Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 112: An all-out war begins, Luo Ming invites three people to fight!

Chapter 112 An all-out war begins, Luo Ming invites three people to fight!


 The moment the sharp claws and black knives collided with each other, the others followed suit.

 “Xia Qingcheng! Let me play with you!”


 A snow-white demon fox rushed toward Xia Qingcheng from another arena.

 “Hey! Qingcheng!”

 She immediately transformed into the form of an ice phoenix.

But she saw Luo Ming waving to her from the side of the arena.

 “Go and use it boldly! That is your power too!”

Xia Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded.


The fire phoenix is ​​also part of her power. She cannot always be immersed in the fear of the fire phoenix and cannot extricate herself. The only way to deal with it is to get rid of the fear and control this power.

 A calm word came into her ears again.

"This is...the full power of the Fire Phoenix!"


 At the moment when Chu Qingning’s claws were about to touch Xia Qingcheng.

 You can trust him completely!

“Xia Qingcheng, you have been standing still for too long. It’s time to move forward.”


 A gust of wind covered his body, and a three-meter-tall kangaroo appeared on the ring.

 As the battle started, everyone found their opponents one after another.

At present, the only ones who have not yet taken action are Luo Ming, the black man Joseph, Goguryeo's Cheng Liulie, and the ancient Roman Adu.


 The **** of war.

“I’ve wanted to try it with you for a long time, Luo Ming, the dual SSS-level awakener, I am Cheng Liulie from Goguryeo!”

 This monster has never appeared in the ruins, and there is no corresponding record in the monster catalog.

"Only you?"

 They all have absolute confidence in themselves.

She chuckled, and immediately, a wisp of fire revived in her eyes.

 Anna from the Empire where the sun never sets approached Tang Momo.

 “Fire Phoenix! Super Martial Arts!”

 To accept, to use, to surrender, this is her usual style!

He raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on the black man who looked like a security guard in a black suit and another A'du who was wearing ancient monk robes.


 She pulled out a slender sword, the Phoenix Feather Sword, from her waist.

 So, Cheng Liulie gave it a name himself.

Luo Ming curled his lips and smiled.

Xia Qingcheng looked at her body in surprise. The fire phoenix turned into armor and became one with her!

“Chu Qingning, come on! There will eventually be a battle between us!”

 As the flames dissipated, a red figure appeared in mid-air.

 That’s right, as long as he is around, you will not be in danger!

She carries a pair of burning wings, and her slender body is wrapped in red armor.

 So...Luo Ming's invitation to fight was humiliating to both of them.

 No longer fear, but face it bravely.

  "Luo Ming! You are too arrogant! You must deal with me first!"

He is wearing a red turban, his hands are wrapped in white bandages, his body is covered with graceful muscles and his eyes are bright.

Luo Ming's words instantly awakened her.

  Step on them to reach the top.

 “Don’t worry, there will be no danger as long as I am here.”

Golden flame patterns are outlined on the eyebrows, and the phoenix eyes are sharp, which seem to contain an endless sea of ​​fire.

Xia Qingcheng's last restless mood was instantly soothed.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment.

They are all top talents in their respective countries. Come to Yanxia, ​​compete with Yanxiacai and defeat them!

“I agreed in advance that I want it first, so... I don’t want to waste time. If the three of you are not convinced, how about... coming together?”

 The sound of the phoenix's cry echoed through the void.


 A scorching fire tornado rose up from the air, completely covering her body.

Although it is only an S-level monster, with Cheng Liulie's superb boxing skills, he has defeated SS-level strong men with it.

 Cheng Liulie also felt that he had been slighted and couldn't help but become angry.


 He stamped one foot, and a large piece of the metal thunder was instantly dented.

 Soon, it rushed towards Luo Ming like a bolt of thunder.

"Punch me!" Although it is the simplest straight punch, for Cheng Liulie, he gathered all his strength at one point and exploded. This punch can even penetrate a hill.

 As a master of Taekwondo, he does not need any fancy skills, he only needs a strong body.

 “Taekwondo master? Are you strong in melee combat?”

Luo Ming's eyes flashed with interest.

 “Then…how does it compare to my undead dragon body and dragon tactics!”


 Golden light pillars soared into the sky, and red cloaks flew in the sky.

The shadow of the true dragon appeared on the spot. He was like an emperor, standing tall, looking down on all opponents who wanted to challenge him.

"Oh! This is Luo Ming's second monster. What's the name of this monster?"

Xiao Ping'an saw this scene on the stage and asked curiously.

 “This monster is called the True Dragon…”

 Ma Youde said from the side.

 “An SSS-level monster I’ve never seen before.”

Xiao Ping'an looked a little surprised.

“Whether it is the previous Taotie or the current True Dragon, they are all monsters that are not recorded in the monster catalogue, but without exception, they are all very strong and very versatile..."

 Ma Youde explained again.

“Principal, just watch.”


The moment the real dragon appeared, a supreme dragon power spread from Luo Ming's body in all directions.

 Other students who were fighting were involuntarily affected by this dragon's power.

"What! This power... Why does it make me feel palpitating!"

Li Tian punched Zhao Jiran back with one punch and looked back in Luo Ming's direction.

At that moment, he seemed to see a pair of golden eyes looking at him behind Luo Ming.

"what is that…"

 His heart trembled uncontrollably.

  Even if I feel endless shame and anger.

 "I, Li Tian... am actually afraid! I, Li Tian, ​​am actually afraid of Luo Ming!"

 "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I am the son of the Overlord! I am invincible!"



In order to suppress the fear in his heart, he attacked Zhao Jianran like crazy, but little did he know that this behavior was just a way for him to cover up the fear in his heart.

  Luo Ming's existence has already shaken him!

"How is it possible! What kind of monster is this! My fist... is shaking... No! It's my body that's shaking too!"

The moment he punched Luo Ming, Cheng Liulie's eyes widened when he felt the pressure of the real dragon.

The originally tense muscles began to weaken involuntarily when facing the real dragon.

Is this a warning from his body, telling him not to punch an opponent he cannot defeat?

 "There is no opponent that I cannot defeat! Impossible! I am the God of War! There is no opponent that I cannot defeat!"


 He gritted his teeth and punched Luo Ming.


A puff of smoke billowed up.

 “Did it hit?”

 He really felt like he had punched something.

However, when the smoke dispersed, he opened his eyes and saw that his full blow was caught by the other party with one palm.

 “Hey, who gave you the courage to attack me!”

Luo Ming's deep voice sounded.


Cheng Liulie yelled in fear and quickly pulled his hands away.

 “Beat you! I’m going to defeat you! Ahhhhh!”

 Boom, boom, boom!

 He punched wildly, and even afterimages appeared, and countless punches were blasted towards Luo Ming.

 “Crush you! Defeat you! Defeat you! I am invincible!”


 “Hey, have you beaten enough?”

Luo Ming suddenly reached out and pinched his Tianling Gai.

 “With this soft fist, are you trying to scrape me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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