Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1363 - Unable To Snap Photos

The city walls of Yang City were basically made of clay bricks, but they looked extremely hard. The red-yellow clay bricks seemed rather hard. Although they had been through the ravages of time, they only appeared mottled. The entire structure looked extremely strong, giving it a simple and grand aura.

"There's something iffy about this place," Sweetie suddenly said before Zhou Wen could approach the Yang City gates.

Zhou Wen was slightly taken aback as he turned to look at Sweetie. He saw her staring at the Yang City door with a look of disgust.

"How so? Is there danger inside?" Zhou Wen was secretly alarmed. Sweetie was God. If even God felt that it was dangerous, then Yang City was probably even more terrifying than he imagined.

"No, I just sense an irritating aura," Sweetie said after some thought.

"An irritating aura? What do you mean?" As Zhou Wen spoke, he carefully sized up Yang City.

The architectural style of Yang City could be considered crude and spartan from a modern perspective.

A large number of buildings were made of clay. From the outside, one could vaguely see the roofs of some wooden buildings, but they didn't look exquisite. Most of them were ancient and simple.

Truth Listener's ability couldn't extend into Yang City. All it could do was observe its external appearance.

There was redness in the clay bricks and a faint fragrance. Zhou Wen sniffed carefully and confirmed that the very faint fragrance was coming from the clay bricks and not the wood.

"Are you talking about the smell in the mud city walls?" Zhou Wen asked Sweetie.

He also felt a little uneasy, but if the Calamity creature was really born in Yang City, he could only enter to take a look.

Of course, that was under the premise that Sweetie was willing to enter. If she wasn't willing to enter, Zhou Wen planned on returning.

In a land that even God wasn't willing to step into, Zhou Wen wasn't so fearless as to sacrifice himself.

"No, there's something in the city that I hate," said Sweetie.

"What is it? A creature or something?" Zhou Wen continued asking.

"I don't know. Anyway, I don't like it." Sweetie looked at Yang City in disgust. She didn't seem to want to look at it a second time.

Sweetie only said that she didn't like it, making Zhou Wen feel a little more at ease. Although Sweetie didn't like looking at Yang City, he carefully sized it up again and again.

Suddenly, Zhou Wen's eyes lit up. In front of the mud city gate was an erected log. He originally imagined that it was a flag pole.

On closer inspection, he realized that there was a tiny palm symbol engraved on the log.

I've finally found it! Zhou Wen didn't wish to enter Yang City to begin with. Now that he had found the tiny palm symbol, there was no need for him to take the risk. He could download Yang City and slowly grind when he returned.

"Stand over there," Zhou Wen said as he pointed at the log.

"What for?" Sweetie looked over. There was only a log, nothing else.

"I'll take a picture for you as a commemoration." Zhou Wen picked up his ordinary phone and took a picture of Sweetie.

"What's taking pictures?" Sweetie asked in puzzlement.

"It's leaving your appearance on the phone'¦" Before Zhou Wen could finish his sentence, he realized that he couldn't continue because he couldn't snap a picture of Sweetie on his phone.

"You used your Terror form?" Zhou Wen asked Sweetie.

"No." Sweetie shook her head.

"That's strange. Why can't I take a picture of you?" Zhou Wen attempted to take another picture, but the outcome was the same. It was as though Sweetie didn't exist. Apart from Sweetie, there was everything else in the picture.

"Why do you take photos?" Sweetie looked at the photo taken on Zhou Wen's phone and roughly understood what a photo was.

"There are many reasons. Most of them are for the sake of retaining beautiful scenes. For example, when one encounters a beautiful scene, he wants to take a picture to let himself see it in the future. Or perhaps it's something that's very meaningful. For example, when a child is young, his parents would take pictures of him. When he grows up, he can still see his childhood. Or perhaps it's a couple taking pictures of each other. When they have no choice but to separate, they can take a look at each other's pictures when they miss each other'¦" Zhou Wen explained.

"I see. Then take another picture for me." Sweetie's interest seemed piqued.

Zhou Wen took a few more photos of Sweetie, but the outcome was the same. No matter how many photos he took, Sweetie couldn't be captured.

Zhou Wen took the opportunity to snap a picture of the tiny palm symbol with his mysterious phone before putting it away to slowly download the dungeon.

Sweetie seemed to be trying as well. She tried to let herself be captured, but it was completely impossible. Even if she restrained her strength, she still couldn't be captured.

"I remember now. Ghosts can't be captured by cameras." Sweetie wanted to continue trying, but Zhou Wen was tired of taking pictures. He hadn't wanted to take pictures of Sweetie to begin with. He was just afraid that Sweetie would be interested in his snapping of the tiny palm symbol. He just wanted to mislead her.

"No, I have to take a picture." Sweetie was pumped. She wanted Zhou Wen to give her the phone so that she could take a picture herself.

Zhou Wen thought to himself, Thankfully, I was afraid that my phone would be damaged so I stocked up quite a number of phones in the chaos space.

He handed a phone to Sweetie. While watching Zhou Wen operate it, she had already learned how to take pictures. She let the phone hang in the air as she took pictures of herself.

"There's no need to go through so much trouble. There's a front-facing camera installed in your phone. You just need to switch to the selfie mode." Zhou Wen walked over and taught Sweetie how to take selfies on her phone.

Sweetie naturally learned it quickly, but the photos she took didn't show her body.

Zhou Wen waited for a while. Seeing that the dungeon hadn't been downloaded, he planned on returning. He still had some places he hadn't been to.

Before he could persuade Sweetie, he saw a figure rushing over.

"Thank heavens I've finally found you, Young Master Wen. Adjutant An told me to find you and tell you to return immediately." The person was an officer traveling at extremely fast speeds. Beneath the military cap was a pair of wolf ears. He had probably advanced to the Mythical stage using a wolf-type Mythical Serum.

"Something happened in Luoyang?" Zhou Wen was alarmed.

"No, Adjutant An told me to tell you not to worry. It's fine at home, but you have to return immediately. He has something important to discuss with you," the officer said as he panted.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Wen turned around and left. An Sheng knew the reason for him being here, but he was in such a rush to send someone to him. Clearly, it was an emergency.

When Zhou Wen got back, Hermit, Cave Era, and company were already in the dimensional zone in the Capital of the Gods. Furthermore, they had ventured rather deep.

"Director-General Wei, it's up to your bureau next," Hermit said to Wei Ge, who was standing beside him in front of a strange building that was as huge as a tower.

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