Leisure life: I have 10,000 mu of grassland

Chapter 7 That's my sheep too!

The sun was scorching, and Jiang Feng lay in the shade of a tree. After eating and drinking, he felt sleepy.

"Laifu, Laicai, you two watch the sheep! I'll sleep for a while."

Jiang Feng shouted to the two border herds.

The two border herds were lying on the grass, and after receiving Jiang Feng's instructions, they kept their eyes on the sheep.

After drinking the goat's milk, Xiao Jinhua also felt drowsy. She ran to Jiang Feng's side obediently, put her chin on Jiang Feng's abdomen, and fell asleep on her stomach.

Before going to bed, Jiang Feng glanced at the barrage of netizens.

Some netizens couldn't help asking:

[Anchor, just leave the sheep like this, won't it get lost? 】

[What if someone steals it? 】

[Do you have to watch the sheep herding? 】

After seeing everyone's barrage, Jiang Feng explained with a smile:

"Don't worry everyone, the sheep can't be lost."

"It's surrounded by my pastures. Even if I let the sheep eat for three days and three nights, they won't be able to escape."

"Twenty kilometers further in is the end of the pasture. There is no man's land over there, and no one comes over."

"So, if you want to enter the pasture, you can only enter from the direction of my pasture. The grassland is also full of herdsmen, and there will be no one who steals sheep."

"Sometimes, the pastures are fenced, and the sheep can even be let out directly, regardless of them, and they are completely stocked."

"Just pack it up at night."

"No matter how they run, they are still in my pasture."

"Even if you get lost, the most you can do is look for it for a while."

Jiang Feng spoke very calmly.

Netizens became more and more restless.

[Almost forgot, the anchor has a prairie of ten thousand acres, a proper local tyrant! 】

【Such a big grassland, even the sheep can't run away! 】

[Big brother, what an unpretentious life! 】

[Watching the live broadcast for the first time: the anchor is herding sheep, how pitiful; watching the live broadcast for the second time: the local tyrants and we are friends! 】

[The anchor's heart: There are only four hundred sheep, and they run away as soon as they run away. 】

[Just here, is this anchor so awesome? 】

The barrage keeps rolling.

Jiang Feng covered his eyes with a straw hat, which would darken his eyes and make him sleep more comfortably.

He raised the drone and switched on slow patrol mode.

The drone will maintain a certain height and take a bird's-eye view of the grassland.

Then, he really just fell asleep.

The little Bianmu lay on its body and fell asleep with its eyes closed.

Netizens find it strange.

[The anchor is really asleep? 】

[Live sleep is still so popular? 】

[You can take a closer look, this rancher is very powerful and very real. 】

[Yeah, such a big ranch and such a big grassland, this big guy's live broadcast is very interesting! 】

[I'm sleepy too, just about to take a lunch break, go to bed! 】

[Hahaha, I also plan to take a lunch break, and watch the grassland live broadcast before going to bed, it feels really comfortable! 】

[How do you call sheep herding if you don’t sleep when herding sheep! 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also very easy.

In the picture, the empty grassland is full of sobriety and openness of nature. If you look around, you can't see any traces of machinery, and you feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Some netizens put down the live broadcast and started their lunch break.

Due to the relatively simple conditions during the lunch break, I usually sleep more ignorantly.

But this time, many netizens found that they slept extraordinarily peacefully.

Until around three or four in the afternoon, Jiang Feng woke up from sleep.

He first got up and took a look at the sheep, and found that the flock was still there, so he smiled with satisfaction.

Then he stood up and looked around, found a small tree, and poured some water and nitrogen fertilizer on the small tree.

Then, Jiang Feng turned off the slow patrol mode of the drone, and turned on the accompanying flight mode.

He glanced at the live broadcast room and found that there were still 10,000+ people online in real time.

"Everyone is idle, are they all fishing in the company?"

Jiang Feng turned on the microphone and asked with a smile.

Jiang Feng's figure appeared in the live broadcast room. Seeing him appear, many netizens posted barrage:

[The anchor appeared! 】

[The scenery here is so beautiful! 】

[Is this the rancher? Really handsome! 】

There are new people coming in every moment of the live broadcast.

