Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 6 The shepherd's leisurely, the wind is light

Jiang Feng walked a long distance, and this is his pasture. Since there are no cattle and sheep grazing, the surrounding area still looks a bit empty.

He picked out a place to graze and stopped the horse.

This place is a gentle slope. Standing on the gentle slope, he can clearly see the situation below.

"Fortune, fortune!"

Jiang Feng called out.

In an instant, the two dogs were running towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"Go, drive the sheep over there!"

Jiang Feng pointed to the slope below and said to the two border herds.

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, the two border shepherds immediately set off, driving the flock of sheep down.

Jiang Feng just sat on the ground, sitting on the lawn, quiet and free.

The horse stood aside obediently, grazing leisurely.

He raised the drone high, allowing netizens to clearly see the grassland.

On the prairie, the flock of sheep is like a large mass of moving soft cotton. Under the supervision of two small dots, one black and one yellow, they slowly walk to the bottom of the slope and start grazing.

The picture is fresh and natural.

There are more and more netizens in the live broadcast room, and more and more people join the team of raising sheep in the cloud.

Seeing the large flock of sheep, the netizens had a strong sense of substitution, feeling that they were herding sheep.

[Those two border shepherds are the smartest border shepherds I have ever seen, even better than those who will fetch things for their masters! 】

[Belongs to the awakening of the blood! 】

[It's really easy for the host to play sheep, one password and two dogs are all responsible! 】

[One day's salary is only two bags of dog food, which can be called a model worker in the industry! 】

[With such employees, the anchor is so comfortable! 】

[What a cute dog! 】

The screen full of bullet screens are boasting about blessings and wealth.

As the old farm staff + backbone force, these two border herds are indeed worthy of everyone's liking.

Jiang Feng put Xiao Jinhua down from his arms, and let the little guy take a look at the heroic appearance of his parents.

Xiao Jinhua raised her head and watched intently, her eyes full of longing.

Although it has just been full moon, the shepherd gene in the blood has already begun to awaken.

It looked at Laifu and Laicai's vigorous figures, and its mind was full of itself in a year.

Although Xiao Jinhua has a flower in his name, he is actually a male dog with a pure pedigree, good looks and temperament.

"When you grow up, I will let you shepherd the sheep!"

Jiang Feng touched Xiao Jinhua's head and said with a smile.

Little Golden Flower looked in the direction of Laifu and Laicai. Sometimes it bent down to attack, and sometimes it stood up and trotted for two steps, imitating its parents' shepherding posture.

This scene is quite silly.

The drone is overlooking the grassland, and the scene is warm and cozy.

But this year's netizens are too coquettish, with all kinds of tricks going on.

Originally, the barrage was full of praise and praise.

I saw a netizen with the screen name "Invincible Tyrannosaurus Warrior" posting a bullet screen:

[This is where I want to fight the anchor! 】

Seeing this barrage, immediately followed by two or three barrages.

[I caught you, Invincible Tyrannosaurus Warrior, yesterday you said you were going to fight in the wild! 】

[What kind of field battle is a big man fighting with a rancher? Fight bayonet? 】

[This invincible tyrannosaurus warrior cannot stay! Every day I think about playing field battles! 】

[This Japanese netizen please pay attention to the influence! 】

As the saying goes, classic chants are spread, and sometimes, out of nowhere, a meme appears in the live broadcast room.

The invincible tyrannosaurus warrior did a lot of work, and then a stone caused a thousand waves.

More and more netizens are starting to work.

Countless hunks threatened to fight field battles on the prairie and fight with bayonets.

[I, Qin Yunlong, established an independent cavalry company with my real name. Is there any warrior who is willing to go out with me! 】

[I, Li Yunfei, established the 358th Regiment of Bayonet Company with my real name, brothers, fight with them! 】

[I, Zhang Wen, joined the Independent Regiment Cavalry Company with my real name! 】

[I, Liu Wu, joined the Bayonet Company of the 358th Regiment with my real name! 】

Qin Yunlong: [Brothers of the cavalry company, mount the bayonet! 】

Netizen A: [Company Commander, what should I do if my bayonet cannot go up? 】

Netizen B: [I lost the chain at the critical moment, just a few more times and I'll get back up! 】

Netizen C: [No, I'll do it for you, I've been practicing bayonets for many years! 】

The barrage was noisy.

