You know how you can't eat meat without a cold beer.

Ye Xiaolong was glad that when he came back from Sujia Village, he went to the village over there and bought a box of beer and came back.

The beer is all filled, and when you put it in the well, the taste is absolutely cold and thorough.

Of course, no matter how delicious this thing was, Ye Xiaolong felt that he still had to make some water and wine.

It's a pity that I haven't run into time.

It doesn't take long for the wild kiwi to ripen, and it's time to make fruit wine.

When the time comes, use the spiritual water, and the taste will definitely refresh.

The alcohol content is not so fierce, which is suitable for Ye Xiaolong's slow temperament to drink.

After knowing this big meal, Ye Xiaolong really ate very happily.

Fortunately, he is smart enough to know that he bought it from the little hairy children.

I wonder if I should let these little hairy children catch a batch of them again.

Anyway, these guys have a lot of energy all day long, and when they buy it back, these little guys are definitely 100 of them.

Da Hei and Xiao Bai have also successfully enjoyed the benefits of knowing meat.

It's just that Da Hei, the king of big stomachs, eats too fast, just like Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit, and he can't experience any taste at all.

Gollum went down in one fell swoop.

Da Hei looked at people with that aggrieved look again, which made Ye Xiaolong cry and laugh.

After a few words of scolding, he pushed the big black guy aside.

"You didn't make it yourself if you ate too fast, and you still want to eat mine, but my master didn't eat much. "

Day 2 morning.

Ye Xiaolong was woken up by Xiaodong's eagle whistle.

Xiaodong on the jujube tree doesn't know where he learned it.

The big rooster crows in the morning.

As a result, Xiaodong learned to let out a few long whistles every morning.

The voice was really high-pitched.

This is a good thing for the big roosters and hens in the village.

At first, these guys were scared.

Eagles have always been their natural predators, it's instinctive.

But after listening to it every day, these big roosters and hens are also used to it.

At the very least, this is bold, especially since the hen will never be frightened anymore.

This made Ye Xiaolong suffer.

I don't have a chance to sleep in.

I boiled white porridge in the morning,

Take out the prepared pork loin and lean meat.

Soon, a hot pork loin porridge was baked.

The ingredients were all put yesterday, and I will burn them again today, and the taste is still top-notch.

When it comes out.

Ye Xiaolong looked at the electric eel.

The electric eel curled up, the arc light on its body flickering, making a sound of eating and eating.

Ye Xiaolong didn't bother with the electric eel, and went to the Longtou Mountain orchard with Da Hei.

This side of the Longtou Mountain orchard.

Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan had already gotten up.

I started watering the fruit trees.

It's hot.

The pool and so on haven't been made yet, so they have to go up.

These two guys have a lot of tans, and they really like to do things here.

Especially after they tasted the August peach, they were simply fascinated by the taste.

There are such delicious peaches in the world.

None of them wanted to leave.

One August peach a day, that's really cool.

This August peach is so delicious, so are other fruits.

They don't want to go.

"Xiaolong, how are these August peaches going to be sold? I think they will all be ripe in a few days, and if the weather is so sunny, if you keep being exposed to the sun, these peaches will crack." "

As soon as Ye Xiaolong came, Ye Dazhuang came over and said.

After these 10 days of exercise, this guy has a new look, and his face is full of energy.

It's not like it was lazy before.

The same is true for Zhang Sanyan next to him.

Now Ye Dazhuang also knows that he has considered it for the Longtou Mountain Orchard.

Of course, Ye Xiaolong also saw the changes in Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan.

Seriously, very satisfied.

Neither of them is inherently bad, it's just a lack of training.

Fortunately, there are King Kong and female bandits watching these two guys, and they are also full of motivation now, especially after knowing that these two guys have just been promoted to the king of wild boars.

Both guys have become completely different!

After that, it's time to be proud!

They can even be friends with the Boar King!

Where can you find such a good thing!

In the future, there will be capital to brag.

Ask who became friends with the boar king.

More peaceful, absolutely not.

The two of them were an accident.

"Da Zhuang, you are very good, and you know that fruits can't be exposed to the sun. "

Ye Dazhuang was a little embarrassed to be said.

"I don't think August peaches are too delicious, if they go bad, I think it's too wasteful. "

"These August peaches will be disposed of soon, and some of you two will be busy by then, but it doesn't matter, I'll give you a few days off when you're done, so that you can go to town and relax for a few days." "

The two of them really don't want to go to town right now.

Felt like the town, not at all here.

"Are you going to sell all these peaches to fruit sellers? I think it's better not to sell them to them, these guys are all black-hearted, and they estimate that a few cents or a dollar is already up to the sky, and when they are brought to their store, they will be three or four yuan a pound when they change hands, and they must not be cheap. "

Ye Dazhuang unconsciously brought himself into the identity of an employee of Longtoushan Orchard.

In the past, he thought it would be effortless.

Now it seems that selling fruit really can't be sold like this.

"If you think too much, I won't sell them to those fruit sellers, I don't know what their virtues are. "

Ye Xiaolong never thought about it.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Ye Xiaolong was about to go up the mountain to see the August Peach.

On the other side of the path of the fish pond, a fruit seller came.

There are fruit trees planted here in the Longtoushan orchard, and everyone knows it.

Especially with a new contractor, no matter how the fruit tree is planted, it is still a fruit.

If you can buy it back at a low price, you can still make a profit.

The traffic here is still ok.

Don't be afraid of shipping!

Du Fei is such a fruit seller.

In the past, the fruits of the Longtoushan orchard were sold to him.

Some time ago, Du Fei thought that this year would be the same, and he could easily buy it at a very low price.

I didn't expect to be contracted by a young man.

No, Du Fei came in person.

I'm going to talk to this young man, so I can make some money.

A few thousand dollars is not much, but 10,000 dollars is not a lot.

Coming to the foot of the orchard of Longtou Mountain, the new orchard made Du Fei's eyes shine.

I didn't expect this young boss to be a little pretentious.

It's really rebuilt this Longtoushan orchard.

"Isn't this Lao Du, what kind of wind blew you here?" Ye Dazhuang saw Du Fei walking towards the mountain at a glance.

At the same time, Ye Xiaolong, who was in a low voice, spoke.

"Xiaolong, this guy is Du Fei, the fruit seller in our town, but this guy is very picky, the fruits of Longtou Mountain in previous years were all taken away by this guy, I heard that it was very cheap, and he made a lot of money by himself!"

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