Seeing how beautiful the prairie is, many people stayed in the live broadcast room to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

After Jiang Feng saw the barrage, he also said:

"It's almost time for the sheep to herd, because I have traveled far, so I have to go back earlier."

"A lot of people came to the live broadcast room again, let me explain again."

"I am a rancher at the Maodeng Ranch. My name is Jiang Feng. I rent a 10,000-mu pasture here, and I broadcast live broadcasts of interesting stories about the ranch every day."

"Anyone who is interested can come and watch."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Feng untied the horse's reins, then put the saddle on the horse, and prepared to return.

"Lai Fu, Lai Cai, go, drive them home."

At the same time, Jiang Feng gave orders to the two border herds.

As soon as the words fell, two border shepherds jumped out like arrows off the string, turning into fierce dogs running wildly in the wind, one left and one right, outflanking the rear of the flock.

For Bianmu, it is this kind of moment that he likes most.

The timid mutton sheep who only know how to eat grass, the shepherd dogs who like to drive sheep, and the herdsmen who raise mutton sheep, the existence of the three is the result of years of development of the grassland, and it is already a standard match on the grassland.

Jiang Feng picked up Xiao Bianmu, who had just been full moon, mounted his horse, and walked back leisurely.

Drones record every scene.

Netizens looked at the flock of sheep being driven by two border herds, and they were all in high spirits.

Watching a shepherd dog herding sheep is the same as those videos of opening pearl mussels, repairing horseshoes, forging knives, and Odebiao.

There is nothing that can trigger intense emotional changes, but it is so attractive that people can't help but want to watch it, and it takes half an hour to watch it.

These videos seem to resonate with the human soul.

Just watching, the brain is relaxed, and the body is also light.

Moreover, Jiang Feng was still broadcasting live, so there were even more people watching.

The number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeded 50,000 in real time.

On the horseback, Jiang Feng recounted leisurely:

"Actually, herding sheep is not as easy as everyone thinks."

"Under normal circumstances, there is only a signal around the pasture, and there is no signal deep in the grassland."

"However, my drone is quite special, it can receive special satellite signals, so I can live broadcast or surf the Internet on my mobile phone, so it's not so boring."

"Many herdsmen are building signal towers now, and everyone can't do without their mobile phones. In the future, when they herd sheep, they want to use their mobile phones while you herd sheep."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, netizens responded one after another:

[Playing with mobile phones to herd sheep? It's not easy? 】

[Where can I submit a resume for this job, I want to apply! 】

[I'd rather get along with sheep than see my boss's stinky face! 】

[In the past, sheep herders meant those with no education, but now college students are no match for these herdsmen with pastures. 】

Jiang Feng smiled and said nothing when he saw everyone's barrage.

Herding sheep is just the simplest part of the shepherd. In fact, there are still many things to be done on the ranch.

For example, the sanitation of the pastures, the quarantine of the flocks, and the fact that the flocks cannot be released due to bad weather, and more than 4,000 sheep have to be fed with grass.

These are very laborious.

But Jiang Feng is the rancher of the ranch, so the employees did all these jobs.

He is more about coordinating, designing, and building his own ranch environment.

Jiang Feng walked back, and after walking for a while, he saw a large flock of sheep grazing on the grass in front of him.

"Look there, those are also my family's sheep. There are probably eight or nine hundred sheep that came out."

"Lao Yang and Lao Niu are herding."

Jiang Feng recognized his sheep at a glance, and said.

The camera of the drone sweeps into the distance.

Netizens saw flocks of sheep scattered on the lush grass, like balls of cotton.

[Are these the host's sheep? Proper local tyrant! 】

[Brother, please don't be so arrogant! 】

[How many days will it take to eat this! 】

【It's all walking banknotes! 】

At this moment, Lai Fu ran up to Jiang Feng's horse with a face full of excitement, and looked back at Jiang Feng from time to time.

It looked so excited that the idea of ​​shepherd was completely written on its face.

Seeing it like this, Jiang Feng smiled and said:

"Laifu, go, go, drive them together!"

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Laifu rushed out immediately, and went to herd the sheep in front again.

When Yang Maolin and Niu Erhu saw Jiang Feng coming back, they also stood up from the grass, patted the grass clippings on their clothes, and prepared to drive the sheep back.

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