Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1308 - The Sound of Heaven and Earth All in One’s Ears

Chapter 1308: The Sound of Heaven and Earth All in One's Ears

Translator: CKtalon

Zhou Wen felt that he had no choice but to have his beliefs shaken. Every time he entered a dimensional zone in real life, there was a high chance that something would happen.

This time, he was even more exasperated. He was only trying out a skill, but he had ended up causing such a huge mess. Now, he was probably going to lose his life.

Zhou Wen didn't have the time to think about anything else. Just as he was about to be thrown into the Long-armed Ape's mouth, his last thought was to terminate the contract with his Companion Beasts and allow them to regain their freedom to prevent them from dying with him.

For Companion Beasts like Demonic Neonate and Banana Fairy, it was better for them to escape than to die with him.

However, the Long-Armed Ape Monkey's actions were too fast. While it was still a thought in his mind, he was thrown into the mouth that was filled with fangs before he could execute it. The jagged teeth were about to bite down.


A golden beam flashed like a phantom. The Long-Armed Ape Monkey's teeth bit down, but it missed.

A golden figure appeared opposite the Long-Armed Ape Monkey amidst swirling light.

The golden figure was wearing armor that resembled crystalline gold. It was tall and slender, but he gave off an explosive sense of power and might.

Its long, golden hair hung down to its ankles. Its golden eyes were as pure as flawless crystals, and its face was like flawless jade.

It was as though the most beautiful thing in the world had landed on this man. The beauty of the world paled in comparison.

The perfect combination of strength and beauty was like a perfect god that only existed in fantasies.

However, such a pure and perfect man gave off an extremely evil feeling. It was as though one would fall into the demonic realm if they looked at him one more time.

At that moment, the man was princess-carrying a person, and that person was none other than Zhou Wen, who had nearly been devoured by the Long-Armed Ape Monkey.

Zhou Wen looked at the man's face in a daze. He had already figured out who the man was based on his aura and the connection between the two of them, but he still found it unbelievable.

Truth Listener has actually changed into this! Zhou Wen was alarmed. If not for the contractual connection between the two of them, Zhou Wen would have found it unbelievable that the man in front of him was Truth Listener.

Roar! The Long-Armed Ape Monkey roared at Zhou Wen and Truth Listener. The roar blasted the seawater up, forming a tsunami-like wave that surged in all directions.

Its gigantic arms slowly raised as though it wanted to attack Zhou Wen and Truth Listener.

Truth Listener carried Zhou Wen as the golden light over its body flickered like flames. Its crystalline long hair danced with the flames as it stared intently at the Long-Armed Ape Monkey.

The Long-Armed Ape Monkey swung its huge arms and instantly vanished.

Zhou Wen knew that it hadn't really vanished, but that the Long-Armed Ape Monkey's strength and speed were so fast. It had already broken through the restrictions of space.


Truth Listener seemed to suffer a heavy blow as its body flew out like a golden stream of light. It streaked across the sea and slammed into a crumbling mountain wall, causing it to collapse.

Golden blood seeped out of Truth Listener's mouth as it tore through the rubble and stood up. It was carrying Zhou Wen with both hands and Zhou Wen wasn't injured at all.

Roar! The Long-Armed Ape Monkey roared at Truth Listener again.

However, Truth Listener didn't seem to hear anything. It only stood there with Zhou Wen in its arms as it stared coldly at the Long-Armed Ape Monkey.

The Long-Armed Ape Monkey roared a few more times as though it was telling Truth Listener to mind its own business. However, Truth Listener ignored it and continued protecting Zhou Wen.

The Long-Armed Ape Monkey seemed to be infuriated by Truth Listener's persistence and rudeness. It raised its arms, hoping to attack again.

However, it wasn't as decisive as before. It seemed to be somewhat hesitant.


A loud bang shook the surroundings. The sky seemed to split into two as sunlight poured in, warming the apocalyptic world.

The Long-Armed Ape Monkey looked up. Sunlight shone on its face, making its ferocious face appear much gentler.

The other three apes roared at the sky. Their roars were filled with indescribable excitement and madness.

After the golden-haired ape roared, it glanced at Truth Listener and Zhou Wen. It spoke in human language and said "Thanks." Then, it tore through the air and produced a cloud beneath its feet before disappearing into the sky.

The white-furred ape also looked at Truth Listener and Zhou Wen, but it didn't say a word. All it did was shake its head before disappearing like a ghost.

The Long-Armed Ape Monkey glared fiercely at Zhou Wen, but it didn't attack again. It extended its arms and pulled the two sides of the rift-like stone dome with its claws. It pulled the stone dome completely apart as though it was tearing apart the sky. It exerted strength into its feet and shot into the sky like a cannonball, instantly disappearing.

At its feet, the ground cracked and seawater gushed out. It was an apocalyptic scene.

Zhou Wen looked at the red-furred ape. The other monkeys had left, but it hadn't. It floated in the air with a pair of heterochromic eyes. It was sizing up Truth Listener and Zhou Wen as it revealed a vexed expression that looked extremely human-like.

After a long while, the red-furred ape suddenly sighed and looked at Truth Listener. "Will you regret it if you exchange your life for his?"

Truth Listener didn't say a word. However, its resolute eyes said everything.

"Whatever then. All is fated in life. It's not up to us. Remember, you only have one life. And you can only live once." With that said, the red-furred monkey slowly walked towards the sky.

Under its feet, there seemed to be an invisible staircase. After taking 49 steps, the red-furred monkey's figure became fainter as it vanished as though it had turned into nothingness.


After the red-furred monkey vanished, Truth Listener placed Zhou Wen on the ground and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. The golden light on its body quickly converged as its body gradually turned from a human to an ape.

One earring after another appeared out of thin air and returned to Truth Listener's ear. When the sixth earring returned to his ear, he had already transformed back into the Six-Eared Golden Silk Monkey. He was no longer the godlike man from before.

Zhou Wen took out the Dragon Tiger Pill Essence and wanted to feed it to Truth Listener, but Truth Listener shook its head and suddenly transformed into a stream of light that returned to Zhou Wen's ear, turning back into an earring.

When the earring returned, Zhou Wen felt the world become extremely complicated. All sorts of sounds entered his ears that threatened to blow up his head.

Countless voices entered Zhou Wen's ears. There were so many that it was incalculable. They came from afar, extremely far away, as though they were coming from the end of the horizon. They were extremely close, as though countless people were whispering in his ear. There were so many voices that it was unimaginable. If a drop of water represented a different sound, Zhou Wen would receive even more sounds than the water in the Pacific every second.

The sounds of the world were all in his ears. Zhou Wen's body could sense this magical power, but at the same time, he realized that this might not be a f*cking good thing.

There were too many useless sounds. To find the sounds he needed to hear amidst the massive amount of sounds was no different from searching for a needle in a haystack.. At the very least, Zhou Wen was still unable to adapt to this situation.

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