Countless people laughed and laughed from ear to ear.

At this time, Jiang Feng looked at the smart watch on his wrist.

After seeing everyone's barrage, he was a little bit taken aback.

"On the bayonet?"

"Why are you still talking about Bright Sword?"

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and carefully looked at everyone's chat content.

As a contemporary graduate student, any stalk is understood in seconds.

Immediately, Jiang Feng could only shake his head helplessly and laughed.

Such a good grassland, a large group of men want to fight with bayonets.

This netizen is really talented.

At this time, Laifu and Laicai ran back to Jiang Feng's side in small steps. They lie on the grass, facing the direction of the sheep. Although he was resting, his gaze never left the sheep.

If a certain sheep deviates from the group by eating.

One of Laifu and Laicai would run over, drive the sheep back to their original place, and then run back to stare.

The mutton sheep raised on the grasslands are relatively dull, which is also the result of years of domestication and selection by humans, and it is easy to put them away this way.

The drone turned on the accompanying flight mode, Jiang Feng lay on the grass, and said to the netizens in the live broadcast room comfortably:

"The life of herding sheep is probably like this. Drive the sheep to a place, watch them graze, and drive them back in the afternoon."

"Everyone may find it interesting to watch it for the first time, but if they herd sheep for a long time, the herdsmen will be bored."

"So, some herdsmen use singing and dancing to relieve loneliness."

"This is also the reason everyone knows that people in Mongolia are good at singing and dancing."

"Such as matouqin, huqin, and four-hu, the herdsmen know some of them."

"This is especially true for the old herdsmen. They are very good at musical instruments. Not only are they good at playing the piano, but they are also good at dancing."

"In the past few days, I will broadcast the sheep live. Later, I will inspect the pasture more, and then I will go deep into the grassland, so that everyone can see the real grassland outside the pasture."

Jiang Feng's voice spread leisurely into the live broadcast room.

The blue sky and white clouds, the green grass, the young rancher who leisurely tells the life of the herders,

Plus sheep, sheepdogs

Everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

Even the wind is light.

Netizens fighting with bayonets put down their bayonets.

The style of painting in the live broadcast room returned to its previous cheerfulness.

Many netizens laughed and asked:

【Anchor, can you play the piano? 】

Seeing these bullet screens, Jiang Feng replied: "I also know some musical instruments, but today I'm a bit hasty and didn't bring any musical instruments. I will play for everyone when I have a chance in the future."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, many people's eyes lit up, and they became more and more looking forward to his playing musical instruments.

There are many girls in the live broadcast room, and they have almost no resistance to the handsome and unrestrained Jiang Feng, and the more they watch, the more they like it.

It is midsummer, and as the noon approaches, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

There is a small forest on the side, and several trees grow together.

When herders herd their sheep, they will specially choose such a place to graze their sheep, because they can escape the heat under the shade of trees.

Jiang Feng took out the straw hat from the bag on the side of the horse and put it on, then led the horse with one hand, picked up Xiao Bianmu with the other, and walked to the shade of the tree.

The heat in the north is a physical attack. The high temperature comes from the sun falling from the sky. As long as you stand in the shade, you will feel cool immediately.

The heat in the south is a magical attack, like being in a hot and humid steamer, you will be sweating everywhere you go, and only the indoor air conditioner can save you.

After Jiang Feng walked under the shade of the tree, he immediately felt much more refreshed.

Then, he took out beef jerky and a large glass of water from the bag, and took out two pet cans and a feeding bottle.

Jiang Feng poured the meat from the pet can on the grass, and Lai Fu and Lai Cai immediately lowered their heads and ate it.

He put the garbage into the bag and protected the pasture.

He took the bottle and fed it to the little Bianmu. The little Bianmu wagged its tail excitedly and sucked quickly.

The more energetic it is, the more healthy the puppy is.

Then, Jiang Feng took the saddle off the horse again.

The horse is lying obediently on the grass and resting under the shade of the tree.

After all this work, Jiang Feng was eating beef jerky, drinking water, and watching the sheep.

The beef jerky he eats is made from his own ranch. It is 100% pure beef and tastes good.

Although there were only more than 400 sheep on the grass below, he couldn't help smiling knowingly when he saw the flock of sheep gathering together to graze.

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