Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1309 - Hot

Zhou Wen wasn't used to receiving the sounds of everything in the world, but he wasn't in the mood to think about it. He planned on leaving first.

Flying out of the ripped stone dome, Zhou Wen looked back and couldn't help but widen his mouth.

The place he had flown out of was originally a huge underground space, but when he looked back, he realized that it was only a stone in the shape of a calabash. It was only about a foot tall and looked very crude. It looked like it was naturally formed and had sharp edges. It was in a cobblestone by a stream.

At that moment, the calabash-shaped stone had already been split into two. One could see that water was flowing out, but the amount that flowed out was only small. It was around the amount stored in a bottle of mineral water.

I was inside this thing? Zhou Wen found it unbelievable. He walked to the two halves of the calabash and reached out to pick them up.

However, no matter how Zhou Wen looked at it, it seemed to be a very ordinary stone. Apart from its strange form, there was nothing special about it.

Zhou Wen pinched hard and the stone shattered and fell to the ground.

Was I dreaming? Zhou Wen looked around and saw a babbling brook. Green bamboo cast a shadow as the bright sunlight shone on him. It was so warm and comfortable that he couldn't tell if it was reality or a dream.

Soon, Zhou Wen knew that he wasn't dreaming. The sound of the world in his ears made him uncomfortable due to the massive amount of information. He couldn't even distinguish the sound that was inches away.

Zhou Wen first attempted to get his bearings. He never expected to have reception here. Using his phone's positioning function, he realized that he was still in the East District. However, it was south of the East District. There was a human city about fifty kilometers away.

Zhou Wen followed the phone's map and quickly arrived at the human city. He confirmed that he was in the correct spot using his phone.

On the way, he kept trying to deactivate Truth Listener's power, but he couldn't. The sounds constantly surged into his ears.

Ordinary people could tell what a sound came from based on its size and location, but Truth Listener's listening mode was somewhat different.

Regardless of the distance, be it loud or soft, even if it was as far as Venus, Zhou Wen could hear it clearly. Furthermore, there were unimaginable sounds coming from the same spot. Despite there being nothing in front of him, Zhou Wen heard countless sounds.

Now, if Zhou Wen wanted to hear a particular sound clearly, he had to switch channels like on a television. Only by switching to a fixed channel could he accurately hear the sound. Otherwise, with so many sounds mixed together, his brain couldn't process them all. The outcome was the same as not hearing anything.

However, there were only a few hundred television channels. The choices Zhou Wen needed to face were as numerous as infinite grains of sand. It wasn't easy to make the right selection. He needed to slowly adapt.

Zhou Wen knew that it was because his ability was too weak and Truth Listener's ability was too powerful that it had resulted in such hearing difficulties. When he reached a level that matched Truth Listener's ability, he probably wouldn't have such problems again.

He took out his phone again and looked at Truth Listener's information.

Truth Listener: Mythical (Evolvable)

Life Providence: Heaven's Senses

Life Soul: Evil Nullification

Wheel of Destiny: Nirvana of Ultimate Hell

Terror Form: Holy Evil

Strength: 99

Speed: 99

Constitution: 99

Essence Energy: 99

Talent Skill: Truth Listener, Indestructible Vajra Body, Evil Warding, Nine Extremes

Companion Form: Earring

Truth Listener's evolution was far lower than Zhou Wen imagined.

An existence like the Long-Armed Ape Monkey was most likely at the Apocalypse grade. It was truly unexpected for Truth Listener to withstand its strike head-on while being only at the Terror grade. Zhou Wen imagined that it could directly jump to the Calamity grade.

However, when he thought of Truth Listener's six earrings, he knew that this fellow's Terror grade was likely only at the level after being sealed by the earrings. It definitely wasn't at that level after the earrings were removed.

What's Truth Listener's origins? Zhou Wen was alarmed. He planned on visiting the Small Buddha Temple after returning. Perhaps he could find some clues.

Zhou Wen originally wanted to return as soon as possible, but he realized that something was amiss.

Although the weather in the south was warmer, it shouldn't be that hot, right?

On the streets here, people were wearing shorts and vests, but they were still covered in sweat from the heat. When he looked up at the sun, it didn't seem that scorching.

Zhou Wen counted the days. It wasn't even summer yet, so it shouldn't be that hot.

The situation outside was even worse. The rice paddies had all dried up, and the soil was showing signs of cracking. The rice that had been planted with great difficulty had already dried up in the ground before it even reached maturity.

Zhou Wen went to a small shop and bought some things. He asked when he was paying, "Is the weather here always this hot?"

However, at such a close distance, Zhou Wen couldn't hear what the shop owner was saying. This was because there were too many sounds coming from his position. The sounds of bacteria squirming in the air and dust colliding were unimaginable.

Zhou Wen only saw the shop owner open his mouth, but he didn't know what he was saying. He was somewhat anxious.

He was momentarily unable to find the correct channel. He wanted to see if he could tell what he was saying from the shape of his mouth, but he was disappointed. He didn't know if it was because the other party spoke in a dialect or if his lip-reading sucked, but Zhou Wen couldn't interpret it.

Zhou Wen looked around and saw that there was a pen and paper used by the shop owner on the counter. He took them and wrote on them. "I'm deaf. Can you tell me in writing?"

"Deaf? That's really rare. Usually, deaf people are mute, right?" The shop owner wrote in a notebook.

"I lost my hearing later in life," Zhou Wen explained.

"Then it's no wonder." As there was no business the shop owner was free to chat with Zhou Wen.

Only then did Zhou Wen realize that the weather nearby had suddenly turned hot. It happened nearly half a month ago. In the past few months, although there had been a few abnormally hot days, they didn't last long. Typically, they would return to normal in a few hours.

However, the recent high temperature had lasted for half a month. It was so hot that it was almost unbearable. Ordinary people would probably die from the heat.

Many people had already begun to migrate to other areas. It was strange that such dry and hot weather only affected the nearby hundreds of kilometers. It wasn't as if the entire south was hot. Everything was fine as long as they left this area.

Many people guessed that a large dimensional zone had broken out nearby, so they fled. For instance, this city didn't have many people left. This was why the owner was so free to talk.

"A few hundred kilometers of the vicinity?" Zhou Wen's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

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