Let Go The Cold White Moonlight, I Choose The Rebellious Overlord Flower

Chapter 71 The Spring Breeze Of Reform Blows All Over The Ground~

Chapter 71

"The spring breeze of reform is blowing everywhere~"

"The people of Huaxia are really uplifting~ really uplifting~"

"This world is too crazy, mice are all cats as bridesmaids~"

"Chidron, Qi Dongqiang~"

"Um, is this what you said... ghost animal?"

in the office,

Originally a yellow-haired, idle little gangster.

Now it's a suit and leather shoes, quite imposing, dressed like a successful person.

Qi Hanhai looked at the video on the laptop screen, and couldn't help but ask the young and overbearing brother in front of him, who was also their supreme leader.

[Hanhai Internet Cafe] The office building on the upper floor was rented by Qi Hanhai,

as the office of their company.

After this period of operation,

Although the money burned quickly, the business was gradually established,

D stands at the top of the circle in the second dimension, and the user's "five seven three" cohesion is also very strong. There are not a few users such as Xu Muqu!

People spread the word and spread the word about the site.

The number of users is increasing every day, and it is also spreading towards the second target user group: games, movies, music...etc.


This online community, which is highly sought after by young people in Generation Z, is being established bit by bit.

winter vacation,

Gu Lin's time is naturally much freer,

I usually play games and play ball in my leisure time,

Engage in investment in my spare time, and urge Comrade Xu to learn.....

Life is very free and leisurely.

Naturally, he also has time to come to the company,

Handle various transactions, analyze data, and make subsequent decisions..

Of course, as the top leader, biggest boss, shareholder...

He controls 70% of the company's equity. After all, he is the initiator of the project and the largest investor in capital. The majority of the equity can only be in his hands. Otherwise, wouldn't he be a philanthropist who gave money for nothing?

In the future, he will dilute it according to the situation.

Brothers also have to settle accounts.

The remaining thirty percent,

As the CEO, Qi Hanhai is the biggest executor of the project, accounting for 15%.

The rest were distributed to some veteran talents recruited at the beginning.

At the very beginning,

Gu Lin has already met with most of the high-level executives here, held a meeting, drew a cake, and painted a beautiful picture of their future.

Although too young,

But he spoke and behaved, and handled things with tact,

Everyone was completely unable to treat him as a student who did not graduate.

After all, they have money and brains... There is no reason to offend the boss by beating workers.

Gu Lin treated them well, at least better than 80% of the companies here in Zhiwuhai.

At the beginning of the enterprise's struggle, everyone worked hard for their ideals.

The atmosphere of the whole company is not bad, and there is no disadvantage of introversion of those companies that have entered the mature stage.

As the boss, Gu Lin is very free and no one cares about him.

Come when you want, and go when you leave!

But at this moment, he was sitting in the office, discussing gossip with Qi Hanhai.

"Yes! How is it?"

In fact, station d already has some signs of this kind of ghost video, but it is not outstanding.

There is no such thing as a brilliant brainwashing classic!

Gu Lin thinks he can make a start and lead the trend!

Label it as station d, as a unique culture of station d, to attract more users.

After all, he has too much information ahead, and those excellent works are naturally recorded in his mind!

You know, these are the works that bloodbathed the website and brainwashed countless people back then!

He also acquired skills related to video editing from the system, plus his own after-school learning.

It's not too difficult to make this video!

Even, the finished product is even better than the previous impression.

"Uh...how should I put it? Can this be a fire?"

D station is not without so-called ghost animal videos,

But the data and playback volume are not very good,

In fact, Qi Hanhai has always been not in favor of opening a separate ghost animal area.

However, now Gu Lin played this for him......

It seems something is different!

magic, brainwashing

The familiar classic quotations of the old man who attended the Spring Festival Gala several times were compiled into tunes,

Impressive scenes on the video jumped.

This brainwashing melody keeps ringing in my ears.

The video is not long, it will be over soon!

After playing it once, inexplicably, he felt unfinished.

I just want to press the replay button, play it again, and watch it again.

Catchy, willing to sing along!

And he has an inexplicable sense of fear! It feels like his brain is being bombed!

I'm afraid he will never forget this tune in the next few days!

Is this the ghost animal that Gu Lin was talking about?

How could he still do such a thing?

What kind of fairy is this little brother?

"No problem! Brother, trust me!"

"You watched it once, is it already impressive and remembered? Do you want to replay it a few times? People on the Internet are fun people, we must learn to have fun! This is very important to us! "

Gu Lin chuckled and asked back...

"Uh... indeed! How much playback can this get?"

"About ten million or so!"

"Blow it!"

Qi Hanhai couldn't help scolding him with a smile.

There are not a few videos on the entire Internet that exceed tens of millions!

Gu Lin shrugged, but did not argue with him: "If you don't believe me, forget it!"

In this day and age, few people watch videos.

In a short period of time, it is indeed difficult to achieve a high playback volume.

However, this is just a foreshadowing before the arrival of the new era!

Gu Lin doesn't count on this for dinner either!

"This is the charm of ghosts and animals! I can be regarded as attracting jade! To support this area, it can be regarded as our unique culture!"

"Strive to make the website a material library for ghost and animal areas in the future!"

Qi Hanhai: …………

"Well, okay!"

If this younger brother does something like this, he won't be messing around, right?

"Just send it to my account, 'There are trees in the mountains', I will also be an up host, if I have nothing to do, I will make a few videos and upload them!"

"To make a sample of self-media, it can be regarded as leading the trend of personal video producers in the future!

Qi Hanhai: …………


1.3 Gu Lin nodded and continued: "It's not a big deal!"

"I read the company's development report! Brother, you are doing very well! Much better than I expected!"

This person in front of me really wants to do something with him seriously!

The spirit of the whole person has changed!

Gu Lin couldn't help smiling and said to him.

"Our registered users have exceeded 10 million, and there are still many diehard fans, who spare no effort to promote us in penguin groups, post bars, Weibo...such places!

"This is a good sign, very good! These users are our backbone! If you are right, you will be helped, but if you are wrong, you will not be able to help. Be cautious in making decisions, and don't let their hearts be stuffed!"

"The development of the app is going to be faster, which is our top priority! I hope to be on the app store in the coming year!".

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