Ye Xiaolong could indeed feel that his ancient tea was very different from other teas.

After drinking a cup of ancient tea leaves, the whole person is very refreshing.

This refreshment comes from the depths of the soul.

Ancient tea and ancient tea can indeed have the effect of cultivating sentiment, and it is no wonder that Ye Fu and Ye Gaozhi seemed to be addicted to it for a while.

It's not pretending, it's really fascinating.

Because the ancient tea leaves made them feel what it means to be truly at peace.

Isn't that what it's like to drink tea?

At least now Ye Xiaolong really understands it.

After a cup of tea.

Ye Fu hurriedly boiled the water again.

Continue brewing.

Now I really want to know, how many times can this pot of ancient tea withstand brewing?

A bubble!

Two bubbles!

Triple bubble!

13 bubbles...

Ye Fu's whole person was in a state of excitement.

As a master of roasted tea, he knows better than anyone that a pot of tea can be brewed 13 times in a row, which is absolutely amazing.

The taste does not change from beginning to end, even if it is 13 bubbles, the taste is only a slight change.

Tea drinkers who are not powerful can't drink it at all.

"Xiaolong, your family's ancient tea leaves are indeed quite good, and now I apologize to you for your rudeness just now. Ye Fu stood up.

Ye Fu was a happy person, and he really looked down on the ancient tea leaves brought by Ye Xiaolong at the beginning.

What kind of tea is the ancient tea leaves, Ye Fu is clear.

As a result, the ancient tea leaves brought by Ye Xiaolong let him know what it means to have a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people, and even the ancient tea leaves can undergo huge changes.

So Ye Fu had to apologize to Ye Xiaolong, his vision made him almost miss the authentic ancient tea.

Ye Gaozhi said beside him, "Xiaolong, just let him apologize to you, if he doesn't apologize to you, his heart will always be uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and the whole person will be completely bad." "

There is another such thing.

In the end, Ye Xiaolong still accepted Ye Fu's apology.

It is indeed rare for a roasted tea master to apologize to Ye Xiaolong.

Ye Xiaolong could also see that this Ye Fu was indeed very fond of tea art, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

"Xiaolong, you have to be careful about your ancient tea, if it is known that your ancient tea is so good, those tea lovers may go up the mountain to steal the tea, don't underestimate those guys, for a pot of good mountain spring water can run more than ten kilometers to get water, let alone this tea." "

Ye Fu seemed to remember something, and hurriedly reminded him.

Ye Gaozhi next to him laughed, "Lao Fu, you are blindly worried, now who doesn't know that the Longtou Mountain Orchard is not something that ordinary people can go up to, and the ability of the two wild boar kings is not ordinary, if anyone sneaks up, it is very normal to break their hands and feet, even if they break it, they will suffer." "

Since the fire of August peaches, 1,000 boxes of 6,000 August peaches have been sold, and the people in the village actually have ideas, and they can't wait to get a look at the Longtoushan orchard to see what the specific situation is.

In the beginning, they did have this idea.

Soon the idea was gone.

On the orchard of Longtou Mountain, there are not only the dog king Dahei, but also the husband and wife of King Kong and the female bandit, which is the wild boar king.

The meat of the boar king is certainly delicious.

Everyone reminisced.

Also know the horror of the Boar King.

King Kong and the Boar King can defeat the Boar King and become the Boar King more smoothly, so they really don't have the courage to go up the mountain.

Fu Yefu patted his head before he suddenly realized, "I thought too much, with those two big wild boars in the Longtou Mountain orchard, not everyone dares to pick ancient tea, but Xiaolong, you still have to be careful." "

Ye Xiaolong picked ancient tea leaves, and he just wanted to taste what it tasted like.

Now it seems that this ancient tea is better than expected.

"Then I don't know how much my ancient tea can be sold for by catties. "

As a result, as soon as Ye Xiaolong's words came out, Ye Gaozhi and Ye Fu both looked at each other with contempt.

I'll just ask the price, is this also wrong?

I can also compare the value of this ancient tea.

"Xiaolong, you can't sell this ancient tea, you must know that your ancient tea is the top tea, don't say anything else, just rush to the feeling of going down, I dare to guarantee that there is no kind of tea that can be comparable to this tea, if you really want to calculate according to the price, just your pound of ancient tea, at least can be sold for tens of thousands, which is equivalent to a pound of at least 100,000 starts, this is still not famous." "

Ye Fu finally gave Ye Xiaolong a vague price, but this kind of price also made Ye Xiaolong secretly surprised.

"Lao Fu, you're right, just this tea can be sold for more than 100,000 yuan a catty, which is a bit too terrifying, I know that the most expensive tea is thousands of yuan a catty. "

Ye Gaozhi also felt that he had heard it wrong.

This price is really a bit outrageous.

But these words came out of Ye Fu's mouth, so they had to be recalled.

Ye Fu laughed proudly, "Lao Gao, you don't understand, I'm a master of fried tea, and I know very well about the tea leaves in the circle, as far as Xiaolong's ancient tea is better than those Longjing, yellow tea and high mountain tea, 100,000 yuan a catty is still not publicized, if this is publicized and then put on a tea exhibition, not to mention anything else, at least more than 500,000 is absolutely no problem." "

Ye Gaozhi secretly took a breath of cold air, "Doesn't that mean that I just took a bite of dozens or hundreds of yuan, which is too extravagant." "

Ye Gaozhi drank several cups just now, the more he drank, the more enjoyable he became, and now it seems that that one mouthful is full of money, I knew that I would drink a little slower just now.

Ye Xiaolong really didn't know much about the price of this tea.

Listening to this, I also know that my ancient tea is indeed worth a lot of money.

I just don't know what the taste will be like when I use this ancient tea to make tea eggs.

Inexplicably, Ye Xiaolong had an idea.

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