Speaking of which, you really haven't seen how to deal with it.

Many people have eaten it, but they really don't know how to get it.

It really belongs to the kind of people who don't know anything.

Everyone's eyes widened, wondering what the hell was going to happen to them.

Maybe you can learn it, and you'll have nothing to do with it in the future.

Ye Xiaolong already has a very good set of ways to deal with this.

Boil hot water and pour it into a large basin.

"When you make it yourself at home, you can actually control the temperature of the water, it doesn't need to be so hot, it's almost 80 degrees, because you know that the meat is not heat-resistant, and it will die all of a sudden, and the temperature is too high, it is easy to scald that piece of lean meat, and when the time comes, it will lose its taste. "

Ye Xiaolong began to know the familiar way.

"It's like knowing this thing, in fact, it's best to get it when you die, especially at the beginning, like me..."

Ye Xiaolong picked up a know.

"It's not very big, if you don't see this neck, its flesh is hidden in the neck, that is, near the braincase, and with a light break, we can see the fine flesh. "

With a slight movement of Ye Xiaolong's hand, he broke open the neck of this acquaintance.

And the body was separated.

I picked up another chopstick and picked it in.

A small piece of inconspicuous red lean meat was singled out.

"See? This is the most essential piece of meat, we call it lean meat, and the taste is absolutely no one. "

It's really the first time you've seen the meat.

This lean meat is really different, beyond everyone's imagination.

I didn't expect it to be such a loss.

"No wonder I didn't know that meat was so expensive!"

"That's too little!"

Everyone finally understands why the anchor said that.

More than a dozen catties of knowledge, it is true that I can't dig out too much knowledge of fine meat.

"These leftovers, some people say you can eat, of course some people say you can't eat, of course, it depends on the individual, in my personal opinion, the rest of the part is actually not nutritious, you can eat it, you can eat it, you can fry it directly with flour, but I don't have that heavy taste. "

Ye Xiaolong laughed as he spoke.

Throw the rest into a bucket.

"So I put all this away and feed it to the fish, how nice!"

Ye Xiaolong knew that the speed was very fast, and he was very numb.

Don't look at the dozen catties, but Ye Xiaolong's hands kept flying.

As soon as the lost knowledge of the fine meat was picked out.

On the small plate, more than half of it was piled up at once.

Ye Xiaolong didn't forget to chat with everyone.

"During the day, I said that I would draw a benefit for everyone, and I have asked the management to draw out three fans who were the first to play alligator gars, and I will give 10,000 yuan to each of these three fans, which means good luck!"

As for what to give!

Something else is a bit of a hassle.

It's not as simple as this.

Only the card number is needed, and Ye Xiaolong can operate it.

"The anchor is really generous again, and he drew three places at once. "

"It's a pity that I'm just a little bit, I don't know when the anchor will give us benefits again. "

"In my lifetime, I must get the benefits from the anchor. "

Ye Xiaolong had already peeled more than half of the meat, and he had also chattered a lot.

"Someone just said that they need welfare, but I think of something that I think of, and I believe everyone should be interested. "

Originally, Ye Xiaolong didn't care much about it.

When fans mention this, they think of the August peaches in their orchard.

Now the August peaches are completely ripe.

This thing is poured with a little spiritual water, and the one that looks crisp and dripping makes people drool at a glance.

It's a visual treat.

After Ye Xiaolong saw it, he also liked August peaches, and the taste was naturally needless to say.

I've been wondering in my heart whether to promote it.

Like such a good thing, of course Ye Xiaolong would not sell it to fruit sellers.

It's better to sell it to fans in the live broadcast room.

After all, their support made Ye Xiaolong.

So there are honor points.

If there is no such honor value, there will naturally be no such things as those spiritual water.

So it's a kind of benefit.

"I don't know if you still remember the August peaches I planted in the orchard, the August peaches I planted are ripe, of course, my August peaches are completely different from other peaches, due to the limited quantity, so my August peaches should be about 1,000 copies at most, so when the time comes, I will draw more than 1,000 fans to feed back to you at a very low price, which is a big welfare. "

Of course, everyone remembers that August peach.

It's just not very impressive.

"Anchor, it's too stingy, just draw 1,000 fans, it's not like we can't afford peaches. "

"That's right, we despise the anchor together, so we have to prepare 10,000 copies. "

"I like peaches the most, so I don't know if peaches are good or not in August. "

Ye Xiaolong also said hello to these people in advance.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll open a live broadcast to take you to see the August peaches, it's definitely a good thing that you can't imagine, you miss this village but there is no store, I dare to guarantee that you still want to eat after eating this August peach, so I suggest that after everyone buys the August peach, don't be in a hurry to eat it in one go, eat it slowly, otherwise you will regret your mouth and don't taste it slowly. "

Ye Xiaolong's words made everyone laugh.

Isn't it just a peach, can it be better than a peach!

Are you kidding!

Of course, many people are looking forward to it.

They also all know what kind of character Lao Ye is.

If you can say it so well, then there must be nothing wrong with this peach.

They still quite recognize Lao Ye.

From the beginning of the broadcast to the present, Lao Ye has been giving out benefits.

I really haven't sold anything.

"Now that you know that the lean meat is ready, it's ready to stir-fry!"

Ye Xiaolong made it slippery.

The large earthen stove was lit on the fire, and tea oil was poured on it.

A scent came out.

"Stir-fry this knowing the fine meat, the best thing is to use tea oil, fried and not greasy, eat at ease. "

Stir-fry the fine meat!

Salt and pepper know the fine meat!

Spicy knows the fine meat!

Ye Xiaolong almost came over and over again.

A total of 6 kinds of lean meat have been made.

Put it under the gazebo.

A scent spreads.

The first to come was Daikoku.

This guy brought his bowl with him.

After that, it's Xiaobai.

This guy is also a foodie, and he has also learned the skills of Dahei.

Raise your head, as if we don't know the fine meat, we won't leave.

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