landing point that had just been controlled by the dark warrior was broken, and the iron-eating giants and holy spirit warriors rushed up to regain control of the city wall.

"Hi!" Dante looked anxious, but there was nothing he could do. At this level, he could see that the other party was also very tired and close to exhaustion. He only needed them to persist for a while, and the originally nearly balanced battle situation would be obviously overwhelmed.

However, his army has also reached the end of its strength, and its morale is low. The reason why it can still fight is entirely supported by the tyrannical nature deep in the blood of the dark creature. Perhaps in the next moment, this dark army will suddenly collapse.

In any case, this battle was the worst battle Dante had fought since he became a general, and it was also the most influential battle.

If he wins, Dante will receive endless glory and become an immortal existence. If he loses, he will degenerate and become the dust of history.

"Can I win?" Dante the Eyeless didn't know the answer.

But at the next moment, someone told him the answer. To be precise, this is not a human, but a giant beast. It's not an abyssal behemoth, but it has the size and strength of an abyssal behemoth.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the Hongshui River not far from the city wall, which was originally flowing quietly, exploded suddenly. In the blasted river, a giant beast with golden-red radiance flashing from its body suddenly rushed out. He rushed towards his main formation with big strides.

"It's over!" Dante was shocked.

If this behemoth appeared at the beginning of the battle, it doesn't matter, several abyss behemoths charged up and could easily strangle them, but now, all the dark warriors, including the abyss behemoths, are exhausted , and this giant beast has been lurking so far, its power is at its peak, and now it is joining the battlefield, how can it be fought?

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In this battle, the dark army and the invaders were like two giants fighting for their lives. When the two giants were seriously injured and dying, one of the giants suddenly came with a dog as a helper. Although the dog was not strong, it Enough to kill another giant.

Such was the case with Dante.

Sure enough, as soon as a thought flashed through Dante's mind, the dark warriors who were still attacking collapsed. They turned around and jumped off the city wall, fleeing desperately, and the surviving two abyssal behemoths and a giant also turned around and ran away .

The game is doomed.

Dante lost his mind, he only felt that the tight string in his frail body was broken, his whole body went limp, and he fell to the ground, the world in his eyes became dark.

"My great master, I... failed to dedicate victory to you." One last thought flashed through Dante's mind, and he lost consciousness.

On the city wall, the surviving god incarnations and holy spirit warriors stood in a pool of blood. You looked at me and I looked at you. What you saw in each other's eyes was deep joy.

They won, and won a victory enough to be written into an epic!

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