Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1360 - The Monarch Bee Of People

"He knows how to use people," Hermit said.

"How so?" Cave Era knew that using people sounded simple, but it depended on how they were used and who was used.

"He has a nickname, Monarch Bee. Do you know what that nickname means?" Hermit asked.

"Isn't his intelligence network as dense as a bee's hive?" Cave Era had also heard of Wei Ge's nickname.

"That's only a part of it. In fact, the reason he has the nickname of Monarch Bee wasn't because of his intelligence network, but because of his ability to control his subordinates." Hermit looked at a honey bee that flew into flower shrubs at the corner of the yard and said meaningfully, "With the existence of the Monarch Bee, all the bees will offer everything they have to the Monarch Bee. They will not betray him even if they die."

Cave Era traced Hermit's gaze and looked at the bee. For some reason, she felt a chill.

There was only one queen bee in a hive. Be it the soldier or worker bees, they only served the queen bee. They were willing to give up everything, even their lives. They didn't have a life of their own at all, as though they were born to serve the queen bee.

However, humans weren't bees. They had their own desires and selfishness, but for there to be people who treated Wei Ge as a monarch bee, just the thought of it made one's heart turn cold. It was difficult to imagine what methods Wei Ge had employed to make his subordinates offer up so much that it seemed against humanity.

"Before Wei Ge, there were many spies for the various families in the bureau, but ever since Wei Ge became director-general, the spies of the various families came under his employ. The entire bureau slowly became Wei Ge's hive." Hermit's words were filled with admiration.

"How did he do it?" Cave Era hadn't paid much attention to the bureau.

From her point of view, the bureau was just a tool. Just like a police hound, they could be replaced.

However, after hearing Hermit's words, Cave Era felt for the first time that Director-General Wei was really a capable fellow.

A fellow who had only contracted a Mythical Guardian was actually able to firmly hold the bureau in his grasp. Even the six families, who had treated the bureau as their eyes and ears, could no longer extend their tentacles into the bureau. This wasn't something an ordinary person could do.

"That's because everyone has a weakness and has something they are afraid of. No one is better at using others' weaknesses than Wei Ge. If there's really a devil in this world, Wei Ge will definitely be the most vicious one."

Hermit continued, "Previously, Lord Immortal gave Wei Ge two choices. One was to contract the Terror-grade Guardian, Ice Demon, while the other was to contract the Mythical Balrog. Although Ice Demon was at the Terror grade, that was the limit to his potential. He couldn't advance any further. As for Balrog, although it was only at the Mythical stage, there was a possibility of advancing further. The Terror grade isn't the end. Although the chances of advancing are very low, Wei Ge still chose to contract Balrog. From this, one can tell how ambitious this person is.

"Unfortunately, he still fell into Lord Immortal's scheme. Balrog does have a possibility of advancing further, but he has a flaw that's not considered a flaw. Ignoring advancing to the Calamity grade, even advancing to the Terror grade is extremely difficult. It's almost impossible for him to advance to the Terror grade on Earth. That's also the reason Wei Ge's Balrog hasn't advanced to the Terror grade yet."

Cave Era nodded. "I know about that. Lord Immortal felt that this person was too vicious and was afraid that he would have ulterior motives, so he used such a blatant scheme. Wei Ge naturally knows that it won't be easy for Balrog to advance to the Calamity grade, but his greed made him make such a choice. It's not anyone's fault."

"Wei Ge hasn't advanced to the Terror grade, but some of his subordinates have already obtained Terror-grade Guardians. There are even some who advanced to the Terror grade through the Mythical Serum. However, the director-general of the bureau is still Wei Ge, not the Terror-grade ones whose strength is above him. What do you think?" Hermit said.

"This person really can't be underestimated." Cave Era agreed with Hermit.

"To lure a Calamity-grade creature to appear and destroy Luoyang, I need the help of a Terror-grade from the bureau. And that person only obeys Wei Ge's orders, so I need Wei Ge. Of course, he doesn't only have one subordinate. And we also need some cannon fodder. If we use them as cannon fodder, there's no need to use our own people. Isn't it better to use the people from the bureau?" Hermit said.

"Would a person like him be willing to do something so damaging to himself?" Cave Era frowned.

"A person like him would sacrifice everything for himself. If I tell him that I can help him advance Balrog to the Terror grade, he would probably even sell his father to me, much less his subordinates," Hermit said with a smile.

"If I remember correctly, Wei Ge also came from Sunset College. Aren't you afraid that there's something wrong with him?" Cave Era asked.

"Over the past few years, this Director-General Wei's hands have been stained with the blood of the Sunset Army. He was the one who personally wiped out the An family's intelligence network in Holy City. The An family hates him to the core. Of course, it's not just the An family. In fact, other than our League of Guardians, the six families and many wealthy families wish to rip him to pieces. He has no way out and can only be our dog," Hermit said.

"In that case, call him over." Cave Era nodded slightly. In fact, although she wasn't in charge of such matters, she had heard of Director Wei's style of doing things. She didn't find it problematic.

"He won't work for us so easily. I still have to make a trip personally and let him see hope." As Hermit spoke, he stood up and extended his hand to suck the bee into his palm. He crushed it to dust and scattered it in the wind.

Zhou Wen rushed to the dungeon with Sweetie. However, there were too many dungeons, and not all the entrances were in one place. After some thought, he decided to visit Luoyi City.

It was the dimensional zone that was closest to the Mythical era period-wise. If there was no problem there, he could head to the nearest Yang City.

As for the Capital of the Gods, there didn't seem to be any existences that could become Calamity-grade existences in that era. As for the First Empress, she probably hadn't reached that level.

Luoyi City was ancient and eerie, like the Shinra Temple in hell. Zhou Wen had never been here before. He had only heard from An Sheng that many humans who had come here to explore had failed to return alive.

Those who fortunately escaped only saw the periphery of the city. They said that there was a terrifying, invisible force in the city that killed many of their companions.

Now that he thought about it, it was definitely an existence above the Terror grade, but he didn't know what level it was.

However, with Sweetie by his side, Zhou Wen wasn't afraid of a Calamity-grade creature. Otherwise, he wouldn't have rashly come here.

When he was outside the city gates, Zhou Wen first searched to see if there was a tiny palm symbol that allowed him to download the dungeon. However, after circling the area, he didn't find one.

"What are you looking for?" Sweetie asked in puzzlement when she saw Zhou Wen wandering around the city gates without entering.

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