If at this time, after Ye Gaozhi and Ye Fu knew Ye Xiaolong's thoughts, they would definitely cry and laugh.

Using hundreds of thousands of pounds of ancient tea leaves to cook tea eggs, there is simply no one.

Ye Xiaolong just wanted to know the price of this ancient tea leaf.

As for how to get these ancient tea leaves, I really haven't been there, but I still know the effect of this ancient tea leaves.

As for how much ancient tea sells for a catty, to be honest, in fact, Ye Xiaolong doesn't care very much.

This thing is also suitable for those who can drink tea, and for those who can't drink tea, this tea is just the same thing.

In the past, Ye Xiaolong had such an idea, drinking tea, whoever drinks it knows, it can quench his thirst.

"Now that I know the effect of this ancient tea leaf, although there are not many ancient tea leaves fried out, it is only about half a catty, so the two of you will divide it. "

Ye Xiaolong picked a lot of ancient tea leaves on the mountain.

But when it comes out, it's about half a catty.

It's not even half a catty.

This depreciation rate is still quite large.

Then again, after all, this is a freshly cooked ancient tea leaf, and after some frying, the amount will definitely be greatly reduced.

Although the tea yield is very low, Ye Xiaolong feels that it is still acceptable.

The ancient tea tree is big, and it is picked again and again.

It's a lot higher than the tea rate of those dragon wells or something.

"Ah, the ancient tea is distributed to us, no, no, this ancient tea is too expensive, you better keep it and sell it, it's not easy to make money now." "

Ye Gaozhi was the first to shake his head, wave his hand and speak.

If this was ordinary tea, of course he would have accepted it with peace of mind.

Ye Gaozhi is also a tea lover.

But this ancient tea leaf worth 100,000 catties, he really didn't dare to drink it!

It's too expensive.

Usually it's just talking, but when you actually drink it, it's different.

Ye Fu also shook his head and said, "Xiaolong, you better take this tea back, although it is only half a catty, it is also worth tens of thousands, we people can just drink ordinary tea, it's really unnecessary." "

The two of them had a great change in their impression of Ye Xiaolong.

At least ordinary people are really reluctant to take out this small half catty of ancient tea leaves.

That's worth tens of thousands of dollars.

They didn't know that the efficiency of those ancient tea trees on Ye Xiaolong's mountain was high.

Watered by spiritual water, it grows faster than any tea tree.

If you want to drink ancient tea every day, it is not a problem at all.

"You two also take this tea too seriously, to put it bluntly, it is a tea leaf, someone pays for it is expensive, no one pays, it is no different from ordinary tea, if you don't drink it, then I will take it back to boil tea eggs, maybe this tea eggs are quite fragrant to boil." "

Ye Gaozhi and Ye Fu both looked at each other.

Especially Ye Fu, it was the first time that he heard that someone was going to take this ancient tea back and boil tea eggs.

Not a waste, or what!

"No, no, no, how can this tea be used to boil tea eggs. "

Ye Fu was the most unacceptable.

You say you use ordinary tea leaves to cook tea eggs, then it must be fine.

But if you use these 100,000 catties of ancient tea leaves to cook tea eggs, you can't imagine it.

My heart is bleeding.

"So, the two of you went to get this tea and divided it, just taste it slowly. "

Ye Xiaolong laughed, after all, I haven't reached a certain age yet, and I still have to learn this tea drinking kung fu slowly.

As soon as Ye Xiaolong said this, the two of them also accepted this ancient tea leaf.

Ye Fu went inside again and found a bamboo tube, which was not big, that is, a little arm high.

Carefully packed this ancient tea in two bamboo tubes.

Divide this ancient tea leaf.

Whether it is Ye Gaozhi or Ye Fu, they are all satisfied.

"Xiaolong, I don't know if you want a roasted tea master, if you don't dislike your uncle, if you are a little old, then I will help you fry the ancient tea leaves on this ancient tea tree in the future, I am afraid that those people will spoil your ancient tea leaves." "

Ye Fu walked over and said with Mao Tui recommending himself.

"I believe that if I keep using this ancient tea to stir tea, my roasted tea will definitely go to the next level, I hope Xiaolong can fulfill me." "

Ye Xiaolong was slightly stunned, this is someone who fried ancient tea for himself for free.

There are as many as ten or twenty ancient tea trees on Ye Xiaolong Mountain, and after watering the spiritual water, the yield is not ordinary, so he is still wondering whether to find a roasted tea man to come back and help him fry the tea.

It's just that the people who came back outside, Ye Xiaolong was not very relieved.

Even Ye Fu could see the value of this ancient tea.

If this is to find outsiders, this is to hide some secretly, who knows.

In case the news is passed on again, the ancient tea trees in his Longtou Mountain orchard will not be remembered.

If you have Ye Fu to help you fry tea, it will save effort.

Ye Gaozhi attaches great importance to Ye Fu, so this ability must be beyond doubt.

It's certainly okay for people.

Ye Fu was also nervous at this time, he never wanted to help someone fry tea.

It was really too much of the temptation of this ancient tea that even just smelling it every day made Ye Fu feel fulfilled in his heart.

This feeling has not appeared for a long, long time, at least for Ye Fu.

"Xiaolong, if you really lack a roasted tea master, then Lao Fu is still quite good, besides, he can also help you cultivate a few roasted tea disciples, I think Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan may have this potential. "

Ye Gaozhi also helped to speak at this time, and also mentioned Ye Dazhuang and Zhang Sanyan.

He saw the changes in these two people, and he also praised Ye Xiaolong's methods.

At least these two have changed a lot.

"That's okay, I'll leave the matter of my ancient tea to you, when the time comes, I'll give you a salary, I can't let you roast tea for free, if you don't accept it, I'll be upset, like you, a roasted tea master, I can't invite you if I think about it." Ye Xiaolong agreed.

Of course, Ye Xiaolong wants a roasted tea master of this level.

People have won awards.

It's not the kind of parallel goods that can be compared.

There are too many parallel import masters now, and they don't have that strength just because they are famous, and they don't know when they will suffer.

Ye Xiaolong didn't want to spoil his ancient tea leaves.

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