Weasels are generally not very courageous, so they like to come out at night to hunt for food.

It's really a bit rampant to besiege the geese in broad daylight.

Ye Xiaolong is also the first time I have seen it.

A big goose besieged by six or seven weasels, and it seems that this big goose is not an old goose.

So being besieged by weasels quickly fell behind, and a lot of blood spots were sprinkled on the ground.

If this had been a little later, the goose might have been bitten to death.

Sure enough, it's a bit cruel.

Weasels like this are really rare on weekdays, and even fewer are in packs.

"I'll kill you weasels and bite my goose. "

Ye Quangui took the steel bar in his hand and rushed towards these weasels.

A belly of anger erupted.

Those weasels saw Ye Quangui and slipped into the bushes not far away without saying a word.

No matter how fast Ye Quangui's speed is, he can't catch up with these weasels at all.

After the weasels got into the bushes, they all ran to the trees to show off their might.

At first glance, he didn't take Ye Quangui seriously.

Ye Xiaolong had seen a lot of weasels, but he really hadn't seen them like this arrogant.

I wondered if it was the weasel in the old temple.

Ye Quangui had already picked up the big goose, and the neck was already scarred, but fortunately, it didn't bite the vital point, so it was good to raise it for a while.

"It's like this, it happens here several times a day, I can't take care of it, sometimes it happens here, and when I pass it, I run to the other side, it's very cunning. "

Ye Quangui was very frustrated when he mentioned this.

The important thing is that Ye Quangui really has nothing to do, so he can only watch these geese being bitten to death.

Dead a goose, Ye Quangui's heart is dripping blood.

Is it easy to raise a goose.

"If you want to catch these weasels, it seems that the only way to do this is to dig up their nests and hunt them all down. "

These weasels are very evil at stealing chickens and dogs.

Like this litter of weasels, Ye Xiaolong felt that it must be the evil door of the evil sect.

In broad daylight, he actually dared to come out to besiege the goose, and even dared to provoke Ye Quangui, which didn't take this as a thing at all.

Then again, these weasels are very different from other weasels.

Naturally, it is necessary to treat them differently.

Ordinary weasels really don't have the courage to show off their might like this.

"I'll help you get rid of these weasels first, or your geese here won't be able to withstand the toss of these weasels." "

Ye Xiaolong whistled directly.

The whistle was very loud.

Ye Quangui also came to the spirit.

Ye Xiaolong blew three times in a row, and the sound pierced the sky.

After about 5 minutes, a black dot appeared in the sky, and this black dot was getting bigger and bigger.

"Sea holly, this is sea tung green. "

Ye Quangui recognized it at a glance.

The geese on the ground were all a little panicked, but fortunately, Ye Quangui hurriedly drank them.

He remembered that Ye Xiaolong's family had a Hai Dongqing, which seemed to be called Xiaodong.

As soon as Xiaodong appeared, he directly targeted the weasel in the tree, and it was directly a pounce.

The weasels were frightened on the spot, turned around and rushed inside, and ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"I'll let Xiaodong help you guard the goose farm here first, even if Xiaodong is here, even if you give them courage, you don't dare to do it easily. "

To deal with these weasels, you have to come up with their natural enemies, and Xiaodong is their natural enemy. "

Ye Quangui finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

"Okay, with Xiaodong guarding here, then I can rest assured, and I'll drive these geese over there later, so that they won't dare to come." "

Ye Quangui finally had a smile.

Why are weasels so arrogant.

It's just that because it's on the edge of the mountain forest, you can shoot one shot at another, and when people come, they will drill into the bushes, and whoever can find them, or climb the trees safely.

The geese were driven to the middle, and the weasel had to pass through a clearing in the middle.

If it was usual, it would be fine, but now that Xiaodong is here, once he runs out, he will be able to catch one by one in terms of speed compared to Xiaodong.

Xiaodong is still quite interested in weasels.

The last time I was in the woods, I scared off a pack of weasels, and I caught three weasels back.

Until now, he is still cowering under the jujube tree, and he is honestly not talking.

"You pay attention tonight, I'll go back and get ready, and tomorrow I'll go and turn over this weasel's lair." "

Ye Xiaolong didn't have much heart to tame these weasels, after all, these weasels were all a bit evil.

Most likely the nest in the old temple.

Ye Xiaolong also suspected that Xiao Zi could be so smart, maybe it had something to do with this Tai Sui.

Then these weasels have occupied the old temple, maybe it has something to do with this Tai Sui.

Ye Xiaolong naturally had little interest in taming these weasels.

"Xiaolong, this big goose, you take it back and taste it first. "

As soon as he heard that Ye Xiaolong was going back, Ye Quangui hurriedly went to catch a big goose and came back.

This goose is 5 years old and very large.

For example, such an old goose is not cheap, and it can be sold for more than seven or eight hundred or thousands of yuan.

It's not anywhere to buy yet.

Even if you find a place, people say that the five-year-old goose may actually sell you a three-year-old goose, but the price is too big, and you are not negotiable.

Ye Xiaolong shook his head with a smile and said, "I haven't even caught the weasel yet, let's keep the goose first, anyway, I'm not in a hurry for such a day, you can raise it again." "

Ye Quangui was also a little surprised.

"Well, it's just an old goose anyway, you eat it first and then taste it. "

In the end, it was Ye Xiaolong who said it badly, and Ye Quangui put the goose back.

Along the way, Ye Xiaolong was sent outside, and then stopped.

On the way.

Ye Xiaolong was pondering how to clean up these weasels.

After all, these weasels are a little evil and a little smart, and it's not a good thing to keep them, and they dare to bite the goose in a bright way, this kind of thing must not happen.

You may be attacking other poultry at any time.

With the 1st, there will be the 2nd or even the 3rd.

I have to guard against it!

As a member of Yejia Village, Ye Xiaolong felt that he had to clean up these weasels.

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