Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1361 - Lady In The City

"To see if there are any baddies," Zhou Wen said.

"Aren't you a baddie?" Sweetie looked at Zhou Wen and asked in puzzlement.

"To see if there's anyone worse than me," Zhou Wen explained casually before walking towards the gates of Luoyi City.

"Probably not," Sweetie muttered.

Zhou Wen didn't say a word. When he looked up at the city gates, he suddenly saw a woman standing on them. The woman was staring at him expressionlessly. She looked extremely beautiful, but her coldness was terrifying.

Zhou Wen was alarmed. He had just looked at the city gates moments ago and hadn't discovered anyone. Now that a woman had suddenly appeared, he couldn't help but focus his gaze on her.

However, he realized that the woman standing on the city gate had vanished. Zhou Wen thought he was seeing things.

He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. There was indeed nothing on the city gates.

"Did you see a person?" Zhou Wen asked Sweetie.

"I didn't see a person," Sweetie answered.

Could it be that I was seeing things? Just as Zhou Wen was feeling puzzled, he heard Sweetie continue, "I only saw a beautiful dimensional creature."

The corners of Zhou Wen's eyes twitched as he held back the urge to lash out at her. "That dimensional creature looks like a woman and is wearing strange clothes…"

After Sweetie listened attentively, she nodded and said, "It's her. You saw her too. Why are you asking me?"

"Did you see where she went?" Zhou Wen hurriedly asked.

"She went down the city gate from that spot," Sweetie answered.

That woman's speed is so fast that I can't see her trajectory. Could she be a Calamity? Zhou Wen thought.

Thankfully, Sweetie could see her. This meant that the other party's ability didn't exceed Sweetie's. This relieved Zhou Wen.

Could the Calamity that's about to appear be that woman? Zhou Wen thought as he pushed open the gates and walked into Luoyi City.

The scene in the city left him alarmed. There was a straight main street leading from the city gate, but there were no living creatures on the street.

The only things he could see were many soldier corpses and destroyed buildings. The already ghastly Luoyi City looked more like a Shinra Ghost Domain.

The soldiers had died in very different ways. Some had sabers plunged into them, sticking them to the walls, some had their heads chopped off, and some had been crushed to death by wheels. The entire city was filled with dead soldiers.

Although he hadn't experienced the battle, he could imagine how tragic the battle had been just from the scene of the aftermath.

Not far from Zhou Wen were two standing ancient soldiers. One of them had stabbed the other through the throat, while the other soldier's sword had penetrated his heart. The two of them provided each one support as they stood there, dead.

Zhou Wen scanned his surroundings the entire time, but he didn't find any traces of the woman. All he could do was ask Sweetie again.

"Over there." Sweetie pointed deep into the ancient city where he could vaguely see the palace-like buildings.

Zhou Wen blinked and in a few flashes, he was close. He saw a long stone staircase that led to the entrance of the palace-like hall.

Only then did Zhou Wen see a woman advancing on the stone steps. As he could only see her back and robe, Zhou Wen wasn't sure if this woman was the woman he had seen on the city gate tower.

However, the situation in Luoyi City was different from the information An Sheng had obtained. Zhou Wen was already beginning to suspect that the Calamity-grade dimensional creature that was about to appear was in Luoyi City. Furthermore, it was very likely the woman in front of him.

The woman on the steps walked very slowly. Her long robe was dragged over the steps. Her back was beautiful.

Thinking of her face, Zhou Wen couldn't help but feel a little regretful. Although she's very beautiful, she's just too cold. It makes it difficult for people to get close to her.

The woman didn't seem to know of Zhou Wen's arrival as she slowly walked towards the palace. The flight of stairs was long. She walked up step by step like an ordinary person. It would probably take her quite some time to reach the palace.

"Aren't you curious what she's doing?" Zhou Wen turned around and asked Sweetie, hoping that she could go over and see what was going on.

"Isn't she just heading back to her room to get some rest? What's there to be curious about?" Sweetie asked in puzzlement.

Zhou Wen was rendered speechless. All he could do was stand at the bottom of the steps and watch the woman slowly walk up. He didn't dare rashly head up.

After walking for a while, the woman finally reached the top of the stairs and arrived in front of the palace.

She stood at the top of the steps and slowly turned around. Zhou Wen immediately felt his eyes light up. It was an extremely beautiful face. Indeed, it was the person he had seen on the city gate tower.

Apart from her cold expression, she was indeed a peerless beauty.

The moment she stood on the steps, shouts suddenly shook the firmaments from the originally silent Luoyi City.

The soldier corpses everywhere in the city seemed to revive as they stood up. They held their weapons and looked at Zhou Wen with dull eyes.

"Charge!" Zhou Wen felt that something was amiss. Before he could think carefully, he heard shouts and killing intent.

Then, he saw the ancient soldiers rush towards him from all directions.

Seeing the ancient soldiers reaching him, Zhou Wen waved his hand and immediately reduced the group of ancient soldiers to dust.

These ancient soldiers' levels weren't high. Most of them were at the Legendary stage. Occasionally, some generals would be at the Epic stage. Such a level was nothing in front of Zhou Wen. He could kill a row of them with a finger.

However, the ancient soldiers charged forward fearlessly. No matter how many Zhou Wen killed, there were more ancient soldiers that replaced their fallen ranks.

As he had killed so many ancient soldiers, a large number of dimensional crystals and Companion Eggs dropped to the ground. However, their levels were too low for Zhou Wen to bother picking them up.

Why are the levels of the ancient soldiers here so low? If this is really the birthplace of Calamity-grade creatures, shouldn't there be many Mythical and even Terror-grade creatures appearing? These are all at the Legendary and Epic stage, other than their huge numbers. It doesn't look like the scene predating a Calamity-grade creature's appearance. Zhou Wen was puzzled.

"You're indeed a big baddie. Why did you kill them for no reason?" Sweetie suddenly said unhappily.

"If they want to kill me, why can't I kill them?" Zhou Wen asked.

"But they don't want to kill you," Sweetie said with a frown.

Zhou Wen was slightly taken aback as he suddenly recalled the feeling that something was amiss. He stopped attacking.

The moment Zhou Wen stopped, the soldiers immediately charged forward like a tidal wave. They quickly rushed in front of him, but they didn't attack him. They ignored him and charged past him like rapids.

Zhou Wen immediately realized that their target wasn't him, but the peerless beauty standing at the top of the stone steps.

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