Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 867: Great migration (3)

The bright lights and shadows in the void channel are very dazzling for Abu who passed through it.

So that after he passed the passage quickly, his eyes were still very uncomfortable; at the same time, his mood was inexplicably excited:

He finally set foot on this brand new world, the magical world born by His Majesty the Great Cow Emperor!

It's a pity that he didn't wait for his eyes to recover completely, so that he could have a good look at this novel world.

In his ears, it was already the head of their head, who screamed wildly after holding a horn, and the whole ear was numb:

"Hurry up! Everyone's movements are faster, run out along this channel, and set up a warning line according to the plan."

Over the years, he has almost developed the instinct to obey orders in Abu's soul.

Immediately, Abu clenched the spear in his hand and, as described in the order, ran along the dimly lighted passage toward the brightly lighted exit.

At the same time, as the squad leader, he had not forgotten, and screamed to the subordinate behind him: "Everyone is a little quick, keep up with the team ..."

It's also amazing. A few minutes ago, Abu faced the dark night of the Thunder Mountain Range.

In a blink of an eye, he came to this new world in the morning during the sunny day; rushed out of the entrance of the underground passage and dazzled his eyes, making Abu temporarily uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this discomfort was calmed down when he blinked his eyes.

Then, with the brigade of the brigade, he spread his feet and ran forward, he finally saw the world.

Breathing the air into the nasal cavity is far from the freshness of the Thunder Mountain Range.

Fortunately, it was still within the range of Abu's acceptance; when he looked at the surrounding environment, the first thing that caught his eye was a **** black dog.

At this time, the fat black dog was desperately sticking its tongue and shaking its tail, trying to make a posture to please everyone.

It seems that this product is a little terrified.

"I don't know how this guy tastes? If you have a chance, you must try the last one!" Abu's heart turned like this, and he looked further away.

He could see that the surrounding hillsides were all low trees, no more than 20 meters in height, and there was not even a decent big tree.

In the not-so-clear sky, even the blue sky and white clouds in it are far from the smell of the Thunder Mountain Range; far away above, there seem to be many strange spots flying ...

The company where Abu was, after he let go of his legs, finally stopped.

Because they had reached the designated location in the plan, in front of the long wire mesh.

In the command issued by their company commander, with their throats, Abu took a squad of his men and lined up along the barbed wire, responsible for the alert of nearly 100 meters in length here.

It is exactly this way that allowed Abu to have some more time to observe the world.

He raised his binoculars and looked out of the line of defense. He could see ten miles away, which should be the army of this world, another circle of defense.

Even further away, there are many indigenous people who are waving to them.

Among them, there seems to be a considerable number of women; Abu, who suddenly discovered this, immediately came to the spirit.

You have to know that as a 30-year-old bachelor, besides loyalty to Master Niu, what is more important than finding a young woman.

In the empire, and even among the tribes who migrated from outside the mountain; finding a little girl in a woman's life is already a case of no hope at all.

Would n’t it be nice to find one in this world!

It is a pity that after looking around with the telescope, Abu sighed and put down the telescope in his hand, dispelling the wonderful thoughts in his mind.

Because when I looked down in a circle, they were all women with thin arms and thin legs and a figure like a stalk.

The words have grown like this, are they embarrassed to go out?


After Master Niu walked out of the civil air defense, he found that all the progress of the situation was proceeding quite well.

The second division of the infantry under him was already on the edge of a twenty-mile radius, and a fairly tight blockade was arranged.

The rest of the people began to be the first troops in the open ground, and the subsequent migrating teams began to build various military tents.

It is worth mentioning that these numerous military tents.

They are all the rabbit family military, which was placed in the open space before the civil air defense in advance; in addition, they are also very caring and provide a lot of water and food.

Farther away, the cooperation of the rabbit family is quite perfect.

In accordance with the previous agreement, they arranged a strict line of defense farther away, strictly forbid their own army, and those who watched the lively melon-eaters.

And just now, Master Niu has just stepped out of the air defense works, but after a few minutes.

The watch on his hand was already eagerly ringing, and Master Niu answered the phone with confidence, and hung up after a few words.

Soon, at the extreme height of the sky, there was a black aircraft flying.

Then, one by one landed outside the blockade line, a large runway that was urgently constructed; at the moment they appeared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Master Niu greeted him with mang and others.

Because, just on the phone just now, he received a rather surprising notice.

The elders of the rabbit family, many heads of state, and even a military song and dance troupe of the rabbit family are all in the transport plane in front of them.

They will represent the humanity of this planet, with 120,000 enthusiasm, welcome the arrival of these original plane refugees under his command.

In addition, I offer my most sincere condolences and wonderful performances.

Of course, these programs have been strictly selected, and will definitely not let some things get worn out ...

That night, Abu, who changed his post, learned of a notice that surprised him:

Tomorrow morning, they will ride those weird flying machines to the place where they will live in the future; and tonight, they are said to have a singing and dancing party to welcome them.

So, after eating a simple field ration.

Under the huge stage, I found an Abu sitting on the floor, and I enjoyed the singing and dancing party with my men.

To be honest, Abu really feels that the women in this world are even ugly.

Their program is very exciting. Those songs and dances are better than their favorite ones. With the square dance and big Yangge of Little Apple, even if they are worse, it is quite good.

The most important thing is to make them feel a lot of goodwill.

Such a situation, until a woman named Han Hong appeared.

At this moment, Abu felt that the high-pitched song sung in the woman's mouth was no longer so important, because everyone in the vanguard was boiling and cheering in an instant.

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