Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1310 - Joining the Zhang Family Again

Zhou Wen quickly took out his phone and checked the map to confirm his memory.

The Zhang family is within the area! Zhou Wen opened his contact list and sent a message to Zhang Yuzhi: "I happen to be nearby. Do you have the time to meet?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yuzhi quickly replied, surprising Zhou Wen.

The Zhang family had protected Zhang Yuzhi too well. It was rare for Zhang Yuzhi to communicate with others.

"Did something happen to the Fiend Tomb?" Zhou Wen asked directly.

"Yes, something did happen," Zhang Yuzhi replied.

"Do you need help?" Zhou Wen felt uncomfortable. Although Zhang Yuzhi sounded relaxed, Zhou Wen knew that once something happened to the Fiend Tomb, it wouldn't be a small problem.

The person inside was likely the legendary Drought Demon. If she were to be born, there was a high chance that she would be accompanied by a calamity.

Unlike ordinary Guardians, she was a Guardian that had survived the Mythical era. Her level was very high to begin with. Although Zhou Wen wasn't sure if a Calamity-grade Guardian would trigger a calamity phenomenon, legend had it that when the Drought Demon appeared, it would have the world in flames.

Furthermore, the weather in the nearby area seemed to be affected. This was terrifying.

Tsukuyomi's Ghost Parade was already very terrifying, but it was nothing compared to Drought Demon.

When she lit the world in flames, everything within a 500-kilometer radius would be reduced to scorched earth. Not a single blade of grass would remain. As long as Drought Demon passed through an area, all humans would probably become extinct.

However, from the present situation, Drought Demon had yet to appear. Otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as the weather turning hot.

"It's just a small problem. My family is trying to think of a solution, but it's rare for you to take the initiative to help. I won't stand on ceremony. I happen to have something to do and need help. Come to my place now." Zhang Yuzhi even sent a cheeky wink emoji.

"Alright, I'll head over now." Zhou Wen couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhang Yuzhi was in a good mood. From the looks of it, there wasn't much of a problem.

When Zhou Wen arrived at the Zhang family residence, Zhang Yuzhi was already waiting for him at the door. Zhang Chunqiu was with her.

"Zhou Wen, it's really difficult to meet you these days," Zhang Yuzhi said with a smile.

"Aren't I here now?" Zhou Wen couldn't explain himself. In the past few years, Zhang Yuzhi had sent him quite a number of messages, but he had been trapped for five years without having the chance to read the messages.

However, because An Jing had replaced him for five years, Zhou Wen couldn't expose this matter.

"Brother Zhang, how's the situation at the Fiend Tomb?" Zhou Wen was very concerned about the Fiend Tomb.

This was because once Drought Demon appeared, it wouldn't only affect the Zhang family, nor would it only be a city or area. When the time came, the entire East District might suffer a terrifying calamity. It was impossible for Zhou Wen and his family to stay out of it.

"I'm thinking of a way to resolve it. The area affected won't be too great," Zhang Chunqiu said.

Zhou Wen felt a lot more at ease hearing Zhang Chunqiu say that. After some thought, he asked, "Brother Zhang, I've only heard that the birth of a Calamity-grade dimensional creature will be accompanied by a calamity phenomenon. I wonder if a Calamity-grade Guardian will also trigger a calamity phenomenon?"

Zhang Chunqiu pondered for a moment and said, "Typically, the appearance of any Calamity-grade creature doesn't trigger a calamity phenomenon. It only happens when a creature advances to the Calamity grade. No matter what creature it is, it's the same. Guardians are naturally no exception."

Upon hearing Zhang Chunqiu's words, Zhou Wen felt that this matter wasn't serious. Drought Demon should have been at the Calamity grade in the Mythical era. It was impossible for her to trigger another Calamity phenomenon unless she used the Calamity Zone herself.

However, from the Zhang family's attitude, it was unlikely that Drought Demon would appear so easily. Otherwise, they would have long evacuated. It was impossible for them to stay here and wait for death.

"Are you here to help or to chat?" Zhang Yuzhi smiled.

"If there's anything you need my help with, I'll do it to the best of my abilities," Zhou Wen said.

"Then follow me." Zhang Yuzhi turned around and entered the Zhang residence.

"Go on. I still have something on, so I won't be accompanying you," Zhang Chunqiu said with a smile as he looked at Zhou Wen.

Only then did Zhou Wen follow Zhang Yuzhi into the Zhang residence. As the Zhang family doted on Zhang Yuzhi to the extreme and with Zhang Yuzhi's own specialness, the Zhang family typically didn't allow outsiders to interact with her.

Zhou Wen followed Zhang Yuzhi through the corridors and courtyards and arrived at a small yard.

This yard wasn't very big, but it was decorated very elegantly. There were many flowers planted inside, but it didn't feel complicated or redundant. It was as though every blade of grass and flower ought to be there.

Zhou Wen didn't know much about flowers and plants, but he could tell that the person who had set up the yard was amazing. It was the kind of extraordinary person who had his own creative thoughts.

"My garden isn't bad, right?" Zhang Yuzhi asked Zhou Wen smugly.

"You set this up?" Zhou Wen asked in surprise.

"Why? Can't I?" Zhang Yuzhi curled her lips.

"No, it's great. I never expected you to be so accomplished in this area," Zhou Wen said sincerely.

He had always wanted to learn the Dao of Nature, hoping to use it to comprehend the true meaning of Slaughterer. This was because Zhou Wen had a nagging feeling that Slaughterer's foundation wasn't as simple as killing.

To live from death, perhaps the Slaughterer's foundation was related to the way of life.

Since Slaughterer couldn't transform into its Terror form, Zhou Wen had thought of using the Dao of Nature, but he really wasn't adept in this area, so he hadn't achieved much.

"It's really rare to receive your praise. However, your level of praise kinda sucks," Zhang Yuzhi said happily.

"I'm really not good at that. Let's talk about something I can help with," Zhou Wen said.

"You're really boring. I don't think you have any friends, right?" Zhang Yuzhi curled her lips.

"Indeed… I don't have many friends…" Zhou Wen thought carefully and realized that it was true. He really couldn't think of many people who could be considered friends.

"What has this got to do with the help you want from me?" Zhou Wen asked again.

"You're really hopeless. Wait for me here." Zhang Yuzhi rolled her eyes at him before turning around and walking into the room. Soon, she came out with a bucket.

"Come on, help me plant flowers today." Zhang Yuzhi took out a shovel from the bucket and handed it to Zhou Wen.

"You wanted my help just to plant flowers?" Zhou Wen was slightly taken aback.

"Why? Are you reneging on your words?" Zhang Yuzhi said with a smile.

"Alright, I'll do whatever you say." Zhou Wen felt that this was a good thing. Zhang Yuzhi's relaxed attitude meant that the matter with the Fiend Tomb wasn't too serious.

Hence, under Zhang Yuzhi's command, Zhou Wen began his career as a gardener.

"Loosen the soil… Sigh… Why are you so stupid… It's loosening the soil, not digging up a pit… Water that area… It's watering, not dripping eye drops. How long will it take if you drip it drop by drop… Ah… Why are you pouring it all in? Do you want to drown my poor flowers…"

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