Let Go The Cold White Moonlight, I Choose The Rebellious Overlord Flower

Chapter 70 Breaking The Cocoon Into A Butterfly, Stunning Everyone

Chapter 70

"In this exam, Li Angxuan, Liu Ming, Liu Mei, Zhang Zhihao... I've made great progress! Keep it up, don't let it go, you know?"

"Praise Xu Muzhi in particular! Everyone must have known about her progress, right?"

"The teacher wants to tell everyone that as long as you work hard, there is nothing you can't achieve! Everyone has seen how hard Xu Muzhi has been working hard recently, right? I hope to keep it up! Everyone should learn from her, you know?~"

"Although it's a holiday! But, everyone knows what time it is! I hope you don't relax, this is not the time for everyone to relax! When you go to university, you can play whatever you want!"

Blackboard full of winter vacation homework - in front,

Zhang Hai touched the sparse hair on the top of his head, his face was calm, and he said to the excited students below.


In the corner of the last row of the classroom by the window, the girl who was mentioned couldn't help smiling naively.

She was praised!

All the hard work paid off!

She has not failed the person around her, nor has she failed... herself!

He is waiting for her!

Little by little, she will try to catch up with him!

Time flies, in the blink of an eye,

Two months slipped away from my fingertips,

The final final exam is over!

The last big vacation before graduation from high school, the winter vacation is coming!

And in this last exam,

Ji Ruoxue, who has been studying diligently, won the first place in her class.

This is quite normal!

Gu Lin, who is often said to be regressing and not making progress, also exploded in this exam and got the second place in the class, which can be regarded as breaking some not-so-good rumors.

Both of them came down from the experimental class.

The strength is there, and this is actually acceptable.

But the most shocking thing is

The tenth place in the class had a name that was somewhat unfamiliar to everyone.

a name that shouldn't be here,

Xu Muzhi!

Overlord of the class, big sister, little sister!

A well-known thorn, a student with a reputation for academic achievement!

However, in the last exam of the first half year of high school, with only half a year left to take the college entrance examination,

Along the way, it has skyrocketed at an unimaginable speed, catching up with countless hard-working students.

Come to the ranks of Ding,

This is nothing short of a miracle!

And the man who created this miracle...

From time to time, people turned their eyes and focused on the boy sitting beside Xu Muzhi.

He is very handsome, always smiling frivolously, a little lazy, and can get along well with anyone...

And the person who gets along with him the best is Xu Muzhi by his side.

From the day he came, Xu Muzhi has changed!

He doesn't care about the murderous name and rumors of the girl outside,

He also didn't care about his backward grades, he just wanted to help her, he just wanted to pull her.

The key is that I originally thought that people's grades were affected and they retreated.

As a result, the final exam is now, and people have come up again. Are you angry?!

And Xu Muzhi's unexpected persistence and hard work!

In the end, I got this result!

Enviable, amazing...  

Are they together?

Are they in love?

This is unknown because they never answered the question head-on!

However, the changes Gu Lin brought to Xu Muji are real!

People gradually discovered that Xu Muzhi, who used to be short-tempered, impulsive, and poor in grades, seems to be gone forever!

She became more and more like the person she liked,

Those shortcomings seem to be gradually corrected by her!

She just got better!

It seems that the orb has been wiped off the dust on the surface, and the brilliance has bloomed.

Butterflies break out of their cocoons and dance gracefully, astonishing the world!

People suddenly discovered that this girl...seemed to be very beautiful!

She is cheerful, she is pure, she is gentle, she is generous, she is forthright...

She has so many wonderful qualities about her!

The purple hair has gradually faded, she is not re-dyeing it,

It seems to be a symbol of her little gangster's temper... and she also left together.

The transformation of the little girl into a goddess was beyond everyone's expectations.

Unfortunately, when people find out,

The gorgeous flowers are already blooming for only one person, and the smile of a girl is always blooming for one person.


Xu Muzhi stared fixedly at Gu Lin,

Compared with her progress in the exam, what made her even more delighted was that Gu Lin came in second in the exam.

What does this prove?

Prove that Gu Lin didn't lie to her!

Gu Lin is really capable of passing the exam!

He didn't set himself back by teaching her either!

‥…ask for flowers.

They all get better together!

Everything is wonderful!

She believed he was right!

"Squad leader, are you free during the holidays? I want to discuss something with you!"

After Zhang Hai finished talking about the things that need to be paid attention to, he announced the holiday!

After being liberated, the classroom was also noisy for a while.

Although this holiday is not destined to be easy, it is a holiday after all!

Gu Lin looked at Zhang Hai's leaving back, and seemed to remember something,

He grabbed the shoulder of the squad leader who was hurriedly passing by, and said with a smile.

"Ah? All right, Brother Lin, I'm free! You Penguin can contact me anytime!"


"Then I'm leaving!"

"Okay, bye!"

Gu Lin bid farewell to him with a smile,

Then, he seemed to notice the sight from the side,

Turning his head, he smiled softly and said, "Who is the beauty looking for?"

In fact, what Xu Muzhi didn't know was,

Gu Lin actually still didn't use his full strength!

Gu Lin, a true score control boss!

The reason why the test is a little more prominent this time is actually just to make parents feel at ease when they go home.

When visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, you can be a little more stable, listen to more envious words and less unpleasant words, and have a good New Year!

After all, the most rigid and direct requirement of the elders for their children is grades!

Such a concept, such an atmosphere, it is difficult to change!

Gu Lin can get a good result,

Make your parents look good, and make yourself not be underestimated.

"Look at you, beauty~"

"Gu Lin~ I was praised~"

The girl blinked, and her bright eyes were filled with the reflection of the person beside her.

Like a child returning home to show off the little red flower he got in kindergarten,

She couldn't help but said to the people beside her.

She never thought that she would have such a day.

And all of her changes... were given by the person around her!


Gu Lin also smiled, and said along with her, "Do you want any rewards?"

The girl pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "There is a reward! I want... Hehe, can I save it?"


"Hee hee~"

Looking at the boy's appearance, the girl couldn't help smiling.

She is so lucky!.

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