Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 868: Great migration (4)

For the indigenous refugees of another plane, their vanguard of 100,000 people arrived. & 1t; /

In an instant, it aroused the modern plane and the intense interest and attention of human society on the entire planet. & 1t; /

With this interest and willingness to pay attention, the news media of all sizes are naturally performing all kinds of calculations for ratings. & 1t; /

Large and small interview groups, even from the media. & 1t; /

In a very short time, they swarmed and gathered in the surrounding areas of Baoqing City. & 1t; /

Even if they had no way at all, they approached the blockade line formed by the refugees and conducted so-called on-site interviews to obtain first-hand information. & 1t; /

But by taking some shots from far away and interviewing the fanatic crowd, the ratings are actually quite good. & 1t; /

A limited number of media groups, after using satellite space to shoot and carry out the rebroadcast, naturally obtained the highest ratings. & 1t; /

It is also through their rebroadcast that the humans of the modern plane appear faintly. & 1t; /

These refugees from other worlds who seem to be arrogant and stubborn seem to be quite funny and interesting. & 1t; /

It is worth mentioning that as the original female singer Ms. Han Hong, she became an internationally renowned top female singer overnight. & 1t; /

A tide-like invitation was sent to her agent. & 1t; /

Just like all the people who eat melons, shouting on the Internet: & 1t; /

"It's not uncommon for people in the modern plane to love it; but it's really capable of making crazy people from all over the world crazy." & 1t; /

It is a pity that the illusion of being cute and interesting does not last long in the hearts of the people who eat melons. & 1t; /

At noon the next day, along with a large number of indigenous fighters, they were transported over the Hawaiian Islands. & 1t; /

Officially started, after the battle of paying off the mutant beasts on the Hawaiian Islands, they suddenly burst out the fighting power, which made everyone realize: & 1t; /

Under the foolish appearance of these refugees, what a powerful fighting force ... & 1t; /

Of the Hawaiian archipelago, the largest island is naturally the Hawaiian island. & 1t; /

At this time, the largest airport on the island, over the Honolulu International Airport. & 1t; /

Here, a large number of flying machines have been gathered, constantly hovering in the sky; but the most conspicuous is the black whale, which is more than 80 meters long and dark under the seat of Niu. & 1t; /

Although there are already many biological experts, it is unanimously pointed out that this is the rabbit family, the legend has disappeared for many years. & 1t; /

However, in the eyes of the people who eat melons: Don't be funny! Although this big guy has long beards, but this is not a whale, what can it be? & 1t; /

According to the transportation plan made by the rabbit family, this international airport must be seized first. & 1t; /

Even if it was on the runway of the airport, because it has been entangled by many mutant beasts for a long time, it has been damaged to a certain extent; but as long as it is repaired, it can still be put into use immediately. & 1t; /

So that some large transport aircraft can take off and land here. & 1t; /

For this plan, Master Niu naturally entered the stream from the good; therefore, the place where the battle began was placed here. & 1t; /

However, Master Niu's kind intention to send elite troops to help the rabbit family and other countries all declined one by one. & 1t; /

Then, a scene that incomparably challenged imagination was staged in front of everyone in the modern plane: & 1t; /

First, it was suspended at a height of several thousand meters. The huge whale of Master Niu suddenly opened his mouth and made a silent roar. & 1t; /

Under this silent roar, the mutant beast on the whole island. & 1t; /

But as the end came, he fled wildly on the island of Hawaii. & 1t; /

Countless marine amphibian mutant beasts plunged into the ocean, fled here quickly, swimming towards the depths of the ocean. & 1t; /

Then, the indigenous warriors of thousands of people directly flew out of the hatches of the transport plane. & 1t; /

In their hands, wielding various shining weapons, chasing and killing the beasts on the ground; no matter how powerful the mutant beast, it is directly a deadly trick. & 1t; /

Just this scene, I don't know how many people are stupid. & 1t; /

The powerful man who can fly with his own strength, all the countries and forces of the modern plane add up, I do n’t know if there is one-tenth of them ... & 1t; /

This time, the transport fleet was filled with troops from Master Niu's two infantry divisions. & 1t; /

The remaining more than 10,000 people naturally belong to a state where there is no way to fly, but their performance is still dazzling. & 1t; /

Many transport planes have just lowered their flying height to an altitude of eight or nine hundred meters, and intend to land one by one on the two runways where the airport is intact. & 1t; /

Those remaining indigenous warriors, like dumplings, jumped from the transport plane. & 1t; /

This made the transport plane intend to remind them that the rabbit crew member who jumped down after putting on a parachute was completely dumbfounded. & 1t; /

Such an amazing height makes them indigenous soldiers, like a shell, hit the ground heavily. & 1t; /

However, after these goods slammed a big pit on the ground, it seemed that there was nothing about the fart, and they moved their legs after blinking. & 1t; /

Easy to catch up with those mutant mutant beasts that flee wildly, and kill those seemingly powerful mutant beasts easily ... & 1t; /

After seeing this scene, especially at the invitation of Mr. Niu, we all came to watch the battle with the foodie. A large number of military leaders from various countries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and their so-called masters, & 1t; /

The shock of that face filled the heart of the goods with unspeakable pleasure. & 1t; /

More importantly, in the absence of awareness, the power of faith that Hong Feng generally rushed into, simply made him feel wonderful. & 1t; /

Until suddenly, he thought of an important issue. & 1t; /

Quickly took out the usual electric horn and roared with rage at the ground: & 1t; /

"Your group of little kings and eight calves, jump with your sight! Who will continue to jump around, smashing the concrete floor and knocking down those intact buildings, I will not kill you." & 1t; /

* & 1t; /

The recovery and cleanup of the Hawaiian island went beyond everyone's imagination. & 1t; /

The battle started at noon, when the dawn of the next day, there was no large herd of mutant beasts on the island. & 1t; /

During this time, Honolulu International Airport was also repaired by emergency for the most part. & 1t; /

It can provide continuous take-off and landing for various large transport aircraft, so that the following indigenous refugees are transported from outside Baoqing City one by one. & 1t; /

At the same time, the large amount of massive materials ordered by Master Niu was continuously piled up on the island under his own hands. & 1t; /

For the new homes, the indigenous people who feel quite good started the new construction boom with enthusiasm ... & 1t; /

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