Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1362 - Mud City

The horde of ancient soldiers resembling ants rushed up the steps, towards the beauty standing at the end of the stairs. It was as if the beauty had an endless grudge with them.

Zhou Wen was dumbfounded. It wasn't like he had never seen dimensional creatures fight dimensional creatures before, but to ignore humans who had killed many of their kind and risk their lives to kill another dimensional creature was a first for Zhou Wen.

As there were too many soldiers charging at him, Zhou Wen had no choice but to fly into the air and watch them swarm forward.

The few generals who were leading the charge were about to reach the top of the steps. They looked eager to leap up and stab the beautiful woman with all sorts of weapons.

The beautiful woman didn't dodge despite facing the legion. She only looked at the soldiers indifferently as though all of this had nothing to do with her.

Just as the swords, sabers, spears, and halberds were about to stab the beauty, the door to the palace behind her suddenly opened. A bright divine light shot out from inside. The ancient soldiers immediately disintegrated when they came into contact with the divine light.

The beauty remained motionless. Her back was facing the divine light, like a fairy bathed in the morning light.

The ant-like ancient soldiers were akin to ghosts encountering light as they screamed and turned to dust. Instantly, gray smoke rose everywhere in Luoyi City. The scene was eerie, bizarre, and spectacular.

Zhou Wen gathered his strength to resist the dazzling divine light, but he realized that the divine light didn't affect him at all.

Sweetie stood there without any intention of resisting the divine light. Similarly, she was fine.

The woman bathed in divine light glanced at Zhou Wen and Sweetie before turning to walk into the palace.

"Are you about to be unleashed onto the world?" Zhou Wen pondered for a moment and asked.

With Sweetie by his side, if he didn't ask her now, it would be useless asking her alone in the future.

The woman stopped, but she didn't turn around. She only stood in the brilliant divine light and said, "If I were to be unleashed, it wouldn't just be such a scene."

With that said, the woman walked through the door. The door creaked and automatically closed, cutting off the world inside the palace from the outside.

Without the light, Luoyi City immediately became eerie and terrifying. The ancient soldiers in the distance, that weren't illuminated by the divine light, seemed to finally regain their rationality. After discovering Zhou Wen, they roared and charged forward.

The ordinary ancient soldiers were at most at the Mythical stage, so Zhou Wen didn't take them to heart. With a casual wave of his hand, he reduced the approaching ancient soldiers to dust. Many dimensional crystals dropped.

What does that woman mean? If she were to be unleashed, it wouldn't be such a scene? From what she's saying, it doesn't seem like she's going to be released. However, there's something very problematic with what she's saying. Does she mean that if she were to appear, the disaster would be even more terrifying? Zhou Wen couldn't help but worry.

The birth of a Calamity had already plunged Luoyang into a deep abyss. If another one were to appear, Zhou Wen felt that his days would really be numbered.

There's not much to say about Luoyang. There are too many legends and too many dangers, Zhou Wen thought to himself as he glanced at Sweetie. Seeing that she was indifferent, there was nothing he could do.

He wanted Sweetie to help him kill the woman and even rush into the palace to purge all the dimensional creatures inside so as to eliminate this future threat.

However, Sweetie wasn't at his beck and call. She even had a grudge with him. Zhou Wen could only sigh helplessly.

"From the looks of it, the dimensional zone where the Calamity creature will be unleashed isn't this," Sweetie said.

Zhou Wen's eyes lit up when he heard Sweetie. "If we find the released Calamity creature, will you help me eliminate it?"

"Of course not," Sweetie immediately answered with certainty and without any hesitation.

"You are so kind. Can you bear to see the Calamity creature appear and cause suffering and misery?" Zhou Wen asked.

"This is a natural law. Don't you humans brutally kill many dimensional creatures? You even have to eat large numbers of creature corpses every day. According to your logic, I should kill all of you humans first to prevent any suffering and misery," Sweetie said seriously.

Zhou Wen was momentarily rendered speechless. After some thought, he realized that she wasn't wrong.

If humans could hunt other creatures, why couldn't dimensional creatures hunt humans?

After taking a deep look at the tightly shut door of the palace, Zhou Wen turned around and walked out of Luoyi City. He knew very well what was happening.

If he wanted to stay in Luoyang in the future, he would probably have to face the horror and the woman in Luoyi City sooner or later.

After leaving Luoyi City, Zhou Wen went to Yang City that was relatively close.

Yang City was at the bottom of the dungeon. None of the known dungeons were deeper than Yang City.

Legend had it that Yang City had once been the capital of Yu the Great. Instead of saying that Yu the Great was human, it was more accurate to say that it was a myth or legend.

The legend of Yu the Great's control of waters was known by everyone in the East District. Zhou Wen had naturally heard the stories from his grandfather when he was young.

Zhou Wen even guessed that Yu the Great's control of waters was likely related to the prehistoric flood.

According to the information Zhou Wen now had, the continent was a whole back then. In order to find Earth's strongest Companion Beast, a dimensional ship had torn through the air and plunged through the continent to enter the depths of Earth.

As for the continent, it had been torn apart due to the heavy damage, forming the four major districts.

The four districts all had legends of a prehistoric flood. Zhou Wen felt that it wasn't a coincidence.

Sometimes, Zhou Wen wondered if the flood regarding Yu the Great was really related to that flood. If it were true, things wouldn't be as simple as he imagined.

The battles of Zhuolu and the Investiture of the Gods were indeed the most famous legendary battles in the East District.

However, if one thought about it carefully, it seemed to be a very well-concealed legendary war. For some reason, the details hadn't been passed down.

During Yu the Great's control of the water, he led the human clans, splitting mountains and rivers along the way, slaying countless terrifying creatures. If the legend was true, where did those terrifying creatures come from? Why did Yu the Great have the ability to kill them?

In the myths that Zhou Wen knew, the Sea-stabilizing Holy Cudgel used by the Monkey King was a tool that Yu the Great had used to measure the water's depth.

The legendary Sea-stabilizing Holy Cudgel weighed 13,500 jin. It was impossible for an ordinary person to lift it, much less use it to measure the depth of the water.

It was an unsettling thought. Zhou Wen felt even more reverent towards the Yang City dimensional zone. If Sweetie hadn't been with him, he wouldn't have dared enter regardless.

He arrived at the deepest dungeon in Yang City. It was somewhat different from what Zhou Wen had imagined.. This city wasn't built with bricks or rock, but a mud city.

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