kept returning home, Ye Xiaolong didn't come up with a good way, after all, these weasels were not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

If you don't come in a hurry, then Ye Xiaolong has time.

Ye Quangui will not be waiting for long.

Two or three to four or five geese die every day, and hundreds of geese die a month.

The farm is only so big in total.

Lying on the rocking chair, Ye Xiaolong made himself a pot of ancient tea.

I drank several glasses in a row.

suppressed the irritability in my heart.

This ancient tea is this good, no matter what the mood is, a drink can balance the mood, if one cup is not enough, then two cups, if two cups are not enough, then three cups.

When I turned around, I inadvertently saw the three weasels under the jujube tree, and after frowning slightly, I slapped my palm on the tea table.

The three weasels that had been active jumped up and shrank back for the first time.

"Why am I so stupid? Aren't there three weasels in my house? I'm so smart to let them lead the way, and then I'll be able to catch all those weasels." "

Now the only thing Ye Xiaolong is worried about is that he can't find the weasel's den.

Weasels are cunning, and their nests are in the deep mountains and old forests, and ordinary people can't find them.

What Ye Xiaolong had to do was to rip off their old nest.

Give the weasels another profound lesson, and they will know what human anger is.

If there are these three weasels as the answer, it will be simple.

Then Ye Xiaolong can set a trap.

"All three of you come to me. Ye Xiaolong directly changed to beast language and talked to them.

These three weasels were also unlucky, and after being startled by Xiaodong, they experienced the feeling of a flying squirrel in the air.

In the end, they were locked up in this courtyard, although this courtyard was very large, and the gate was nearby, but they didn't dare to go, they were afraid.

Just fulfilled that sentence, you dare not move, of course you dare not move.

Any big guy here can make them die.

These days, the three weasels are living in fear and fear, and the arrogance of the past is gone.

As soon as I saw Ye Xiaolong beckoning and using beast language, three weasels, look at me, I see you crawl over honestly and squat in front of Ye Xiaolong, just like three naughty students.

On weekdays, they also saw this person, who was the boss of the commander in the entire courtyard, and whether they could live longer depended on the person in front of them.

Who says weasels aren't smart, they're actually quite smart.

In fact, if you treat them with ordinary eyes, you will definitely be very wrong.

"Do you want to live a more nourishing life? "

Ye Xiaolong still used the beast language, and threw out three body-strengthening bone pills.

The three weasels had long known that this was an extraordinary good thing, and they had been drooling for a long time.

Although I wanted to eat it very much, no one dared to go up and grab it.

Ye Xiaolong was very satisfied, the three weasels were still obedient.

"You must all be greedy, then take this body-strengthening bone pill first, so if you have been scared lately, there is no meal, so you can appease your little hearts." "

After getting Ye Xiaolong's consent, the three weasels immediately held the Qiangsheng Bone Pill and slowly gnawed it.

Ye Xiaolong was not in a hurry, he drank a cup of ancient tea, and the three weasels ate the Bone Strengthening Pill.

I don't know if I don't eat it, who knows who eats it, at least the expressions of the three weasels have changed.

"If you still want to eat it, then no problem, you have to do one thing first. "

Ye Xiaolong smiled and communicated in beast language again.

"Your task is very simple, that is, to go back to your weasel pack to inquire about the news, and finally tell us where your weasel's nest is. "

Ye Xiaolong's hands flipped and there were a lot of body-strengthening bone strengthening pills.

The three weasels were obviously moved, and their tails moved involuntarily.

This is the effect that Ye Xiaolong wants, as long as you are tempted, there are still things that cannot be done.

The Bone Strengthening Pill in Ye Xiaolong's hand is not all animals have this luck.

At least these three weasels survived under Xiaodong's eagle claws, and they could also eat this body-strengthening bone pill, which was a good thing.

Ye Xiaolong was not in a hurry, he knew that the three weasels would definitely agree, and the obedient ones would have something to eat.

In fact, the three weasels quickly nodded their little heads and agreed.

Weasels don't want to experience this kind of frightened days anymore, not a day without a day.

"Then you go back quickly, and find out this position for me, the shorter the time, the richer the reward. "

The three weasels reluctantly left the yard.

As for why he is reluctant to give up, it is not because of the bone strengthening pill.

Ye Xiaolong didn't tame these three weasels, because these three weasels were very smart and didn't need to be tamed at all.

"Xiaobai came here, and the reward for you was still your most honest. "

The bamboo rat Xiaobai crawled over with a simple appearance, and ate the body-strengthening pills beautifully.

This night, Ye Quangui slept peacefully.

From beginning to end, his goose was never attacked by a weasel again.

In the morning, Ye Quangui also saw a dead weasel, which was caught to death by Xiaodong's paw.

For Ye Quangui, not to mention how relieved he was.

"It was nothing last night. "

Ye Xiaolong came over.

Ye Quangui said very happily, "It's okay, it's okay, your Xiaodong is really amazing, with it in charge last night, there was no weasel, and even caught a weasel." "

For Xiaodong's ability, Ye Xiaolong is not worried at all, with it staying here, unless the weasel's brain is pumped, otherwise he will definitely not do it easily.

On a tree in the mountain col, Ye Xiaolong saw Xiaodong.

Xiao Dong was closing his eyes and recuperating, looking domineering from above.

"Xiaodong has eaten. "

Ye Xiaolong threw out a few body-strengthening bone strengthening pills, and Xiao Dong, who was originally recuperating with his eyes closed, immediately opened his eyes, and flew down directly as soon as his wings opened.

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